>fought the federal government
>wanted to live in a homogeneous society
>advocate ethnostates
>promoted conservation of culture
>rejected consumerism and disposable culture
>rejected globalization
>fought against the poison (((merchants))) were feeding their children
>appreciation of land and nature
I don't have any "white guilt" but I do have pity for the Indian. They're a pale comparison of their former selves, and their culture has been commodified to sate the masses. They've been so successfully broken that they're completely dependent on the government for survival, and they vote for (((them))) just to get handouts on shitty rezs. I feel like they'd be a strong ally if only they had an ounce of self-determinism. It's no wonder most of the prominent ones lean left, its about the only way they can get out of the pit they've been tossed in. What can we do to redpill more Injuns?
Pity for the Indian
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I guess this isn't as thrilling as yelling at each other about wu flu, it's a pity what this board has turned into over the last few months.
Getting them off booze and drugs would honestly do wonders for the Native American community.
t. guy who used to live on a rez
Lakota checking in. i only drink on the weekend lol
they be a strong ally if we weren't paying for our own replacement rather than protecting what they couldn't. another hundred years and they'll be all but forgotten.
Thanks for the bumps. Helping combat substance abuse definitely seems like a good place to start. My problem is that I feel like everybody says "well let's clean up the rez" but it stops there. I know tribal authority and stuff probably plays a role in this, but how should people actually go about effecting this change?
This. I also don’t have white guilt but I really do think we’d be a lot happier living like them than we are now. They’re all so kino too. Eskimos, Iroquois, Summer Moon, Aztec, Incan.. I really wish I was born a millennium earlier
>I really wish I was born a millennium earlier
Would you really give up your shitposting privileges for some silly costumes you can make yourself anyway?
>I really do think we’d be a lot happier living like them than we are now.
Doubt, they were a race of savages that killed each other for nothing for thousands of years. A culture of war and degeneracy.
But what are we now?
lad, they're a lost cause, just finish the job and be done with it. look how fucked Canada is with its natives. They're literally the niggers of Canada. you have enough problems with blacks and spics, no need to create another group to rival them
I'm not really that sure, desu. I'd imagine that improving general standard of living would probably help a bunch, although I'm not sure how you would most effectively go about that.
>A culture of war and degeneracy.
Compared to modern day western civilization?
Natives didn't have constant wars stretching halfway across the world or transsexual/race-mixing shit that is being pushed on us now.
oops, first one was meant for
Well I’m glad we changed out killing warring tribes in exchange for cutting off baby penises, paying taxes to Israel, and allowing six year old boys to take hormones. We’ve really come a long way from savagery
I won't deny that there are a heap of problems plaguing the modern Indian, but I believe their tie to the land is what sets them apart from other groups. People flood in over our southern border seeking nothing more than a handout, they couldn't care less about the land. They tear it up and scatter litter everywhere, looking for more money. That's not to say there aren't any Indians looking for money or handouts, but I think a lot of them would surprise you if they had the chance.
The Yas Forums server is discord gg p7w43h
We will interview Alex Jones this week, get in.
>Be Indian
>Have 60% miscegenation rate
>3 million mixed “Indians”
>3 million “pure” Indians
>1.3 fertility rate and plummeting
Sad honestly
Can anyone explain why their fertility rate is so low? It’s apparently really high in Canada
Standard of living definitely seems like it would help, but again that puts you back at the heart of the issue which is having to play ball with the feds. I honestly don't know much about the internal politics and rules that influence rez life, as I'm sure it varies greatly depending on where you are. Trying to create some wholesale solution would probably end up a disappointment. Does anyone have any recommendations on learning more about the inner workings of life on the rez? I imagine experience is the best teacher, but materials to read would probably be more accessible at the moment.
I like how the Amish live desu
Indians up here are basically niggers.
What about the Mètis?
I heard a lot about them but I've never actually seen one.
The Indians conquered us and were rewarded large swathes of land for their conquest. The idea that Europeans came here and stole their land is nonsense.
We all fucked up, what happened to the five civilised tribes? They should have been given protectorate status or something. Farmers showed up and dustbowl'd themselves. There wasn't much for sedentary agriculture there until many large irrigation projects were carried out. Missed out on free Cossacks desu
They mean feather not dot
I think this would be a good start.
based & redskinpilled
As my grandad says, "Progress they call it, but I don't think I care much for it."
Progressives want the same thing now as they did 100 years ago, shove everybody together and muddy the waters. Bolster the power of the fed and feed off the cattle.
First they came for the Indians and now they come for us.
Much appreciated, thank you.
Honestly, they were right on a lot of things.
Maybe not how to not die, but the rest yes.
F for respects.
He was a cpl, not captain