Paganism is better for Europe and it's people then Christianity with it's Jews and nigger worship
Paganism is better for Europe and it's people then Christianity with it's Jews and nigger worship
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Sorry I don’t worship weak gods
Yeah no shit, all of our problem come from judeochristians existing
Catholicism is BASED
You know perfectly well that this is not true. And not content with it you come here, to the forum, to create tension. Just to gloat at the answers you get, obviously against your position that you know is wrong.
Those gods are the strongest they can't even die
I hate how people can say that licking nigger feet is based
I know that it is true
Christianity will cause the death of our race.
Let's return to our roots anons, savage and unrelenting.
Imagine believing this, lol
Daily reminder that civilization was made by pagans
Got to follow Abrahamic tradition...
Based and chaos pilled
Daily reminder that a small gaulic tribe managed to sack Rome conquering everything in its path
>Weak gods
Ah yes the weak gods of the Pantheon, it's not like some Roman Generals would literally kill themselves in the middle of the battle as an offering to Mars so that their legions will not break until death.
Did that ever happen? If so then based
Jews only exist in judaised nations, they thrive in places with Islam christianity or zoroastrism, but they can’t even get foothold in pagan countries
There were Jews in the zoroastrian Middle East and persia, but no jews (not ONE)in pagan Europe or japan or India
I am ready. I've always praised gods of the old. Valhalla awaits.
The pedofile elite all seem to worship pagan gods, while shitting on Christianity. OP youre a pawn of theirs and you dont even know it. Fuck off. Praise Christ.
You're not wrong.
Maybe the elite are following these texts, which are also Abrahamic. Their version of any faith is corrupted by them.
You don't believe in Odin or the other gods. Quit pretending you do.
Looks super comfy
You stop pretending
>Paganism is better for Europe
meaning hwat?
each ethno-linguistic group had their own religion
are you implying we do like the romans and "liken" all the gods to the greek ones?
they clearly lost to christianity
if they are so strong how come they got all their sacred trees and muchrooms chopped down
catholics don't represent all christians
and if you remember it was the catholics that ultimately brought civilization to the barbarians
it was the catholics who went on crusades
it was the catholics who colonized america
the pagans had orgies in their temples and married little boys
>Roman Generals would literally kill themselves in the middle of the battle as an offering to Mars
from what i hear the romans weren't fond of human sacrifices
No since they did not promote ethnic survival either
How do you know what people in Yas Forums really believe in? I have a hard time in figuring it out since they may or may not pretend in doing so.
The Yas Forums server is discord gg p7w43h
We will interview Alex Jones this week, get in.
Stop appealing to my nun fetish I'm trying to nofp here.
There is no based version of Christianity ever denomination wants the browning of Europe
>he doesn't believe in Mercury
This nigga be like that ant walking across a human foot and thinking nothing of it
Absolutely cringe!
people wonder why whites across this planet don't retaliate for anything anymore. We are the most civilized, but also the most cold blooded and deadly race on this planet. We've enjoyed a 100 years of being on top, but all brown and black hate us for it. When we decide to be not so civilized, the weak will drown in lakes of their own blood.
>Naked Gauls who used to sacrifice humans
>Our roots
>Gauls are extinct
Ah yes, the Gauls are our roots, not the Romans, indeed my Moshe
Small gaulic tribe force of 3 different tribes which had twice their numbers and were experienced barbarians who pillaged on a daily basis, they were told the Romans were simply farmers.
Also, that sacking made Rome what it is today, they became godlike warriors after that.
Remember the Siege of Alessia?
Yes, especially when the general knew it was their last stand and that they were surrounded, they will fight for Mars until they died.
It promotes it more then Christianity
>10000 years
Daily reminder that ancient meds were white, pagan, and had no civ*lization until they had contact with desert shitskins
>It represents the first advanced civilization in Europe
the guys who believed in athena, zeus, nymphs, muses, heroes etc. were literal tribals who raided that shit and destroyed it to create the so called greek """""dark""""(more like based) ages.
>Almost no substantial examples survive from before about 100 BC, and most of the major survivals are from the later empire, after about 100 AD
>from what i hear the romans weren't fond of human sacrifices
They weren't, they hated it, Cicero used it as a pretext to invade Gaul.
Human sacrifice is killing someone for a god, killing yourself doesn't have the same meaning and context.
Because OP and pagans in general arrive at their position not out of spiritual experiences but out of a commitment to a political or social goal which they think will be better served if the belief in paganism was more widespread.
So what they are proposing in effect is mass delusion, is that we all pretend to believe in something none of us really believe in.