Why do elites worship Moloch in particular?

Why do elites worship Moloch in particular?

Why not Osiris, Ra, Ashtar, Al-Uzza, Baal, Marduk, Artemis, Hades, Zeus, Odin, Loki, or any other pagan god? Why Moloch specifically?

Attached: moloch.jpg (1238x650, 81.79K)

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Moloch is a god of wealth. Remember, these are the merchants that were banished from the church by Jesus.

Baal and Marduk are Molech

Moloch was a sun god, not a god of wealth

Which elites are you referencing? Behoemia grove was a larp.

Moloch is Mars, the bull god of harvest. While ba'al may mean lord, It only means lord in context. El is essentially better translated as Allah, but then you'd be conceding that there is only one actual god, and that's fucking stupid. There are a fuck load of gods, and none of them are real. "He is the swan" is referencing mirror neurons and a collective consciousness. Hinduism wins and free masons get it.

They're all demons, servants of Satan. The Enemy uses many names for his infernal servants, hiding behind lies upon lies. There's little appreciatable difference once you get down to the baseline of God vs. Satan.

Moloch however was considered one of the most detestable of Canaanite deities, as he was worshiped by burning children alive (along with Baal and Asherah). Given the propensity of the Synagogue of Satan to prey upon children, it makes sense.

The elites worship the population gods publicly, and themselves privately.

Because it's easy to have ultimate power over children

Only faggots refuse to eat a balut. Pascal lamb is a baby. Christ is the son, who is the blood of the innocent. God is a cannibal.

Pretty sure Sg1 killed most of those gods

Neither. The word comes from two Hebrew words, consonants from "king" or "prince" (MLK), with vowels from Bosheth (shame).

To pass children through the fire could refer to the initiation into the service of another (fake) god. In the Hebrew world view only YHWH exists, there is no devil, there are no other gods. Any human made god is a false, shameful construction.

>the merchants that were banished from the church by Jesus.

Attached: Jesus jews 2.jpg (469x600, 244.69K)

While I don't entirely disagree, I want to put out there: just as God's true name is not God, more of a title, same thing goes for baal. It was a title.

This could well include the god of the secular world, the Omnipotent godlike Self

Ashan means smoke, ashera is els wife and is repeatedly depicted holding braided ropes of hemp. The annointed one is blessed by the holy mother, and ashera poles have been replaced with stripper poles. Ashan is 420 in hebrew gematria. Molech is saturn, who's symbol is the hexagram - the six pointed star. 666 and 420 average to 543, which is I AM THAT I AM

Retards, they worship Moloch because it works. And why does it work? Because when you sacrifice to Moloch you actually sacrifice to Inanna

Aren't the vowels from Ashera also derived from Bosheth? I believe combining the word shame with the names of other gods was common practice.

In saying that in this feminine western world it appears we are in the worship of the shameful queen of heaven. Note how the modern woman can never truly be appeased and uses shame as her weapon

if thats what you think you are intellectually deficient

I really wish all the elites would get the sodom and gomorrah treatment

They don't. I don't know what those at the very top worship, but you actually find that the majority of them worship Ishtar/Inanna and other Venus and Moon-related gods. It's very weirdly matriarchal, I don't know if that's just a more modern thing to trick elite women into thinking their empowered and to more easily do their bidding, if it's just borne of a desire for inversion, or if there's something deeper to it. I really don't understand it, even Jews are like this to an extent, with their matrilineal definition of ethnic judaism, and their feminine psychology and tactics.

More towards the top of the ruling pyramid though I would argue that Taurus/Bull and Aries/Ram-related gods are prominent, and I believe the changing of the astrological age of Taurus into the age of Aries (Aryan age) was, and still is, a significant event for the ruling bloodlines with possibly warring factions that were/are for and against it.

See: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrological_age#The_Age_of_Taurus_(The_Taurean_Age)

>because it works
Hard to argue against. Hard pill to swallow too, knowing they get results while others are left to question their faith and what have you.

Fuck islam, god doesn't have a face and ba'al means sack as much as it means satan. Lick my ba'al sack, satan.

The only solace we have is that they might spend eternity tortured in hell

I thought Mammon was the wealth God.

Baal Moloch is the king diety of the Semetic pantheon. Essentially, their Zues.

>HOW DO I OPEN PDF; the post.
settle down boomer.

He's gone into a game loop. He won't respond until presented with a recognizable line of dialogue.

wait, how do the child sacrifices to Moloch affect Inanna ?

Also, glad to see someone did their research Inanna/Ishtar is the goddess of Coomers and wife/consort of Baal Moloch. But I thought all her sacrifices were using hookers at the love temple and castrating boys to become eunuch priests?

Because you are too retarded to understand they have a huge selection of shit to worship in their cult.

I thought it literally says in the Bible that baal is not moloch. Isn't that one of the only times either is mentioned in the scriptures?

Baal is the word for God. Nothing more. Moloch/molech on the other hand is mentioned as the God of the ammonites.

Underrated post

Praise Kali

Moloch was one of the principle dieties of Carthage. Carthage was a Phoenician colony. The Phoenicians are the true Jews from which the Jews we know today branched off of.
Moloch was the god of change, retribution, and ultimate sacrifice for ultimate power. In the waning days of the last Punic War, the nobility of Carthage sacrificed their children en mass on altars of fire (the physical embodiment of change) to help defeat the Romans. It didn't work. The Jews never forgave the Romans, and by extension the West, times offspring, of the destruction if Carthage.
The elites worship Moloch because they are still fighting a 2500 year old war.

Is that like autism?

"Behoemia".. is that some kind of disease

google 'alex jones bohemian grove'

Eh well actually it's Osiris they dig

just look at NASA

I know about Bohemian Grove, duh

Technically yes and no. Grains were directly traded for shekels in those times. Why do you think banks still look like temples. Every colony Phoenicians established a temple/bank would be one of the first institutions. This comes from and even older tradition. Look up origin of the shekel. Banks of Melek were recorded.