White American women on average have 27 sexual partners before marriage

White American women on average have 27 sexual partners before marriage

59% of White marriages in the USA since 1998 have ended in divorce. 74% of these filed by the woman

The top 20% of healthy White women will produce 10 times fewer children than the bottom 20% of unhealthy White women

An estimated 65% of White American women born after 1989 will NOT have any children

White female suicide rates have increased by 300% since 1980

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My current gf had 34 sex partners before me and there is no issue with that, we are togethet for over 4 years now and she didnt cheat on me and everything is fine.
She doesnt want kids tho and she is 28 now but I think she will change her mind soon.

Das rite.

Step a side whitey, y'all time is ova. Da future belong to niggas and dey queens.
Da rest of dem white hoes who got keez gots blacked by BBC.

I actually went on a date with a girl with 6 kids from different fathers (didn't say that on her profile), she even told me she was repeatedly raped my her dad on her first date and how she was abandoned at like 12... she was surprisingly pretty. It was so fascinating that she was such a trainwreck that In actually went out on a few dates with her (unsurprisingly we fucked at the end of each date). She had the word "hotness" tattooed on her face. One of her pussy lips was burned by a hot meth pipe. She also dated a literal pimp.

Only stopped responding to her because she treated me like the white knight that was going to save her dumpster fire of a life. She was loose as hell but fucked like she was possessed by a demon.

I wonder if she's even alive and how many kids she has.

How many sexual partners did you have before being with her?

>My current gf had 34 sex partners
In a row?

>My current gf had 34 sex partners before me

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Dresses like a whore. Doesn't want one night stands


There being a lot of dumb people doesn't hurt the insular wealthy, intelligent and powerful.

Brits have ruled as a minority for generations, as have Jews.

Eventually, non-mutted high-IQ white people will become the new jew/brits of the world.

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You are a massive Cück lol.

It's a fag in a dress.

That's why you cracker yanks should start marrying chinks and breeding hapas.

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why don't you just let a Slav bull stretch her asshole nightly if you're not going to have any standards?

No during her job as an escort when she was younger
I was shocked too when I found out but its not a big deal

>dressing like that
>with 4 kids
>and claim you don’t want 1 night stands

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you need to talk to more niggers before you try to sound like one

Dat means y'all niggas like us now cuz y'all got our DNA from yo white hoes who got blacked.

She is a whore
A filthy slut
Congrats u must be proud what a catch!

At the time of this posting I've had 31 sexual partners. I don't intend on slowing down until at the very least I graduate. All but maybe 2 pass as white

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None of these are accurate.
The median age for loss of virginity for a white non Hispanic female is 18.5
There is 3 new marriages for every divorce
The birth rate for the top 20% of white women, which I assume you mean education and income is 1.3, for the bottom 20% it’s 1.5.
84% of white women will have at least 1 child
The bottom one is not true

in a night, bet her pussy was clapping while the germ was drinking arab refugee semen out of it.

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What’s wrong with women having lots of sex? Slit shaming incel, get help.

Imagine marrying an ex-prostitute. Like, not only do they have they fucked around, but they were so stupid they had to become a prostitute in the first place. A component person can find a normal job and survive.
Even if you get to have kids, they'll likely be degenerate retards like their mother. Dumb kids are the bane of all fathers and are why you should never have kids with someone dumber than you.
Imagine telling your kids to respect their literal whore-mother.

>not looking for a night stand
night stands BTFO

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Again, sources?

>its not a big deal

Looks like you're in for some AIDS. It's (yes it, not she) is a filthy harlot used goods slut and you're a cuck, be ashamed of yourself.

I know this is a slide thread but this is a serious issue. Loose morals are promoted to expand the states power. Women empowerment is a direct path to socialism. I don’t say this an angry incel or to be edgy but look at the outcomes. Promiscuous women have children out of wedlock (if they don’t abort) and these children become essentially wards of the state. Welfare and WIC support the mother and children in lieu of a man. As the kids become older they become dependent on more and more government services: Medicare/Medicaid, public schooling, and likely, due to the lack of male influence, some sort of correctional facility eventually.

>No during her job as an escort when she was younger

It just keeps getting worse and worse. Is she Russian? This would be the final nail on the coffin.

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I've had sex with 32 women and they've all been white. One girl was a quarter korean, so many not all.

>The median age for loss of virginity for a white non Hispanic female is 18.5

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I've just given up on trying to date or marry. Don't even pursue females for sex.

Kek. Who says Germans can't into humor?

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she only had sex with a condom
>Congrats u must be proud what a catch!
best I could do desu but she is hot, is nice and the sex is good so I cant really complain.
no that was before I met her when I first met her I didnt know about her previous job
>A component person can find a normal job and survive
she has a normal job now, even earns more than I do
and no she isnt dumb at all
shes clean
polish but was born and grew up here in germany

Der cuck

It is interesting to see both how the sexual revolution has created such inequality in sex. Some people get laid infinitely while some get only a handful of partners, or even fewer.
Personally I'm at 8 partners, but only a quarter were white. That's mostly my own choice, though I certainly would have far fewer if I had only tried for white girls.
How you even keep track at 31 is crazy. I can barely remember if it's 7 or 8 half the time.
If you're a sophomore or junior in college, I actually recommend spending some time to try to find a girl you wouldn't mind marrying and give serious dating a shot. Even if it doesn't work out and wastes your time, you might want experience seriously dating for later in life when you want to settle down. If it does work out, you get a soulmate while you're still young which is one of the best treasures to have in life (though I admit it's unlikely to work out).

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honest question? does not bother you at all? ive only had 1 formal girlfriend and i told her that the only way for me to take her as a girlfriend was if she was a virgin (which she was) every non virgin Ive associated with has no value to me aside from sex and my own gain, as soon as they annoy me i get the fuck out and i feel like i lost the ability to bond with women

it's okay, technology will save us. We won't need women to make children anymore.
>together for over 4 years
>she is 28 now
I'd prefer not to date somebody who was that big of a slut but if you're going to do it, at least she was young when she did it. A woman who slutted around in college at least isn't as bad as the ones who wait until she's in her 30s to decide that she actually wants a relationship.

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based. roasties also just bring more issues than virgins

Maybe average for college women, even then it seems a little high for an average.

I lost count at 85 sexual partners. I'm in the hundreds. I looked like I was a famous movie star in my twenties but now my looks are visibly fading every day. My suggestion would be to go for quality over quantity and settle down with a smoking hot 19 year old like I could have done multiple times. Just do it or you'll end up with a girl that's older and of lesser quality in your thirties.

Alexis, 24. Lives in Lawton, 1135 miles away. I'm thinking OP lives in LA. Drop the memeflag, faggot.

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>shes clean
You're still a cuck and should be ashamed.

almost always looking for one night stands on Tinder, no matter the age. They just want you to remain blissfully ignorant, and not point out the obvious so they don’t feel like a complete whore.

im unironically saving money like crazy to do like CR7 did and get me a couple motherless children, hopefully with some nordic/russian ovules

Ok user, you've been prodded enough. Now I just want to know why you had to settle for a literal foreign whore. There must be some issue with you. Please let us know what it is.
There's no shame in honesty behind anonymity.
Also I'm curious as to if you will convert to Catholicism or if she will convert to whatever Protty sect you belong to, but I have a feeling you're both braindead atheists.

I gave up on Western women a long time ago when I was in college the shit I saw in my frat made me disgusted in Western women


Who cares dude?

Never forget.

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tell us some stories and why are you americans so degenerate and nasty af?

>does not bother you at all?
not at all
what for?
>a literal foreign whore
she isnt foreign, she was born here and lived here all her life, barely even speaks any polish.
shes a nice girl and I liked her enough to date her then we hit it off
>Also I'm curious as to if you will convert to Catholicism or if she will convert
religion is for dumb people who want to pay % of their paycheck to bunch of larpers
not worth it

>what for?
For being with used goods, while you're a barely manwhore (having fucked only 2 girls before her). You should value yourself more.

Tic, tac, toe

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WHAT? The land of the FREE? Whoever told you that is your enemy.

her emotions are fucked beyond repair. no hope, I guarantee
each time I hear stories like this I beginning to appreciate the Bible more. let degenerates get rekt
> inb4 other cheek comments
reminder that if you actually read and understand NT you'll find Jesus was based as fuck, if not the most based

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haha, whites are going to be such a dumb and ugly underclass in the future.