"Pandemic 1" This prick has more up his sleeve
PANDEMIC 1.. implying there will be more
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He said life will only return to normal when most of the population is vaccinated, and that could take awhile, though he hopes that one will be in mass production by the second half of 2021.
This dude is sick
Bill Gates is a serious threat to the future of humanity.
The good news, he said, is we can look forward to a “semi-normal” world over the next two months.
“People can go out, but not as often, and not to crowded places,” Gates wrote. “Picture restaurants that only seat people at every other table and airplanes where every middle seat is empty.”
Who made this prick king?
Why is it all over Snopes denying his involvement in this shit? What's with all the puff pieces? "NAZIS hacked gates" how much pull does he have with the media? What does billions buy you? How much power?
I lived through a more severe strain of it (not severe enough to hospitalize me though). It's painful because it hits the nervous and lymphatic systems pretty hard.
>Who made this prick king?
Our technocratic boshevik intelligentsia, of course.
Stop being antisemitic.
Why isn't the US gov investingating him.
Are you guys a bunch of incopetent fools or do he has you in his pocket?
This guy planned it all. Gaddafi predicted it
I think I'll wait until a more reliable source reports on this. You can't just believe on everything you read online. As far as I know the Gates foundation has been doing a great job.
but what if he's right and you're just shooting the messenger?
4th nov 2019
kek sure bro
If anyone during hillary’s life needs to be suicided it’s this fuck
Consider he (via Microsoft by proxy) controls the computer access of roughly 70% of users. Functionally he's already a god
My brother is so supportive, I think it's really helped my career to have that kind of back up. My brother is so supportive, I think it's really helped my career to have that kind of back up.; You know, having a brother that's always there for you.; Yes, a big thank you to my brother.
Who elected this faggot nerd to speak on behalf of anyone?
That’s Bill Gates, Microsoft MSFT, -0.97% co-founder and co-chair of the Gates Foundation, sharing his latest thoughts on the coronavirus pandemic in an 11-page memo cited by the Seattle Times.
I'll bet there's some juicy shit in that memo
I archived it but it won't let me access it sorry
>1 post by this lying faggot
Get the fuck out of here.
It's odd that he names it "1" considering it's not the first pandemic. Does he mean his first?
We will be alright. Soon.
Don't blame him he's just following the NWO blueprint
"Bill" Gates is a tranny
He's going to release the virus until he gets what he wants, either everyone being vaccinated/chipped or dead.
You can always spot a leftist hoax by the appeals to authority and appeals to emotion, only dimwit Democrats haven realized this was a hoax.
What credencials does a computer pajeet have on a chinese flu outbreak?
They see how effective this was. We showed our bellies. It WILL happen again.
joke's on you, covid comes from america
"One model is the approach taken by Microsoft China, which has about 6,200 employees. About half are coming into the offices, where social distancing is in place, while others work at home. Masks are required, as is staying home when sick and travel is limited."
Ironic, using China as a "model"
It's all in plain sight
These are smoking guns. I don't want to be a cunt and keep bumping this please share it.