Is it possible to be a left-wing anti-semite?
Is it possible to be a left-wing anti-semite?
lefties ARE anti-semites. They're the ones who are against israel yet Republicucks go around "HUR THUR GREATEST ALLY" bullshit.
Every left-winger is an antisemite as long as tory jews decide who is one.
It actually is a tan though
Feet on me
All my fetishes at once!
I'm generally left-wing, but I can't unsee the Jewish Question. It is very obvious that ethno-centric Jews dictate far too much on politics, funding and media.
I'd be a middle of the road liberal if I couldn't see that. So am I alone? And why?
Define "anti-semite"
A lot of the left-wing are anti-semite by Jewish definition
right-wing tends to be ant-semitic by their own definition
Absolute Patrician, have a (you)
Yeah. Some homosexuals hate jews too. But only some.
Lefties hate the rich user. Its inevitable.
Of course. Jews are white.
che hates gays blacks jews cia
The fang!
I think Jews have too much power and use it in ethno-centric ways to the disadvantage of everyone else.
Open democratic societies can't deal with one ethnic group defecting and being openly ethno-centric, but Jews and to a lesser extent some other minorities abuse that to gain advantage at the expense of whites.
I'm pretty sure that would be called anti-semitic.
So why is there no such thing as a left anti-semitic movement? No left wingers anywhere will go after Jews.
Just dont be a cuck on Race either.
Its called being a Strasserist and its fucking based.
>So why is there no such thing as a left anti-semitic movement? No left wingers anywhere will go after Jews.
American and UK left go after jews they just get hushed up in the main stream. They just released a report on the UK labor party which was half blairites complaining they were surrounded by commies and the other half was commies telling jews to "shut up jew."
They like to pretend they are not anti semetic but its constantly apparent among activists and organizers.
>No left wingers anywhere will go after Jews.
That's because Jews control liberals, and lefties rely on libs to vote for the policies they actually want.
They are not, but I like to pretend they are when talking to libs about Israel.
He reminds me of teddy before the hut and bombs
Modern antisemitism started in the 19th century and it came from the left.
Watching their heads explode is the best part.
There is no reason as to why you cannot be leftists on an economic/social basis and not also hate Jews for everything they've done/are-doing.
They've been kicked out of every country they've failed to assimilate into for three thousand years. They're easy to hate.
Yet the dems are full of jews and fully jewish owned.
The other thing is trannies.
OK, why the fuck do we need to suck tranny dick to be left wing?
Trannies are everywhere on the far left. I am bewildered.
yes the left was the one that even (used to) organized protest agains israel for goin messing in the middle east. you faggots should know this. roger waters and abby martin at least are still keeping the awareness but the big problem with her is that she is a turbo commy and waters is also leaning that way.
it would be interesting if we all moderated our views and come to a center, the left plus the right plus the church all have a lot of commonalities that could be very fruitful if centered.
The ones you fear are white. Central Europeans with a strange cultural mindset.
National..... socialist.....
What’s hard to understand? All left wing movements are inherently anti-semetic because they say jewish superiority is a byproduct of systemic flaws allowing them burgiouse status via explotation.
Yes if you're a brown Muslim.
The lefties get confused when Muslims and Jews fight though.
Reminder Che was not a tankie per-se. That's why he got betrayed and thrown under the bus by Castro. Also SJWs hate che. Anyone who is not trusted by tankies and hated by SJWs can't be that bad.
Dont bully me
>No left wingers anywhere will go after Jews.
f you hate Jews, libs will call you a "Nazi", regardless of your actual political dispositions.
A lot of left leaning individuals fear being called "nazis" because the stigma is associated with the far right, even though looking closely they might realize that Nazis were closer to Center Authoritarian and promoted a lot of the economic policies that they agree with.
But that's beside the point. Jew-hating has never truly been a right wing thing. The Soviets (particularly Stalin) hated them too. Practically every civilization until recently has come of with some reason for why they're sick of Jews ruining everything wit their kikery.
See, that's the libs again.
Trannies and other LGBTQ-whatevers make up less than 1% of the population. By pretending to stand up for trannies, libs can pat themselves on the back and believe they're standing up for something, without actually having to do anything for the benefit of society (particularly the poor/workers).
pic related
Yes, hitler and stalin for example. Stalin was purging jews before hitler.
your request is denied
Nazi’s were left wing you retard
The seeds of antisemitism are usually planted by haves and have-nots. Jews highjack societies and enrich themselves at the expense of the countries they move into, taking advantage of capitalism.
Jeremy Corban
Both parties are Jewish-owned, just in different ways.
Neither party has leading politicians who are openly antisemitic as a result.
This is now a Nagatoro thread.