Daily reminder

Daily reminder

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EC killing it as usual

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>mfw homeoffice

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The government still imposing taxes is a bigger issue than what billionaires say. Niggers like OP do not have the mental capacity to understand

Also, of course OP is a phoneposter

these dumbasses should stick it to the man and quit their jobs permanently then

if you're a capitalist you should probably kys for the betterment of man

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businesses need workers

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its a fair point

your pic is me fapping all day and posting on Yas Forums, letting myself be molded and brainwashed to the propaganda constantly bombed on this board.

Who risked their own investments into creating that money again?

Yeah, business owners need workers because they can't make wealth on their own! Only workers can make wealth on their own!

That's why all the workers at home are making wealth without having to go to a job instead of begging the government for more bailout money.

I'd be pretty impressed if you made a billion dollars like that without any staff or investing in other billionaires who use their staff.

So why don’t the workers create more wealth? Oh, you need access to the means of production? Good luck with that one faggots.

Get back to work.


Kek at believing this. This is the “risk” part of owning a business right now, and they’re getting government handouts.

who generated that capital? what generated that capital?

if you do stocks you're literally a parasite, growing money with money and zero actual work

i have more respect for ethots who at least whore out their own bodies

The billionaire are telling you to stay home. They are set no matter what happens.
It’s the lower millionaires that want to get back to work. The guy who owns a company with 10-1000 people is the one who wants to get back to work. Paying a 1000 people for another month out of your own pocket will eat up your personal money quickly

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Workers at home are eating, sleeping, existing. It’s your masters who need you to come back to work to like their pockets. Why doesn’t Jeff load trucks up in the warehouse then if he doesn’t need workers?

Why are these people always so antisemitic

>implying they’re getting paid

Small business owners are the biggest kikes on this planet. Their kvetching is music to my ears.

What billionaires are pushing for people to go back to work?

There are only 2k billionaires in the entire world. The amount of workers who want to pay their bills and earn their iving FAR outnumbers any supposed shekelstein plot to enslave you

trump not a billionaire confirmed

No dipshit if the economy collapses people won't have money for food. People who make the food will stop producing if they dont get money. Truck drivers will stop transporting goods if they aren't making money. Fuck even the "heros" doctors and nurses will stop working if they don't get paid. Are people seriously this fucking retarded?

It didn’t really crash though???

what do you do for work, comrade?

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Jealousy: The Thread.

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the number of communists collecting pay checks while tax payers are forced to stay at home by those same communists tells you how much leftists give a fuck about workers.
you're a bunch of duped rubes

The secret all along was no one needs to go to work. Brilliant.

Galaxy IQ move right there

>they’re getting government handouts
you don't work for a small business do you?

And if they didn’t have money you wouldn’t have a job.

Fuck you liberal shitheads

Yes because we are in a pandemic these aren't normal times retard.

If you have money to risk you got it either from working or investing. Either you were the labor or you risked your assets. That cashier making $7 a hour didn't risk shit and if the company goes under, simply loses their job not an entire investment.

My employer staunchly refuses to shut down the site I work at. In mitigation it has begun to implement ridiculous measures such as fitting OSB partitions between workers, disabling adjacent toilets and handwashing facilities, introducing one way lanes and locking fire exits to reduce contact between employees.

They have shut down other sites but not over health concerns, rather because they were not operating profitably before the crisis. These sites' employees, including top managers and directors, have been furloughed at 100% pay (80% of the first £2500 is contributed by UK government). The remainder appears to be coming from my site's profit as we have been denied profit-related bonus for the foreseeable future, which many rely on to top up their barely-adequate wages).

I anonymously posted pic related on the canteen noticeboard which was eventually spotted, and angrily ripped up, by our site manager.

The sheer scope for profiteering by big business during this crisis is truly sickening. I might anonymously grass them up to the Health and Safety Executive next, maybe even tip gov off about their fraudulent application of furlough grant too.

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Im confused why do capitalist oligarchs care about losing money when they are already at the top.

>concentrated stupidity and lack of awareness