"Stay at Home" Order Protest

BOISE, Idaho — Sara Brady, a 40-year-old Meridian woman was arrested on Tuesday after she and a large group of men went to a closed playground to perform a group sex act, refused to leave and Brady told an officer to arrest her "sweet ass". Sara Brady was charged with misdemeanor trespassing, indecent exposure, and prostitution. Brady was booked into the Ada County Jail at about 5 p.m. Tuesday. She has since been bailed out.

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How else is a roastie supposed to turn a buck these days?

>tfw no sovereign citizen mummy

>40-year-old roastie
>group sex
>sweet ass
and this has been called 'protest' ...

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fpbp as always.

Source nigger

>she and a large group of men
uh huh

Go on....

I heard she killed one of the cops with an assault weapon using extended clips.

Keep making this thread you fucking faggot

Never ,Ever stop making this thread

You were born to spam this thread another dozen times today.

Making this thread is your eternal destiny

This thread IS everything YOU are.

Your entire exsistence will be boiled down to making this thread.

You are not smart enough to make other threads.


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OP is lying

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What's the story on this?

Why you a faggot op? It was a play date of moms and small children .. the militia is made about that not because an orgy got broke up.

games for prisoners. same rules like in that child game with the chairs but here with knife.

Looks like they're chained together through the table, so 3 guys are keeping the one in place so another can stab him.

Also OP is a fag, roastie was pushing her kid on the swings not getting gangbanged

link you massive faggot

>I heard she killed one of the cops using her extended clit.

>This was the chick Yas Forums was defending
God fucking kill yourselves you degenerates lol

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>Ammon Bundy, the right wing mormon savior
Not even once

I'd let her trespass on my dong.

>This was the chick Yas Forums was defending

Listen to them and you'll even hate Yas Forums more. Sorry but the only non-facebook link I have is about as bad: reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/g65lwp/pack_of_karens_told_to_leave_park_locked_down/

>Posting reddit links
Jesus fucking Christ this place has really gone to absolute dogshit.

Found the Drumpf voter

Find a non-reddit non-facebook link and post it faggot.

Facebook is unironically not as bad as Reddit and I really don't give two fucks to find it.

>Gets called out, then folds like a cheap suit, the post

us citizens are about to have to foot thr bill of a lawsuit to go to this karen lady

Go back nigger, I don't care enough. OP's post is complete bullshit anyways.

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>I dont care
>Responds anyway
Yes you do, otherwise you wouldnt be defending your fragile ego

I was interested in OP's article, but that's complete bullshit, I don't care about the gaggle of people arrested for going to the park or whatever. Enjoy the view of your colon, nigger.

>white roastie violates law
>pack of simps fly out in full force to defend her honor
why am i not at all surprised


Officers had handcuffed 4 guys to a table so one could stab em up

In this case it was the government violating the law.

>I dont care
>Still scrambling to save face
>Mentions my male anatomy
Found the Drumpf voter

Here's your last (You), enjoy it faggot.