/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3406

► Detected: 2,693,742 (+58,026) ► Died: 188,148 (+4,082) ► Day: 105 (-08:16:31)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 3,365 strains have been sequenced —


Tigers and lions can become infected

Politicians get ready to reopen based on antibody tests

Infection causing sudden strokes in young adults

Patient in Italy still positive after 55 days

Some strains 270 times more infectious than others

Virus lingers in eyes even after clearance from nose

Up to 20% of younger adults end up hospitalized, says CDC

Virus stays in air for 12 hours, longer than expected

Asymptomatic concentrate virions at nose, more infectious

Patients infectious after "recovery"

Deaths in the UK are 50% higher than official toll

Biggest slums in Brazil see first coronavirus deaths

▶ 2 new cases in Jordan
▶ 1601 new cases and 54 new deaths in Canada
▶ 804 new cases and 16 new deaths in Pakistan
▶ 17431 new cases and 1209 new deaths in the United States
▶ 637 new cases and 52 new deaths in Germany
▶ 3 new cases and 1 new death in Sierra Leone
▶ 228 new cases and 40 new deaths in Switzerland
▶ 23 new cases and 1 new death in Channel Islands
▶ 386 new cases and 21 new deaths in Romania


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Other urls found in this thread:


rolling for ca nuked a second time

>EU 1,130,393/110,741
>US 1,005,660/47,744
You're literally 2x as likely to die under universal healthcare. How will the euroshits COPE?

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silly Argie

rollin for Corona-chan is cute

Hi. My name is user. I have a problem with fapping.


Deaths in Turkey are minimum 100% higher than the official death toll.
Excess deaths ONLY in Istanbul (Constantinople) are over 2k, all of Turkey has 2k confirmed deaths

>Has thread title
Yay! I was getting worried about you, argiebro/bot! I hope you, and everyone else, are safe and healthy!

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I'm not watching that, I'll puke

Argiebro I think this study should be in OP. Obviously it means the chinks lied about deaths too.
>If the fifth version of the case definition had been applied throughout the outbreak with sufficient testing capacity, we estimated that by Feb 20, 2020, there would have been 232000 (95% CrI 161000–359000) confirmed cases in China as opposed to the 55508 confirmed cases reported.

US is 2 weeks behind europe

It's been a longer time in Europe than the US.

lol I sent
>动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭
and they removed it

When did most people with American posters become so cancerous? Jesus fucking Christ these faggots believe every single thing that happens out there is something engineered to damage their daddy Trump's reputation and their lives.

Are Americans the new Australians?

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Rolling for pee pee poo poo diarrhea

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Tedros needs to die

threadly reminder to use corona shu nu instead of weeb title corona chan


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That's what being a slave to Israel does to your mind

>life expectancy back in the 50's
>millions living in constant searing pain with half their internal organs fucked up
>deaths from "preventable" diseases become an everyday occurrence once more
>virus mutating constantly so vaccines or immunity is impossible to achieve
>yearly rolling lockdowns during flareup periods for decades to come
This is the new post-corona-chan normal, and I'm just taking the direct consequences of the virus into consideration. Let your imagination run wild with economic collapse, wars, famines etc. Hope you had a good time in the pre-covid world because it's only gonna get much worse.

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Corona-chan has ascended beyond meme status. She has become a philosophical figure. A goddess of death and destruction.

All hail Corona-chan.

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Enjoy your nothingburger LMAO

How long till lockdowns are lifted in Europe?
And for how long before another lockdown?
I hope the lockdowns are still in order in July.

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Americans are usually the dumbest posters in /cvg/.

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I mean to be fair, burgers are amazing

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>+1664 cases and 42 new deaths in Peru
>+1664 cases and 42 new deaths in Peru

we exceeded 20,000 cases and get 2 more weeks of isolation

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>based boys
>cuck masters
>muh two weeks npcs
>bot made thread thread
>inorganic "corona chans"
wake up my goys, this virus is a nothingburguer but the mark of the beast isnt

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I said fuck off and die you piece of fucking shit.

Considering all the people in CA who are popping up with antibodies already in their system because they had it back in November I doubt that.

Careful with the occult might just bite off more than you can chew.

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i just heard 5 minutes and it was a constant self jerk , if theres anything worthy please someone say cause im sitting this one out

Oh no, our fat people will need to learn to eat rice and beans...

you ok bro?

Based boopposter

We open all schools on 4th May.

now that virus is rumored to have originated from america when can we get an Americanized version of corona chick?


most recent NY study - random testing showed that 21% of NYC residents have had COVID 19... 1,267 dead. .06% mortality rate....

We aren't very smart.

2016 was a mistake

you think its bad on /cvg/ try living in a country full of these people

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daily reminder some of the nothingburgers will die, fortunatelly

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>everyone ignoring the fact that Greece absolutely BTFO the virus with a huge elderly population too

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>.06% mortality rate....
0.11% of New York is dead

wait , you mean you have fatsos that dont know the miracle of tacos and burritos?

link to study?

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You think there will be any adverse effects? I think its a bit premature.. and forgive me but I think your numbers look very China.

>>动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭
I tried it and they removed my comment too lol

calm down doomer. vaccine will be ready as soon as these lockdowns are lifted next month. nobody under 70 is dying. the virus is only in china. 1% death rate

is the oxford vaccine going to be successful?

i.imgur.com/1wbRJCG.png (embed)
i.imgur.com/mUVzJnq.png (embed)
just to cover both threads
drawfag here still taking requests

They had 55 new cases today though

There are lot of claims on "hoax" so let me clarify
It is not a hoax, but the details are: 1) Death numbers are exaggerrated because anyone who had infection at some point is count as sars-cov(or covid19) bioweapon death 2) Infection numbers are wrong because they are confused by exosomes which are exactly same size and cling to same ACE2 receptors. This is why some people are infecetd, then not and then again in very short time(day or two).
They use this lack of proper information to extend lockdown for nefarious purposes such as ID2020. Real amounts could be estimated if these are understood

That’s not how time zones work!

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We opened schools in 2nd most infected state on 20th April.
Today was a first confirmed case of an infected teacher.

my sides are reaching orbit at this very minute

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We're not going to be far behind. It's going to get really ugly.

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I know, Columbia fren. It is horrible and I can tell you that this country will, eventually, fall apart. Something such as a pandemic became a political football, with MIGAs channeling the most insane denials of reality imaginable. Indeed, the progressive types only began caring about Coronachan when they felt they could "get Drumpf." Meanwhile, we have heavy shilling of the antibody test, which tells us absolutely nothing more than a lot of Burgers get the cold and flu. Whatever- if these idiots want to kill themselves with the coof, fine. I tried hard warning people and we frankly are simply a self-destructive, bad willed populace. Kyrie eleison.

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Can you draw Corona-chan giving user a boop please??

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>mfw Spain lives the most retarded lock down system in the whole fucking world.
Our governmint is literaly destroying our economy in purpose, so teveryone becomes a beggar living off the State charity.
The worst part is that people are loving it, with synced clapping in 5 minutes and constantly reporting any neighbors who break the rules.
We're done here.

Cvg on suicide watch.

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my uncle is an alcoholic, he said corona is hoax

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how is trying to get yourself infected and then hoping for 'normal life' accepted as sanity

Cute loli Corona-chan listening to her grandma Spanish Flu-obaasan who teaches her how to destroy humanity.

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I agree this kind of boops user.

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We're not going to be far behind? Keep dreaming, we're gonna be in house arrest untill the second wave comes.

How many fat retard fucks will croak over there?

Lo siento :(
Franco would have saved you

I said die.
Fucking die.

Where is the study let me read the study?
News reports never speak the whole truth

/cvg/ eager to see the reopenings

Burgers live to wagecuck and consoom. When this cycle is broken they become confused and out of control.


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Death of the chinaman: round 2


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Thanks buddy, you stay safe


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Die you fucking piece of shit. Die.

Some wisdompill from a sempai.

Are we near herd immunity yet? Sick of this bullshit
Actual infected is at least 10 times the confirmed cases. So death rate is miniscule and the herd is coming.

that's gotta be someone who's fucking around

Yes, you are correct German fren. See Burgers are eating up this antibody meme.

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Wow, Algeriabro got in the op before I did. I need more practice then.

user calm down, they're just trips!!

Only 10?

italichads not opening schools until september

Argie bro is right

We cannot wait for the second wave

>Chinky bugmen deflecting by pretending it came from New York.


Dunno if it's released. I assume soon.

You all are so fucking stupid.

The definition of a LEFTARD - Self Preservation instinct reduced to 0 thanks to retarded parents and indoctrination in school.DESU I am a bit dissatisfied with the slow burn, but it is also worth it for news such as this one. Eventually we are all going to hell, and that is fine.

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At this point, I'm only here because of quads. I don't even care that Americans are fat anymore. Corona turned me into a burgerlover.

is the oxford vaccine trial going to succeed?

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Just let society hold out long enough that I can play wolf among us 2 and cyberpunk 2077 please

>Patient in Italy still positive after 55 days

This will be the next hit movie.
>"55 days of Corona"

I don't know how crowded your schools are but an infected teacher does not inspire confidence. If that was here, we have about 300-400 in a primary school and 1000+ in a high school, assuming this thing spreads as fast as they say it does most kids would get infected. Even if half of the school caught it, they'd be giving it to parents, siblings, and then the cycle would start anew.
Oh christ man.

lmao the r0 of this shit is so infectious that literally one slipping through the cracks causes a fresh lockdown of an entire major metro area

fucking ccp lies blaming a super duper spreader from NY

Typical Chinese smoke and mirrors.

Which part of Japan do you live?

>antibody testing that is only 50% accurate
VERY BASED. 2nd wave will come early.

This is the part we all expected. I don't care either way, get fucked bug people

Financial stimulus for business in Serbia. Government will pay minimum wage for all workers. Condition is no lay offs. Even my firm is considering lowering pay for workers to minimum wage so the government takes care of it, and paying the real salary off the books in cash. They actually told us this in meeting. I will fucking report them if they do this. Pay the fucking salary, then deal with the government for gibs you useles jewish assholes

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Somehow the gobblers have the money for testing? They hope it will fix their economy by killing all the dreggs


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>Are we near herd immunity yet?

user, I...

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All this happened because they dared to desecrate Franco's grave a few months ago. Franco's curse will haunt them for ever.

the UK is the only country that is doing as bad as sweden when it comes to the relative increase in comparison to the 2017/18 flu season (sweden got a 100% increase, the UK nearly 100%)

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Who knows we can only estimate. Need antibody tests that aren't dogshit. Hopefully 20 or 30 times the confirmed numbers

I am the celestial gardener, policing the planet of the stink weeds and poisons which leak out even in the cold asphalt sidewalks of the World of Sin!

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So they are reporting numbers from a study without even so much as a preprint? And I guarantee they treat it as 100% fact instead of the qualifications you will find in the paper that will show the ways in which it is limited or flawed.
It is all so tiresome

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schools are the perfect infection grounds. children don't give two shits about social distancing (assuming it even matters) and quickly spread it to each other. the kids spread it to their parents, who spread it to their friends and coworkers, whose kids go to different schools ...

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They fucking what? Franco lead you into prosperity and safety how could they do this?

Mainstream media is fearmongering, but here's a mainstream media article about antibody tests. Politicians are all part of a worldwide conspiracy to grab more power, but now they're reopening the economy so I am glad this is over. Bill Gates wants to microchip our brains with his vaccine, but here's the Oxford vaccine that will end this fake virus.

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>tfw no trumpbucks in the Balkans

why are we so shit lads?

It’s because of the brown half

Trips of truth say you should get to work and draw one

Is anyone here concerned about winter?

So we know those catch the virus result in: Those who are weak die and those who are young and strong survive, albeit severly weakened and with permanent health issues.

So what happens when wave 2 comes? The weak died but those who were strong enough to survive the virus are now the "weak" of wave 2.

What happens then? How weak are those who did survive the virus? Will wave 2 kill them? If they were lucky to not catch it a second time, how will they cope with winter and of course flu season?

Why is nobody talking about winter? I seriously concerned that all those who survi ed the virus will not be able to survive from either the flu or the virus if they even make it to winter and that's assuming we don't have fucking food riots.

I think we need to go into a deep lockdown, like China hard lockdown for two weeks minimum.

Now the lockdown concerns: no matter what we do somebody is going to catch it and someone or more will spread only restarting the outbreak, what I don't understand is how cases are still increasing? How? How is it still spreading fast even with lockdown?

The economic damage: I think we all know it's about to get real ugly but right now I think it's inevitable we will have civil unrest which will only amplify the virus spread amongst the rioters who will only spread it to family members, friends and others.

With no vaccine, permanent long term health damage, the looming economic and the social consequences.

I think to prevent more deaths and infections we need to deal with the social and economic consequences first because everyone will be out on the streets worsening the virus spread.

The economy and the virus I really see no way out of this guys. The virus will never go and the economy will causes more deaths than the virus and also spread the virus more.

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>real infected is 10x higher
R0 must be sky high

>one kid has a contact with an infected person
>goes to school
>infects everyone in class
>after a few hours the entire school is infected because pauses + teachers + crowded place
>kids go home
>infect their families
>families infect their coworkers
>coworkers infect their families and kids who go to different schools
>kids go to school...

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I mean ehh.. this is probably gonna piss some people in /cvg/ off but fuck it.

Requesting the blacked couch meme with the 5 corona-chan variants shown. Have Winnie the Pooh in the girl's place with the china stars on his red shirt. If you want, add a sixth corona-chan design. A third human variant with different hair and shit. To keep things diverse and equal. I wanna throw /cvg/ a bone here.

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How pathetic is your minimum wage? No one can live on minimum wage here.

I don't expect our restrictions to be lifted on May 5th.

fix'd a bit

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>Are we near herd immunity yet?
>herd immunity
how naive are you

Just go along with the guayaquil way and let everybody get infected, who cares if you have to burn bodies on the streets.

this is too grotesque to be real

That means she is into little boys!
Based Corona-chan!

>I will fucking report them if they do this

Good. Fuck those greedy fucks.

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So, it was airborne HIV.
How do you vaccinate that?

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it's ok user i am actually a normal person

any write ups on the loss of taste and smell sympton? had it myself and a few feverish nights. taste is back but the smell isnt quite 100% yet

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I used a mask for the first time and I almost suffocate, wtf guys

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How should I vote?

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It's extremely pathetic. Thing is, they will pay the difference in cash, off the books. Problem is if they do this I can't get a loan for shit because my bank will see I'm officially making minimum wage. Business has never been better and we're overworked. I don't care if my firm is greedy for gibs but if they fuck me over I'm reporting them, even if it means going back home to mommy and daddy.

What is minimum wage there? Just to get an idea.
Maybe I should sell it all and move there to some rural area. Would I be left alone? Asking for a friend.

This winter is going to be one of the coldest on record. I would suggest to make plans to spend it somewhere warm.

>reporting Mr. Shekelstein
Enjoy your 20 years in jail for anti-semitism

we're in the first lockdown. talks of coming out of it are now media headlines. soon we'll be in the second wave then we'll come out of that as the temperature drops. the third wave will come in winter and this is when you're going to say real crazy shit.

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I really hope they go to a different place than me. They can go to heaven and spout their stupidity there - as long as I don't have to meet their stupid souls anymore.

no one knows?

>How do you vaccinate that?
Everyone (normies and nothing burgers) seem to think there's a vaccine for a rapidly mutating virus

It's about 1 euro per hour

How are you feeling overall?

Do you feel exhausted? Since you caught the virus, have the symptoms been flaring up every now and then? How long since you caught the virus?

C'mon open up, already.

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Nah don't think so but they should be. Keep the elderly and vulnerable on lockdown. Relax restrictions for everyone else. The hospitals are coping fine and it's only young people getting infected the vast majority won't need hospital treatment.
I go out every day for a run in the park. It's getting busier every day. People are getting fed up. It's busier than it would be on the best day of summer.

You people destroyed the economy and took millions of jobs away. It's time to open back up.

You too, boopposter. I love you~

What kind of mask?

By ignoring Shill Mitchell

Fucking dimwit. Current stat is 11,267 dead, not 1267. Death rate assuming random testing accurate is .6%, not .06% And the accuracy of antibody tests is a big if.

what will be Americas number today?

reminder that this is going to get so much worse when people start to realize how bad it actually is. the vast majority of people still don't know anyone with corona. when people start to see neighbors and coworkers dying in the their 40's and 50's they'll stop going to work. government can only keep this up so long

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