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Other urls found in this thread:

Enemy of the people

Why am I completely unsurprised?

They are terrorists.

Why is it an issue for him to be in a crosswalk when the lights are in his favor?

Of course this gets no traction.

Kill. Them. All.
(I'm Minecraft)
(Fed angrily tosses headset)

Attached: 1547321051748.jpg (894x894, 364.6K)

Each side stage their protest and both sides were videotaping.

You will die on your knees begging for your life, just so you know.

>noo you cant just point out that the nurse is obeying the law
Photoshop the lights to be red then

>Each side
>Literally being shit-eatingly retarded enough to believe the "Trump supporter" was really a Trump supporter, waiting as if traffic was blocked when nobody was even in the intersection yet.
KYS you piece of crap.

>I-I'm just too stupid to understand what I'm being show in this video.
>Y-you guys are all stupid, too, r-right?
You will die begging. And you will burn forever in hell afterwards.
I'm not telling you to try to change your behavior. I'm telling you because you need to know you deserve it.

>ignore your lying eyes and ears
Yep real 1984 shill hours from you
Are you going to say we always loved muzzies next?

Shit like this is the reason I trust the anons over the MSM.

bump for justice
the cameramen are probably a glownigs too

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Imajun muh shawk

>noooooooooooooooooo fredoom of the press !
>noooooooo you shouldn't behead fags and kikes and liars

Link of article?

Literally. They are terrorizing the population into capitulating to government overreach.
Which probably wouldn't happen if our nation wasn't comprised of practically-fucking-children-in-adult-bodies.

Unless this was a staged counter-op.
Unless this was a staged counter-counter-op.
Unless this was a staged counter-counter-counter-op.
(Some of these are staged photo-ops though, for sure.)

Here's the twitter post:

Reminder anyone who got pneumonia along with their mystery flu 2 months ago probably already got and beat coronachan.

Besides the fact that anons are not financially motivated to fabricate stories and present lies as truth

so tiresome

Dont all protesters have cameras? The point is to have confrontational and make a point across social media. I'm against quarantine in low coronavirus locations but this is just a perception dispute.

every fucking time


It's a paint job alright but we can only assume what was going on.
Probably staged or perhaps the media saw a better opportunity with a protesting nurse.

oy vey

Why would it? The media did the right thing before these morons protesting the lockdown get more people killed.

Notice no hospital stamped on scrubs. FAKE NEWS.

Direct link to video:

Different car, different nurse, different intersection than the famous original, obvious copycat to cast doubt on whether the original was staged

Attached: denver_nurse.jpg (720x480, 48.01K)

>crying about the media....still
Fuck off

fuck off schizo

I have no doubt that the media fakes shit all the time, but this case:

Why would they do it in public?

Why was the woman filming so aware of what was going on? The type to facebook live random shit in public isn't very smart, so I doubt she would have caught on to what was happening so quickly.

Why didn't the woman who caught them not wait until the story went out, so she could catch the media out? She blew her cover early, so now they'll never use the photos (unless they are big time retarded).

why would nurses be out in the street doing this stupid shit? ofc its paid actors
