Hello /pol

Hello /pol

I'm 18 years old. I live in austria and I've been fully redpilled. My 2 best friends are redpilled aswell. It disgusts me that every other person I know is a sheep to ((((them)))). Limited mindless slaves. I've tried to red pill others but was only met with pure ignorance. My redpill buds and I are all not austrians but the one's I tried to redpill were.
My bud and I are spics. The other one is a slav.

Any advice in my situation Yas Forums?

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Try not saying "red pill" five times in a paragraph.
As they say around here, hide your power level.
Don't go full autist on the normies, be more subtle.
Plus most people literally are sheep. You won't be able to awaken most of them, especially in a cucked euro country like Australia (i know what i said).
God speed Vienna user!

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COMEDY else I would've been ashamed to be an Austrian resident. So sure am I. Kek, user

HIlf mir alles dumme Grünen Wähler hier :(

>My bud and I are spics. The other one is a slav.
why dont you faggots move back to your shitholes?

i sort of like your meme although it feels slightly desperate for attention, - and your paragraph/narrative is vague but interesting. ...You've got two relatively positive things going for your post, but some more training and practice is needed. Find a way to integrate your post and your media. Focus on one major psychological 'hook' and maybe either go for consensus or a really 'triggering' bait thread topic. Good luck. Will be watching. Lot of potential here.

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desu. I should. I'm not in the right country.

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Nigga you 18, don-t be full of yourself and of your redpillment. Don-t recruit others and don-t reveal your power level. Keep digging with your mates and do your best to be a man in a world of twats.

I just picked some random image from my meme folder. But anyways thanks for your Advice!

When OP was redpilled he took the red pill, and was initiated in a physical ritual as well, where the red pill was unironically red, and in the form of a pill.

Haha I just read the spic and slav thing.. omg so genius. Es wird der day kommen, ins Gesicht deiner Muata

Realize the reason we got to this point wasn't just a masterful deception for their forces but for our forces a horrific commitment to temptation and atrophy of character.
Establish yourself as a superior intellectual having no instances of heresy nor cultural stink. Become trusted and reliable for matters unrelated to ZOG vs Frog. They will inevitably fall for harmful ruses and you will say, "I told you so". Unfortunately it is better to let chaos reign and swoop in on the aftermath or right before the impact so you exert maximum influence and establish credibility. Even if you deliver a perfect redpill at the right moment it will not sit well 99% of the time. Most people are impossible regardless the stakes and controversy to inform or change as evidenced by the pandemic refusal to wear masks or change any habit. Right now I'm taming a flock of QAnon Boomers not to drink Miracle Mineral Supplement, literally bleach. They're insulting me for calling this swindler wicked. But drink the bleach they must to learn the hard way. I gain either way.

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I love the meme user! Saving for later use. Glad to hear that you kids are wise to the shit. Stay safe (or jump into danger, whichever you are called to do!)

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that's the same thing my buds told me. We like to reveal our power levels in public. But those NPC's come with the same shit again. We don't like to surpress them

Thank your for Advice user!

didn't know if you created that. It's cool.. /paragraph/narrativePosting- Not 100% sure if you're talking specifically jewporn, if you're talking generally zog, if you're talking all general coomer/consoomer stuff vs. a proactive 'woke' insight etc... also just fucking w/ u n making small-talk.

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If you haven't changed your behavior to reflect your new knowledge then you are not redpilled.

Assuming that this is a real question. Just remember, how you were "red-pilled". Most likely, it was, that you noticed something weird, and in time come to some conclusions. That is one of most effective ways. Don't give people direct "redpils". More like, ask questions and leave without answers. Make people think. It they are worth, that question will stay somewhere in background/subconsciousness. In time, when person will "connect all the dots", he will got red-pilled by himself, and then you will have something in common. If not, they will forget about it. In modern day, it is quite risky to stick out too much. And a lot of people poorly handles uncomfortable truth. Thus more effective aproach is "ask indirect questions, plant "seed of curiosity/suspicion" and let them come to conclusions by them self".

I think the projection makes it that great of a meme

If you’re not European by blood my advice is for you to leave Europe

Most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. They'd rather drink bleach than learn the 14 words and pizza pedo ring secrets. If you are not one of us you are one of them. Anyone we haven't unplugged is an NPC. We have survived by running from them.

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Thank you for your advice!
First yes, I commited the error of "direct redpilling".
I talked about Rothschilds etc.
Big Mistake.
Then I asked these questions without answers.
I saw that the people in my circle were beginning to suspect ((((them)))), but they rejected these suspecion, either because of their NPC Code, or like you said, they couldn't handle the truth.

It's hard to redpill everyone. As the old saying goes, don't cast pearls before swine.

Not everyone is receptive to the truth.

Yes that's the way.. just try to subconsciously change people, never tell them what you really think.
Sorry mate, this is an Austrian channel now -.-

Slavs got bolsheviked, spics got raped by ratfaced khazar conquistadors and sephardi "triad claw" crypto jews. The indigenous gentile ethnicities of Eastern Europe and the indigenous Mayan/Aztec bloodlines are forever infected with kike blood. I want to tell you to seek out the kike within your own blood and kill or repress it, but denial is weakness. You must seek out the kike within your halfkike blood, identify it, come to terms with it and use it to kike over "pure" inbred, ratfaced, talmudic supremacists.

Become the kike, kike the kike.

>They'd rather drink bleach than learn the 14 words and pizza pedo ring secrets.
>If you are not one of us you are one of them
>Anyone we haven't unplugged is an NPC.

This is sadly the harsh truth.

Thank you for your wise words user.
To learn that my bloodline is infected with Kike blood is rather disgusting to know.

>Slavs got bolsheviked
t. 80% african 20% italian White American

stop projecting your insecurities onto other europeans.

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We all suffer the same fate until they perish

So the bolshevik revolution never happened? Ratfaced talmudic supremacists did not control the food supplies to tens of millions for over a decade? Millions in Eastern Europe did not starve? Which fact are you debating the truth of exactly, or are you just huffing like a Neanderthal emotional manipulator?

>To learn that my bloodline is infected with Kike blood is rather disgusting to know.
Kike? You are European/Indian mutts. Sure, it sucks to have your indigenous blood tainted, but it's not so bad.

American cretins are projecting their subhumanity onto others like always xD

>I saw that the people in my circle were beginning to suspect ((((them)))),

You already see results. Now all what need, is time. Second thing, if you want for people to listen, you need to be some in somehow authority. For 18 year old, it can be quite hard, but still, if you are known as "man of honor" people will value what you say more. So here comes classical stuff, like, don't do drugs. Be carrefull with alcohol, do not lick doorknobs. Don't be too loud, more try to be "that guy, when he speaks, others will listen". Quite a lot of people will value opinion of intelligent/educated person, so try to educate yourself more. If there is some particular topic (cars, computers, electronics or smth), what you are interested in, it is even better. You can become among your aquintances like master in that topic, and thus gaining more credibility/weight in what you are saying. Be carreful with weed, it slows down thinking, and messes with memory, and in this way limiting your potential/growth.

Stay strong user.

>So the bolshevik revolution never happened?
It did, but how did you come from "bolshevik revolution" to "Slavs are Jewish mutts" is beyond me.

In 2016 I set my famliy to a redpill path at first without them noticing it. By now my nephews and nieces are redpilling their parents about Communism and Hitler. I brought up topics that subliminally made them alert to details they were blind to. At first it was something like a little racist joke about brown people stealing, THAT NIGGA STOLE MY BIKE! Most people are ready to see that no matter the SJW rules at whatever rate it's pushed. Any raunchy person can stand to listen to it if thinly veiled in irony you can bounce back from back into the ZOG Matrix as if nothing happened. Just take your time letting them become aware that there is a forbidden thought zone and let them dwell in this reality. By just vibing like this as vague as can be I've gotten a pastor to give me a roman salute and giggle about it in a mall trying to hide it. He was only aware that he was entering forbidden territory with me but still skeptical about Nazism and not suspecting me the slightest. Only gammas and true believers of ZOG's push taddling. This is extremely useful if you can turn the crowd against the believers.

Trump has turned Mexicans against the Democrats but it took YEARS of being PRESIDENT.

I had extreme loud arguments about freedom of speech and censorship with my sibling NPCs that their kids saw. The more the kids looked, the more melodramatic I yelled.The parents themselves were not exposed to the redpill but I made it seem to the kids that they were. The kids themselves connected the dots and are now trying to learn German on their own without my ever having to risk telling them a damn thing.

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God I love this place

but seriously, do you think they prevent abortions of diasabled fetuses or weird growing things, so there will be more idiots and struggling families in this world?
May be?

To survive the bolsheviks and get food you either became their whore or died, not rocket science.