The fall of Röösh

Guys, what happened to roosh?

I just found out he hates gays and larps as a filthy christcuck now, what the fuck.

Did he do too much drugs or what the hell fried up his brain?

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How do you figure?

He has ascended and is a better person in all measurable ways.

Kek is he homeless?

I think he’s just a varg wannabe

Went from fuck boy to Chad

Literally lives in his mom's basement.

he's the christian version of varg

This rapey kebab just hit the man wall so now he larps as trad.

This is justice. He spent years tricking girls into sex, and now he ends up alone and crazy

He realized the world is fallen
Good for him
He is one of us now

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A bunch of things but the biggest catalyst was his sister dying.

>tricking girls into sex

Women are smarter than men and superior in all ways, how is it possible for them to be tricked?

I used to visit ROK and the RooshV forums a lot back in 2015-2016. It was a great place to learn all sorts of things you'd never find elsewhere. The true 'redpill' type of place (unlike Yas Forums in many ways). I always figured Roosh for a man too intelligent and committed to just remain in those roles though and was really happy when I noticed his slow conversion to Orthodoxy. First in his world-view and outlook and then his literal conversion and shutdown of ROK and RVF. He's a good man, lived a fornicators life which I always figured was a source of deep unhappiness and I really hope he's doing great now.

He’s actually a Virgin, it was all one big larp

>women secretly want to be single mothers
imagine believing this

Leaving Poland was a mistake.

The American fatties extinguished his sex drive.

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>larps as a filthy christcuck now
seems about right. This is the normal trajectory. First you're an amoral asshole feeding garmonbozia, then you find jesus and start preaching sound moral values

this shitskin larped as a chad that slays

turns out hes a manlet virgin and never even got attention from women


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Yep Rok during those days had a lot of takes on minor irl things that were golden and informative. It got kinda ruined by mgtow bitching on anything, but was still an interesting place for discussion

actually yes..but only cuz he got jewed with some crackhouse they wouldn't fix for him

I've lurked RVF since 2011 (in 2010 I started browsing /new/, the precursor to Yas Forums), it's been pretty amazing to watch the forum who from just a pickup/game thing to a full blown political awakening exactly in the way that /new/ -> Yas Forums did, just on a few years delay

I watched that forum go from sex-obsessed men who would immediately ban any discussion on race to a bunch of borderline fash/natsocs that openly discuss race/biology/nationalism, speak positively of traditionalism and religion, and even a JQ megathread

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I don't know why incels listen to anything these frauds say but then maybe they're just stupid and fell for the PUA trash. This guy was fucking women left, right and centre when he was young and now that he can't get pussy on tap he turns to faith. He's apart of the problem and another degenerate.

If you read some of his later entries from his pua days he was getting really fucking tired by women and the whole lifestyle. I dunno man, I think he's legit. In the 90s and early 2000s things were different.

Someone give this to roosh pls

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This is too funny.

Natural progression of 21st century man.

I think it more had to do with the fact that the political correct world went after him and pretty much destroyed him. I think he could easily get laid, WAY EASIER IF HE HAD MORE MONEY ETC

>I think it more had to do with the fact that the political correct world went after him and pretty much destroyed him. I think he could easily get laid, WAY EASIER IF HE HAD MORE MONEY ETC
I learned about him through TDS, or one of those shows where Roosh started hopping on live streams. To me, it seems like he had a mental breakdown of some kind for various reasons - getting too old for the PUA bullshit, being rootless in Eruope for 10 years, his sister dying. I've heard about people becoming hard core Christ cucks after a serious injury and surviving or after having some kind of traumatic event.

he unironically took shrooms saw god and changed his life. though for him christianity does not seem to encompass love and compassion but hating jews, gays and women. so he has a lot of work to still do.

If I was Roosh, I'd have some dignity and would adopt Zoroastrianism as my true ancestral faith but the guy has to conform

>I think he’s just a varg wannabe
>is a Christian
Literal retard post.

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Roosh is more based now. He finally realized that starting a family is better than being edgy on the internet.

>man wall
Doesn't exist. Men age like wine, especially if they are single

>turned into a christian rabbi

absolute state semites

lol, man wall doesn't exist only if you are rich.

He's just finding a new avenue to grift

Absolutely deluded