Question for niggers

Why do niggers say "nigga"

Are they actually 2 separate words or do niggers just have a problem with consonant pronunciation?

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>Are they actually 2 separate words or do niggers just have a problem with consonant pronunciation?

The latter. African slaves mostly learned English from Scotch-Irish settlers, who tended to drop the r sound at the end of certain words.

Yes OP, nigger here, I am listening..

Better question is why can’t Asians say “L”

I don’t think i’ve ever heard a full nigger out of a nigger before

we finna go to da cohna sto = we're fixing to go to the corner store

>Are they actually 2 separate words
>he doesn't know about the "hard R"

alright question number 2

fuck niggers.

Their alphabets (the ones I've studied, anyway, Japanese and Korean) don't have distinct Rs or Ls. They just have one letter that's kind of in between the two, which, ironically, us Americans usually can't pronounce right either.

It's just... how their languages are. They CAN correctly pronounce Ls, it's just a difficult, unnatural movement for them because of the way they are trained.

>what is japan

for You probably can't pick up on their pitch bullshit either

They just hate niggers as much as anyone else.

That girl is cyoooooooot

Ask a nigger to say "specific" and they will pronounce it as "pacific"

Also words ending with "sk" are pronounced "ks" ...ask is aks mask is maks

Anything they can do to “get one over” on normal society/whitey is their goal. So I’ll speak your oppressive cracker language to bare minimum get by but I’ll do it my way so I still win sort of thing. Like I’ll cross the street slow as possible then mutter a lazy oh sorry once I reach the sidewalk and everyone’s flipping out in their cars.

Speech therapists don't work the 'hoods anymore, haven't since the 80's. Ebonics is the cruelest joke.

>Are they actually 2 separate words or do niggers just have a problem with consonant pronunciation?
It's called dialect you inbred redneck. Though, over time it does seem they have diverged to have separate connotations so in a way it's kind of both.

>Also words ending with "sk" are pronounced "ks" ...ask is aks mask is maks
I purposely misconstrued what a nigger was saying to me when he said let me axe you sumtin'. I reacted like I was about to go into a rage and yelled MOTHERFUCKER YOU THINK YOURE GONNA CHOP ME WITH AN AXE?

It was just him and I ahd two of my friends with me. Little nigger looked like he was going to piss himself and he could say was NAH MANE NAH as he backed away in fear. Using their own tactics works really well on them.

all he could say was NAH MANE NAH

The pronunciation of the hard R requires an IQ higher than what most nigger brains are capable of.

You're white.
I bet you pronounce "Pizza" as 'Peet-sa'
Because you're a nigger.
Not a nigga like me.

See the difference?

Attached: BoosieRealNigga.jpg (1280x720, 126.95K)

They were both intended to be the same word. Niggers have always called other niggers, nigger. But pronouncing a hard R is very unnatural for them because they grew up around others that couldn't speak correctly either. It wasn't until sometime around late 80s early 90s that there was ever a distinct difference between nigga and nigger. It was mostly white wigger kids that made this distinction so they can say nigga just like blacks do, yet justify being white and saying the word.

It's posts like these that really add credence to the theory that white nationalists are just low esteemed incels who need to grasp at the pettiest ways of elevating themselves just to get that tiny esteem boost to momentarily distract themselves from their pathetic failure of a life.

Attached: 5a8235ef3a61ce00137e9deb4bb040474e79ef4e_full.jpg (184x184, 9.4K)

Kek nogs say pee-sig.
>finna call domino an odah a peesuh an wangs
And Mexicans say peak-suh and weirdly enough say Met-si-co.
>Ay lob picsa, ay jos weesh dey had it in Metsico

it seems to me that you're just a low esteemed cuck that likes to over analyse jokes in a freudian like attempt to seem smart and like you understand how people think. Or you're just a nigger

Joke? What joke?

over exaggerating how stupid niggers are, m8. Pronunciation of the letter "r" and iq clearly isn't meant to be a structured criticism, it's just a joke

they'll maintain they are different words but it's not. niggers just can't speak. too dumb.

It is because niggers are literally too fucking lazy to speak English

>Ebonics is the cruelest joke.
Bumper sticker: Axe me about Ebonics.

Hey, I resemble that remark.

Lol, that's just the feminine version of me. Nordic cucks btfo. Norwegian alpinid mutts = masterrace

idk y done u ax em