Fucking listen to me. Do you see this flag above my post? Do you fucking see it? That's the British flag. Of the UK. BRITISH. But I am IRISH. I live in the north of IRELAND which is on the island of IRELAND. And I am IRISH. No I'm not "British", at very WORST I am "Northern Irish" referring specifically to the state of Northern Ireland and NOT the UK nor the geographical area of the United Kingdom. I am NOT British I am fucking IRISH. Learn your fucking geography you stupid cunts.
Yeah, you made this thread already and nobody cares sage
British people get British flags, k bye.
Zombie, Zombie...etc.
As awful as bongs are, it is definitely to be a bong than Irish - at least the bongs are human.
Fuck off to ireland proper then
UK flag = britbong. Stop larping Charles.
Suck it up you Marxist faggot you're British. You've never done anything to contribute to the Irish Republic You're not & never will be Irish we don't need anymore dole scroungers.
How many people prefer to stay british? I used to play with these northern irish guys and they didn’t want to be irish at all said they spoke ulster scots and everything.
The real men of Pakistan are savagely drilling your willing teenagers all across the kingdom while you effeminate Brit homos worry about being called racist.
No wonder Harry, son of stud horseman James Hewitt, looked around and said that breeding with a half baboon would actually improve the gene pool of your pathetic "kingdom."
All hail his royal highness, Archie. A fitting royal for that disfunctional nation of poofters and cucks.
Ireland has been rightful American clay for thousands of years.
Hahaha limey
Shut up leaf
But are you an Ulsterman? Are you protestant or catholic?
Ireland will be majority nonwhite by 2040 and literally have a gay paki PM, don't act like your 1/256th irish DNA makes you exceptional
Whatever, Mick.
If you ever do something notable you’ll be British.
So you’re faced with an unnoteworthy Irish life or a remarkable British life.
póg mo thóin
Dive into the freezing waters of the English Channel for a keg of whiskey.
"Eye will nevvar forgive the Jarmans for what they did to me belovved Joops!"
Rev. Ian Paisley,
one of the lost tribes of Israel and pseudo wannabe"joop". Ready to genocide anyone not a Brit because that's what God hath commanded in his antient majickal joo bible book.
I know the feeling, brother. True Irishman here but I get stuck with the stars and stripes.
Learn the meaning of UNITED
whatever bong
Is this new fag pasta?
Fuck Summer man
fuck off m8, we're full
Only mutts needed that explained to them, and only mutts will never understand that
That's quite eloquent for a man famous for not being able to use a toilet properly.
Why have you a pic of those losers?
Quit though didn't they, run away and spewed the game.
was in Dublin there last year, didn't look like it
If you're not British then why do you speak English and live in the British isles?
Don't worry. You'll post with a Russian flag once we annex you :)
But Sinn Fein is Marxist and leftist again tho
Fuck off taig.
who said i gave a fuck about the shinners
aontú master race