
Yes, that's right boi. Rub your body with this chemical soup every day to protect you from the sun. It's not like the sun is vital to your health or anything. You MUST use this toxic soup every time you go out so that you don't get skin cancer or vitamin d. What is that you say? People didn't get skin cancer before we started eating refined sugar, more fruits and less meat? Nonsens, there are no scientific studies proving that to be the case. Don't forget your nose, always put chemical cream on your nose.

How did it come to this? At what point did society decide that the sun is bad for us and is to be avoided? Have you seen the old photos of your dad or granddad working outside with a super tan body? They looked healthy as fuck

Attached: puttingonsunscreen.gif (346x247, 3.6M)

Other urls found in this thread:

built for bbc

when we made a big ass hole in the atmosphere and got rid of the planet's natural sun block

I don't go outside.

Based. Outside is for faggots.

I always thought sunscreen was weird but never really understood why. It creeped me out how every time I went somewhere outside people would say "make sure to put on sunscreen!" As if human beings literally cannot survive in sunlight without protective sunscreen for even a few minutes. It's weird to me how people just embrace rubbing that shot over themselves all the time

I googled the first ingredient in my wifes sun lotion and it was a carcinogen, the safety warning said especially bad when in conjunction with sunlight.

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that hole is in antartica, you low iq retard

>Based. Outside is for faggots.
It's the other way around. Exposure to sun increase testosterone levels and it is known that low levels of testosterone makes you more inclined to yearn for the phallus of another man

yeah cus rays don't bounce, they fall straight down

I just wear clothes

False. Higher estrogen is linked to faggotry.

I used to fuck with people who told me to use sunscreen, I would tell them I'm solar powered, they would just roll their eyes at me. Still no skin cancer, they can get fucked.

>he believes kike 'scientific' fairy tales

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>Sunlight increases testosterone levels
It's the vitamin D.

Oxybenzine in sunscreen kills corals and literally makes immature fish gay in that they won't reproduce.

But please, rub it all over your skin. I'm sure it won't hurt you. Or you could just wear a hat and a shirt and not risk cancer.

In this thread, mutts and browns that have no concept of being an aryan and getting sunburn.

I take a vitamin d supplement faggot.

You'd know all about yearning for the phalli of other men.

Sun damage accounts for 90% of premature aging within the skin. If chemical sunscreens freak you out try korean sunscreens that have physical spf protection like zinc oxide. You’ll have a white cast but you should wear sunscreen unless you wanna look like a flat tire by the time you are 40. Why do you think women who tan age like milk?

No seriusly, put that fucking shit nord*oid
Its funny as hell see nord cucks with sunburns in the beach

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The sun never shines in bong land, I don't know what you're talking about.

Both sunscreen and sunlight cause cancer.

But staying inside my house doesnt.
Neets win again

yeah yeah they'll bounce all the way from antartica to mexico like a fucking ping pong ball. I guess it's not for nothing that people say spics are low in terms of intelligence.

shut up faggot im white as snow and never worn that shit i dont like rubbing white creamy goo all over my self; especially when some kikes, and the government, and the media (who all hate me for being a white male) tell me its good for me.
Yah im sure they really have our best interest at heart.
cock sucking faggot

shut the fuck up you poor, mentally ill, fat, cousin-fucking, backsavage, hick loser.

Is there a healthy option? I work outside and get bad burns. I need the organic kind or whichever is healthy

Okay Tyrone.

>Exposure to sun increase testosterone levels

Minimal at best. What really gets the test up is the physical activity people who go outside tend to do. Any many who simply goes outside to sunbathe is likely a nut chugger.

Yeah, putting on sunscreen for minor reasons is dumb. Its use is mostly for people that want to lay on the beach in the sun for a long time and that kind of stuff.

Uva rays that damage the skin more than uvb rays exist constantly ans all year round even when it’s cloudy. The sun’s ray are always hitting the earth during the day therefore they are always hitting and damaging your skin

Use Japanese or Korean sunscreen

Tyrone is a Gaelic name

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You uh, basting that turkey today?

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The elite deprive our balls of natural sunlight... that could be needed during the second step of puberty.

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>I'm solar powered
You didn't lie.

Just wear a fucking hat when you go outside. That way you dont have to put sunscreen on. God you guys are fucking idiots.

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No one here goes outside anyway


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This is me after 1 hr in the sun and I don't think that's heathy for you either.

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who is that woman in that gif

Okay. Go bathe in UV rays then.
Fuck science, right?

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I wonder why tf plebs does that.
It's so glorious to feel the sun uv light on your skin, especially on your sweet ass.
I feel soo good after 1h of sunbathing.


Found the kike

Okay Nigger.

This - zinc oxide sunscreens provide a physical barrier and are reef and people safe. Even if you use oxybenzine spray sunscreen at home, when you shower it goes either into groundwater or to your utility wastewater - either way it makes it into the water system and fucks things up.

I'm a white guy who works in the tropics a lot and can always dress for the sun - use zinc oxide and avoid burning.

Sunscreen is important if you care about how you look. Skin cancer is for the most part treatable if caught early. If you don’t wanna be wrinkly i’d suggest a broad spectrum 50spf physical sunscreen daily. Uva and uvb rays are really really bad for your skin and will effect and age you all year round and even when it’s not sunny. Uva rays can even penetrate windows and can damage the skin even when you’re indoors. It’s up to you but the only proven way to prevent and minimize the effects of aging is by using spf. I like korean and japanese ones because they are not pumped with needless fragrance and essential oils like they are in the western hemisphere.

t.skincare fag

I challenge you to go to a Florida beach for 20 minutes without sunscreen. You'll be toasted

stop jacking off, she doesn't know you and doesn't give a shit about you.

post skin

>believes the supplement Jew
That's not a viable replacement for sunlight

you only need to be in the sun 15-30 minutes a day anything more than that will ltierally give you cancer if you have white skin

Only white "people" need sunscreen

I've wondered about sunscreen too, however:
>Old ladies in Mediterranean countries work in their gardens well into their 80s. They are covered completely head-to-toe.
Vitamin D supplements should be taken by everybody. Almost everyone is deficient, and even if you're not supplements still have health benefits.
>Vitamins such as magnesium, zinc, vitamin C and other antioxidants will help prevent cancers forming.
Sugar is cancer.

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Never used sunscreen ever in my entire life, and my skin is in tip top condition!

Is this why women yearn for BBC? They feel the abundance of testosterone stemming from their physical activity?

Sunscreen is an unhealthy poison. Do you think Roman warriors, Vikings or Teutonic knights applied sunscreen? I'm actually surprised how quickly this scam caught on with absolutely no push back, as if nobody stopped to think for even one moment.

Eggs and milk are great sources for vitamin D and are extremely chad aryan gamer tier. Everything you need from the sun you absorb in very minimal time.

What brand, I wanna see this shit

They're OK sources, provided it is good quality.

It's not a replacement though.

you dont know that

I belong in a factory, the industrial revolution was fine.

Oh? What ingredient/brand of sunscreen?

I have a special lotion for her to rub on her body

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> being an aryan
> getting sunburn.


Pick one.

Sun an steel, my tomodachi. Sun and steel.

The earth's magnetic field has been weakening and the sun today feels a fuckin hell of a lot more intense today than it did in the early 80s

sunscreen is for virgin nerds

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fpwp you fookin coomer

Sure, organic eggs and dairy from pasture-raised animals will yield a solid micronutrient profiles. Also, our daily vitamin D requirements are met with 15 minutes to 30 minutes of direct sun exposure. I'm aware and in agreement with both these statements, so I'm not sure why you responded to me.

Post your sunscreen's ingredients list.

Then go to Spain at summer and stay at the beach for 5 hours. Sounds fun right?

Why worry about aging? I want to be 90 and look like a pruned mummy. Plus i will still be out in the sun and you will still be really gay.

>They're OK sources
It's incredibly easy to hit 100% DV for breakfast with those two things alone. And again, very minimal sunlight is necessary anyhow.

hahahaha keep rubbin that creamy paste all over fag-boi

Found the roastie.

Look at the glowing skin on this Jew. He doesn't wear sunscreen, and sunbathes and sugazes hours per day

Recommended Daily Values are based on the bare minimum requirement. Optimal health requires a significantly greater amount of each vitamin/mineral.

>People didn't get skin cancer before

are you retarded?

I live in the southwest corner of America, and I am white

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