How do we help the 3rd world?
How do we help the 3rd world?
The average american donates 300 per year to third world shit holes. Thats just america alone. it does not include EVERY other country that gives international gibs.
Fuck these lazy mother fuckers. Theyve done nothing with the untold fortunes weve given them. We should cut them all off without warning and livestream them starving to death.
Nuclear holocaust
But where does all the money go?
We have dumped about the equivalent of 50 marshall plans into africa and look what has happened.
4x the niggers by 2100. Thanks boomers.
To be fair I'm pretty sure many charities are scams. I'm not saying they aren't started for good reasons or whatever, but it's goddamn astounding how little money reaches the people the charity is for. It takes money to run a business, but the percentage that reaches these people is so small.
>OP is a phoneposter
Kill them
Game over dinosovian nigger
In all honesty we've been helping them for the longest time. It seems to me they don't want to help themselves. It's simple as FUCK! All people have to do is come together to form a functional fucking society. The more we help THEM means more of our resources go to waste over time. We haven't even helped ourselves in a long time.
The real question is how do we help the 1st world???
Why do we help the 3rd world?
Well, for one thing, we can stop fucking with it and just leave it alone. All these "charities" and NGOs are just doing the devil's work while pretending they're helping. The U.S. dumps millions of tons of surplus grain in 3rd-world countries in the form of food aid, bankrupting local farmers, destroying the local economies, creating refugees who need to be "saved" by importing them into our nations. It's all a huge scam intended to ruin us all, first and third world alike. LEAVE THEM THE FUCK ALONE AND BUGGER OFF!
Stop sending aid, that shit just get stolen before reaching the people that need it.
Stop helping them. There is a reason there are signs saying, "don't feed the animals" at zoos and parks. Just leave them alone. Let them die if they are going to. Helping them creates dependency which creates weakness. Weakness leads to death.
Nuke it from orbit?
killing all the jews
jews own 86 of the Argentine territory and they are slowly killing the native and criollo populations.
Soon all the ancient and christenized cultures will be lost to the hue and bolivian communists
Pls help Argentina and genocide jews
Why would we?
Cherry pick their best.
Educate them.
Give them purpose.
and they will never go back to their shit hole country
We don't. China will send them all money and save them.
With nordic sperm donations like how they do in Brazil where women will import white US american sperm in order to improve their race.
that's ridiculous. Why would it need to be done from orbit?
Round them up and send them to China so they can take care of them.
Why would we do that?
A better, more deadly strain of coronavirus.
If you feed starving brown people, the just fuck, and make twice as many starving brown people.
If the 3rd world cannot achieve parity with the west on their own, they cannot maintain it on their own. Even if foreign aid worked to bring them to parity, it was always a bad idea.
By not helping them
the atmosphere deserves to get fiercely penetrated by state of the art phallic nuclear weaponry
Abolish welfare. Simple as.
Genociding them, the poor and lazy should stop reproducing.
Such inferior races should be wiped out of Earth, but we live in Kikeland and kikes need them to enslave them.
we don't
By leaving it alone and letting nature run its course
3rd world only exist because the west keeps sending them money
By not patronizing them with donations and kid glove treatment. They either rise above or die by their honor, as all people should.
>How do we help the 3rd world?
Leave them the fuck alone unless they specifically ask for our help or start fucking with us.
Gift cards is a good start. Do your part.
yea, Africa is a bottomless pit. now we will have 4 billion niggers in my lifetime that can't feed themselves. fuck humanitarian cucks
Just let nature run its course. Throwing money at the problem is just making it worse.
One nuke at a time.
On the plus side it would put and end to those (((gap year))) faggots finding themselves.
Nuclear weapons.
Fuck'em - the world is better of without shitskins and those who support them.
Leaving it alone.
That girl looks ripe for a good breeding