Failed Democrat states begging for federal bailout money now

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They need to stop letting people retire at 40.

this fag doesn't understand how federal income taxes work

Yeah well if that was true why does NY need a bailout and Kentucky doesn't.

Kentucky and Virginia take the most because of defense contract sectors.

Trump and Republicans are too incompetent to use the Democrats failings against them

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>mug gdp

how important is that going to be for all the browns and jews in new york when the food runs out? im sure you will all get along just fine with all your extra shekels

Kentucky has no industry

You realize that mutt literally begged to be beaten, right?

Trumps video of Biden bragging about letting kids touch his legs got more views than Obama's endorsement of Biden.

Suddenly Democrats are against socialism lmao

No fucky with Kentucky please. We din du nuffin

imagine doing the mental gymnastics to justify this and their high tax hellhole

>Now that this is all over, we don't want socialism anymore.
let this fuckers starve

While Republicans have been asking "where muh trumpbux at" for two months now. Fucking hilarious.

Corvette, and auto parts, many factories are shut down in KY

What "industry" does new York have?

>blue jew cities realize they are unsustainable without the "flyovers" they talk shit about

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How do you cope with the fact that it's been predominantly left wing governors enacting the harshest lockdowns and then complaining to drumpf about not having enough money to run their states

Tik tok videos

Human trafficking

>says this
>laughs at Long Island statehood proposals

bourbon and horses

I live in NY and am completely against a bailout. NY has to suffer the consequences of decades of profligate spending and mismanagement.

While the gop Senate's solution is for the states to declare bankruptcy? Not too bad i guess.

Most of us are still at work because we got trades instead of becoming artists, getting useless degrees, or working as Vox contributors.

lets make a deal coumo. we stop giving any federal money to the states and see who begs for mercy first. my money is on NY collapsing in under 2 weeks..

Friendly reminder that socialism has absolutely nothing to do with social welfare or safety nets and is only defined by the workers owning or maintaining absolute regulatory control over the means of production.

The US can never have socialist policies because we are a democratic republic who's representatives no longer represent the working class. At best we may have socialist companies by way of employee-ownership.

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BBC importing

Farms. New York produces a large amount of milk and apples.

why do industrial states rack up so much debt if theyre so successful?

I guess if nothing else, we lived to see Dems and Reps flip political ends of the spectrum again. that hasn't happened since, what? the civil war?

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Faggotry, Inc.

There is actually a very easy way for New York to fix its budget problems: reopen all businesses and let tax revenue flow back in.

umm playing and fucking around and gambling on money all day doesn't equal generating it

Beurocracy and taxes.

>NY puts in more than they take out. KY takes out more than they put in.
No. People in every state who make real money put in more than they take out and people on benefits in every state take out more than they put in. This is such a bizarre thing I keep hearing people bitch about. Federal income tax rates are the same no matter what state you're in. What's Cuomo's solution here? Lower the tax rates on NY residents? NY state could do that themselves. Cut gibs? Kentuckians who work for a living wouldn't object. Why can't Cuomo cut state level gibs, then?

They already got 500million from CDC, 4 hospitals built my army engineers, and fucking navy battleship, redistribution of 10,000 ventilators, various masks, gowns, redistributed from other states.

THEN then millions of test kits given to them over priority of other states....

All of the above is federal funding above the normal allotted amount that ever state gets to prepare for these types of events.

Turns out newyork has been utilizing 99% of their state funds for everything but to medical emergencies.

Since 2003 they closed 16 hospitals in NY.
Go figure...


That is just a rigged casino run by leech cronies.

I wonder how he feels about niggers and welfare

Ponzi schemes, strip clubs, insurance fraud, ponzi schemes disguised as tech startups, and distribution of Chinese fentanyl.