How long before the genocide starts?

And I'm not talking about the jews. They have already won. I'm asking how long before jews start the genocide of white Christians? Right now they, at harvard, are trying to implement laws to make homeschooling for white Christian conservatives illegal, effectively legalizing taking children from their families without the family's consent. If they can do that without repercussions, what wont they do to our children? Who would stop them if they did something awful? Would you? No, you would be arrested or killed. Look up the definition of genocide in Wikipedia and you will see the unwilling transfer of children from a persecuted group falls under the modern definition of genocide. Once the public is made aware and indifferent to this then by definition a genocide has started. As soon as this law passes, and it will, the killings and arrests will start and the violent resistance will only solidify to the diverse American public that we, white Christians, are their mortal enemy.

Pic related is from wikipedias page on genocide. I suggest you all look into what defines authoritarianism and what defines totalitarianism. It is happening and we have already lost, we lost a long time ago. Do we commit suicide so that they cannot torture and imprison and murder us and our families just like they do with impunity to Palestinians? Look how theyve justified that to the world: they are extremists; they are terrorists. But not us, not Israel.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pic related is the harvard article I had referred to

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>he can't even post the link

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That bible has no place in a school setting. The bible makes xhites dumb and racist against our jewish masters.

They're going to murder us all and there is absolutely nothing we can do

Maybe heaven is better any way

How the fuck do you make homeschooling illegal? Doesn't that infringe on your rights?

Not if its made into law. Not if our leaders vote it into being law. This is happening and there is nothing you can do to stop it, and if you get violent or show any signs of thinking about doing something about it you will be arrested, imprisoned and possibly killed. The police will follow their orders, not yours. We have lost. Evil won.

Neither does gender studies. Yet, here we are...

Demoralization agents like you are the worst kind of scum

Doesn't make any sense, didn't they tried to make guns illegal but couldn't?
How can anyone rationalize homeschooling is more dangerous than guns? I mean people will revolt.

Oh really? What the fuck are you going to do about it? You've already lost and you know it. Do you have kids?because if you do they are going to take them, and when you get mad they're going to say you're unfit to be a parent and they will take them permanently from you to do with as they wish. Going to do something about it? You will be I institutionalized, imprisoned, or killed. And there will be serious consequences for your children as well. Have a nice day now.

What rights? Do you worry about the rights of cattle or chickens?

Thanks for the input, defeatist

Might want to check out that gun thing, they make more and more progress on that every day. I think virginia just lost a bunch of gun rights but you'd have to look it up. Guns wont help when the entire US military is not on your side and neither is law enforcement. Law enforcements job is not to make laws, it is to enforce them.

It's been in progress since the 60s.

Western whites are mostly demoralized, drug addicted, childless, heavily indebted people who kill themselves when they hit middle age or turn into wine aunts. Whites are also subject to all the stupid laws the people who rule them implement.

Hard genocide will happen once they hit around 40% of the population and the jews who control the financial markets pull the rug out and use the media to blame whitey for it.

>before the genocide starts
it started 60 years ago

Man that's fucked up. Homeschooling was also highly illegal here during communism.
America is about to fall...hard.

Tell me then genius how do you plan on stopping that from happening? We are the last czars of russia at this point and who will help if we scream?

Christians want to ban homeschooling, because otherwise children will not be properly indoctrinate into the Christian cult.

No it starts when they actually do things that fall under the modern definition of a genocide. They are so fucking close it's scary and when you try to resist they will take you and your children away.

It's simply too late, Europe is the model they're going after. I suppose if we are docile enough they wont kill all of us, but then it's an entire life time of not making "mistakes" that could land you in jail. Mistakes that they will actively be looking for.

>Right now they, at harvard, are trying to implement laws to make homeschooling for white Christian conservatives illegal, effectively legalizing taking children from their families without the family's consent.
This is one of the goals of COVID-19, to set up Christians as antivaxxers who are endangering their children and society by not allowing the state to vaccinate the kids and by avoiding the LGBTQ propaganda by homeschooling. This is the final pice to implement purge of Christians. The children will be sold off (through “adoption fees”) to LGBTQ or Muslim families where they will become pliant sex slaves and money makers for their new “parents”. The time is very fucking nigh.

>I suppose if we are docile enough they wont kill all of us, but then it's an entire life time of not making "mistakes" that could land you in jail. Mistakes that they will actively be looking for.
See: U.K. for great examples of this.

If things were hopeless then they would not need to desperately shill their propaganda 24/7. More people are aware of (((them))) now than at any other point in history.

So they want to genocide Christians?
What's wrong?
Christians are just going to offer the other cheek
If they try to get my kids I'll simply murder the kikes.

Oh really? What are you going to do if they say you have corona and take you away with extreme force? Your kids? What are you going to do when they tell you that you are mentally unfit to be a parent? You'll get shot or imprisoned if you try anything. So what are you going to do?

It's already started. Google "meat packing plants closing" at least once per day and feel the chill go up your spine.

You will be killed your children will be sold into sex slavery and they will crucify you in the media and use you as an example of white nationalist extremism.

'people' would do shit. This seems to be the sad fact.

You can have all the guns you want, that wont save you from the sheer numbers of people they can throw at you. They have more police and military than you have bullets, and they are trained specifically to take people like you out. You've lost.

White fragility on action. Its genocide to make children go to school? No wonder you're obsessed with race signalling since you clearly have nothing to contribute to society as an individual

Not be a cuckold amerimutt posting trash hypothetical scenarios none of which have happened so far.

It is the definition of genocide to forcibly transfer children from the custody of their parents. It gets worse if you try to do anything at all about it, as this will justify them deeming you to be mentally unfit to be a parent. They will do this simply by saying by objecting you are supporting white supremacy. It gets even easier to do if you get violent.

>nooo, how dare you want to practice nepotism and tribal well being like every other group of people on Earth

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Whites actually care about education as opposed to comfortable brainwashing that non-whites lap up like dung beetles.

Have fun losing your children to Arab royaltys harems, which there are countless numbers of, and they can never be filled due to the "turnover" of the sex slaves.

I get your point but I think I get his point. """They"""'ve been pushing us inch by inch and there's been practically no response. They do seem to be getting away with it by and large. The lone heroes who try anything "stupid" at this point would get cut down and people might even cheer them for it. inb4 another defeatist, you have no idea.

You can murder them back when they try to murder you.

And then be crucified by media solidifying for the diverse american populace that violent Nazis need to be stopped? Yyyyyyeah.

>It is the definition of genocide to forcibly transfer children from the custody of their parents
No it isnt. Is CPS committing "genocide" when it takes away a criminal or drug dealers custody rights? It's only genocide if they target one specific ethnicity to try and erase their heritage
>It gets even easier to do if you get violent.
Yes those poor violent nazis I'm sure they're great parents!

will you cut it out with the "muh christian" bullshit? This is beyond the hate of atheists you dumbfucks.