I'm a young white male recently deradicalized by Contrapoints

I used to be an anti-SJW loser living in my mother's basement

Meeting right wingers for real pushed me further away from them than anything else could. There's something about seeing a vast sea of pale chubby losers with beards born out of their lack of motivation to shave and all of them wearing clothes which don't quite fit their bodies which makes one question "why does my personal ideology seem to appeal almost exclusively to people who look, act and most importantly live like me?"

I lived in a basement, spent all of my time playing vidya and rarely ever talked to anyone other than myself. Going to university made me look at people and realize that they're real and I have to work to understand them. It made modern social issues a lot more legitimate to me and made me care a lot more about the real world and thus made all of the petty nonsense I was seeing going on in my own community feel a lot less worthy of my time.

It was last year that I first came across Natalie's videos and binged a bunch of her channel, and no other person has more influenced the person I want to strive to be. As far as I'm concerned Contrapoints is the only content creator, all other ideologues are cancelled. She is the most subscribed to personality literally everywhere because no one else on the internet exists.

She is a dark queen, a glorious mother and comrade. Open your hearts to Contrapoints and she shall lead you out of darkness.

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Hello my name is Mike.

Hello my name is Theo.

TLDR OP is a faggot. Sage.

Dumbass narcissist who takes 2 hours to say something it should take 30 seconds. SAGE FAGGOT, CONTRAPOINTS SUCKS... SORRY YOU'RE A DEVIANT FAGGOT

>Hello my fellow /poltards/

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>1 post
nice try, lefty troll

Try harder next time

everyone here is long gone my friend. I agree with some points although her videos were a lot more engaging when she was a man.

Oh ffs... kill yourself.

what an ugly girl

Go shill your faggot nonsense elsewhere you shill faggot

>Looks like the alpha build of an incel
>Hairloss before 30
>looks like a creep
>dresses like a creep
>Male feminist
>Suddently discovers he is gay , suuuure

>Is build like a chad, looks gay though
>Has depressions & is mentally ill
>dresses like a faggot
>got beat and abused by his ex, kek
>cries on camera often
>His bitter a Boris Johnson for taking his ancestors Mansion
>Suddenly discovers he is gay, suuuuure

>Literally a man that dresses like a woman
>Is not sexy, will never be a women, tries to be a titty youtuber, kek
>is mentally ill, duh
>Has one time suddenly discovers he is gay, suuuuure

>Is literally a Cuck
>His wife cheats on him
>Will soon suddenly discover he is gay

So either the Left is quiet literally a bunch of faggots or liting to their ideology makes you gay

>meme flag
>i dilate now
op is a massive fagget

What exactly is going on? There are so many religion and slide threads lately. I have never been one of those JIDF accusers but is that what's happening?

Sexy trans mommy plz fuck me in the butt with your big cock :3 :3 :3

russian and jew bots dividing us

You were never radicalized if all it took was contrapoints and his poor rhetoric that hides lack of substance behind a veneer of snide "humour". sage.

I think a nerve was struck earlier this morning with the Idaho protest threads. Couple got shoa'd because people were actually looking up and posting the cop's home address and people in general were supportive of white organization against police. Can't have that.

how cum Jews never refute any of the tenants of Yas Forums?

>look how fabulous i am in my dress, i feel so aroused
>calling someone AGP is hate speech
>anyway here's some strawmen and skits

I agree, good job.

good one, Joe

>I'm a young white male
ok jew

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>deradicalized by contrapoints

You are a bigger faggot than me and I am a tranny.

Wait you forgot Vaush. I don't pay attention to Ytbers giving me their political opinions unless its Taylor, but from what I've seen he's just a fat destiny

What I want to do is illegal.
I have no choice but to fight the government.
You could spend 1000000 hours talking to me.
What I would like to do is still illegal.
I still have no choice but to fight the government.
>You're not fighting, you're just an incel living in your basement
Well, everything's fine then, right ? If I'm not fighting, I don't need to be deradicalized.

Contrapoints is without a doubt the worst of all these breadtube youtubers that are being promoted by the YouTube algorithms, he can’t go for 10 fucking seconds without making a shitty joke that goes on for too long and takes forever to get to the point. I don’t know how anybody can watch his videos and not get bored, I can barely even look at him without feeling sick. Why not shill for Shaun or Three Arrows, at least their content is actually convincing even though they rely entirely on strawmen, mis-representing their opponents and absurd fallacious arguments (in Shaun’s “rebuttal” of Mark Collett he tried to say that England was always diverse and multi-racial because at one point a Roman soldier from North Africa was posted at Hadrian’s Wall, lmao).

>i went to uni and became an SJW leftist faggot
thanks nigger

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Vaush is destiny except he calls himself a socialist instead of just a liberal. He’s another proud cuck.

I dream about raping Contrapoints.

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>cut off dick


I don’t live in my basement,I work out every day,I train with my guns every day,I hunt,I fish I plant and I farm I pass all day training and working and when I’m done I play video games and watch old movies,when I don’t feel like doing that I study law,history,and sciences I devout myself almost full time to self improvement,if you where a loser and stil is a loser the problem wasn’t just your ideology it was you,facism and natsoc are all about self improvement of the individual to serve his race and community

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Wrong, idiot. If you were a fan of Contrapoints, you would know that she hasn't cut off her penis.

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They went through what we did with the skeptic community but without a 2016 feeling of winning an election (or throwing a wrench into the machine) but with even gayer faggots. They can't say they are better than Gavin, Milo, or as pathetic as Ben now

Contrapoints is smarter than you. COPE!

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You just want to fuck ContraPoints

she spends 10 minutes psychoanalyzing right wingers condescendingly if semi-sympathetically and then ab 20 seconds "rebutting" strawman summaries of their positions. obviously is sort of intelligent but not really interested in engaging with anyone who thinks differently. also, all of her newer videos are elaborate humblebrags / opportunities for her to dress up and show off for the camera.

that said, if all you needed was a transgirl whisperer to change your political beliefs, the beliefs you had in the beginning probably did need changing. you were never authentically right wing in the first place, just pathologically resentful of others.

i want to kill myslef and i'm not even a tranny

Speak for yourself faggot. Those of us who actually have something to lose don't larp.

we all have seen these studies conforming that right wingers have higher self esteem, higher iq more attractive ecc. just less likely to get into gender studies for some reason
stop answering this shit.

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Then it’s not a she is it?
It’s a he

Cool. I am a dark elf former rogue who was reformed to be a paladin by a cleric of Ishtar.

Fuck off LARPer.

If he was smarter then us idk he wouldn’t be a fallacious point making tranny