You, foreigner. Come here

>You, foreigner. Come here.

Attached: Queen.png (1024x614, 646.85K)

Built for BBC

Yes, I want to kiss her bare toes, smelling them in the process, but why are you hiding behind a UN flag? FUCK the UN.

She looks like an alien in a wig

Is that dandruff on top of her hair or is it light?

Nah, I like my Asians two countries west of Korea.

Attached: 15648929.jpg (859x828, 159.01K)

>jump up full force and headbutt her stupid chink nose into her bran

Yes commie mommie.

>Yes, Mistress. May I kiss your feet, please?

>If only a woman of any age and looks wanted to stomp on me.

Will she step on me?

It’s an unpleasant thing to look at.

Good boy.

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I would bludgeon the last white person on earth to death with a shovel just to lick the soles of her feet

Based and redpilled

Yes mommy

Attached: NorfQueen.png (561x831, 434.88K)

get the insect exterminator
there is another chink on /pol

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I want her to ruin my balls with her feet

Yes mistress

>she will never sternly order you to lick her feet clean after she peels off her sweaty nylons after a long day of ordering dissidents to death camps
It's not fucking fair, bros

no u

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She's fast!

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Am I the only one who thinks she looks like smeagol?

She looks miserable, gosh she looks so miserable.

user you just may have discovered the next big thing in memes

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Attached: KimJongWaifu.jpg (1616x1077, 1.12M)

>female dictator
Can't wait for heads to roll and nukes to fly on her first PMS

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