Is anyone else here very confused ideologically/politically? I'm pretty disillusioned with liberal democracy...

Is anyone else here very confused ideologically/politically? I'm pretty disillusioned with liberal democracy. At the same time, I'm not a fan of the radical ideologies of both the right and the left (fascism/communism). Let me elaborate:

- Economically, I oppose laissez faire capitalism and am sympathetic to economic justice. At the same time, I reject Marxism. In this regard I'd probably be considered a center-left socdem, or maybe a distributist.
- I think democracy is broken. Most people are not reasonably educated on issues, they get their information from pundits and treat politics like it's popularity contest. Most people only have one or two issues they really care about and care to vote on. If democracy is going to continue then people should be reasonably educated. Otherwise I think that political power should be given to those with expertise in scientific or technical knowledge. But the imbalance in power should not get so great as to create a sort of technocratic divide.
- I am very much an environmentalist, I would like to see us do more to combat climate change and adopt more sustainable practices in regards to the economy and environment. I don't think liberal democracy can realistically address this problem
- Socially I am somewhat mixed. I take a conservative stance on abortion, drug legalization, and monogamy, though take a socially liberal view on gender equality, lgbt rights, and criminal justice.

I am not here to debate my views. I'm just curious if anyone knows where I fit or has a similar experience

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Yeah, I'm at that point too.
I think that means that I have to stop bitching about politics and get on with my life. I guess that's not so bad.

fake and gay
op is a pedo shill that spams pics of little cartoon girls
kys tranny

This is an anime site normalnigger

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Maybe you're right. Guess I'll just drop it altogether. If someone asks my views I'll just say "idk, I guess I'm moderate, I don't keep up with politics"

>posting pictures of little girls all day every day in fake threads trying to normalize pedophilia on Yas Forums
kys tranny kike

>Would you like to know more?

Service guarantees citizenship, fren ... ;)

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Have you ever heard of Propertarianism?

I'm not confused. I don't believe in a political solution. The only way to exert influence is to have money and social standing. Voting doesn't do much, for good reason.

I'm learning Mandarin solely so I can fake shill whatever stupid shit comes out of that country, all for (You)s.

You are looking for third positionist anarco-libertarianisn.

>sees the drawn depiction of a young girl
>immediately associates it with pedophilia
Maybe you are the one who's sick. KYS yourself please.

You’re just a fence sitting fat fuck like Boogie and you’re an autistic pedophile who watches gook cartoons. You no reason not to kill yourself. Also, this isn’t your blog or political compass test, faggot.

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Another meme ideology. Just what the world needs. Might as well call yourself a Nazbol since you’re a joke either way.

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It sounds like you may be interested in distributism.

Congratulations. You're human and are beginning to see the attempts of elites encapsulating people into different categories. Categories can easily be libelled and written off and, with help of the other "categories", discarded. We're seeing it now in real time. One by one.
I'm not sure democracy is broken but it is more effective over several smaller places and we're being sold alternatives that are marketed to have rulers controlling massive swaths of territory covering the planet. A planet inhabited by dehumanized animals which have been herded into different categories and to be discarded and burnt when the time is right.

>Most people are not reasonably educated on issues, they get their information from pundits and treat politics like it's popularity contest.
Even if the voters were reasonably educated, it still won't matter.
In a democratic system, whomever controls the media outlets will control the country.


NOT anymore.

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>and we're being sold alternatives that are marketed to have rulers controlling massive swaths of territory covering the planet.
That's the system that America has now.

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I felt like that for aged and became a libertarian monarchist which means

>Freedumbs good
>People are stupid and will vote them away if allowed

>am sympathetic to economic justice
The abolition of private property also includes your own, chap? Also, Equality of Outcome is going to deeply impact your quality of life in ways you wouldn't imagine possible.
>I reject Marxism
Clearly you don't if you are sympathetic towards half of the four cornerstones of socialism...
>socially liberal view on gender equality
Sorry, three of the cornerstones.

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Maybe anarcho-facism is your thing
>keeps propriety rights gun rights and freedom of speech
>keeps race tradition and devotion to the state and people

You do sound more left-leaning to me. What has you holding back on joining in with the liberal/leftist camp? Abortion? And do you oppose legalizing marihuana too?

Yes, but also the only democracy is representative democracy, which means parties and parties have to present a political package of some kind.
That political package is basically an ideology, so unless we convert into a direct democracy, you're stuck fucking around with ideologies because of the mechanics of a representative system.

Congrats, you're starting to reach political literacy and are starting to realize neither the Republican or Democrat party have your best interests at heart. Unfortunately expressing the opinion that both sides have equally good and terrible ideas leads to the lashing out of both sides, often calling you a "dumb centrist who can't make up their mind" even though that's far from what your political beliefs actually are.

The authority of the Republican and Democrat party is entirely dependent on the other and a viable third party would completely destroy the power they've allocated to themselves through the political division they've created.

Never use a label to describe your political beliefs, a well informed citizen votes and understands legislation on a case by case basis and can be critical of legislation by the "side" they identify with most.

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Are you seriously going to argue the two parties are remotely comparable? Have you SEEN how Republicans and the right arw handling the pandemic?

this is pretty much being an ancap.

>Are you seriously going to argue the two parties are remotely comparable?
Yes. It's almost as if you are not lurking enough to tell what a false dichotomy is.

>I am very much an environmentalist, I would like to see us do more to combat climate change
That's your problem, you are confused because you don't base your judgement on facts but on what the media tell you. And since the MSM aren't here to tell you the true, you're confused about how the world work and what to do.
Just educate yourself about science, so you can have an holistic approach.

>Are you seriously going to argue the two parties are remotely comparable?
What is the Bush League shit?
I expect much better from you guys.

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>educate yourself
>holistic approach
I think you are going to get OP all confused...

If you go deep enough into philosophy and psychology, you'll realize that our definitions of morality have evolved for the purpose of our long-term self-preservation. Is self-preservation genuinely good? I'm not sure, one can make a case that we've progressed at the expense of other species and deterioration of nature in general. Our virtues are essentially the selfish gene disguising itself with a better than thou persona. And so, I don't see why those virtues are something to aspire to. You want economic justice just so the shittier firms and people continue to survive even though there's no reason they actually deserve to apart from those made up virtues. Not saying that they don't deserve to live but rather that it shouldn't matter and so your decisions or opinions should be indifferent to them. The people who've realized this truth try to seize the democracy and leave a pretence behind for the sake of their convenience. Nobody deserves anything whether it's good or bad. Those capable of seizing the power will do it anyway. You're always going to be a useful idiot unless you can run things yourself.