I am starting to view the act of two people fucking as mostly an animal thing that isn't very arousing at all?

Like its just kinda gross at this point, it just seems so shallow and fake and hell even having sex IRL has lost its shine for me because its just like.....ugh this is gonna take time and then I gotta deal with emotional shit and I'd rather not.

What is happening to me?

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Stop watching porn retard

Stop watching porn, you have been programmed by the Jewish Media

You’ve taken your first steps into a larger universe. Follow the Dhamma and seek refuge in the Buddha.

Behold the triple gem: Anicca Dukkha Anatta

Seek the deathless.

Thats the thing, I already did. It just started getting boring.

Do not see beauty in ugliness, do not see ugliness in the wholesome.

Women are a meaningless timesink

You are starting to break out of programming. Throughout history wise people have time and time again seen sex as a nasty but necessary measure, and men that fetishize sex have always been seen as simpletons. There was a reason to this; i.e. the age old adage "think with your head, not your dick".


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Sex is only a way to create children.
If you have sex without impregnating then you're just masturbating with another body.

Don't feel bad, you're learning user

The flesh is a means to an end, it can be a beautiful thing if you love your wife. And it can be gross if it's some whore from the club.

It's your choice

Learn about the Schizoid personality disorder.

porn is disgusting, it just is. and sadly, looking back on my life, most sex is as well.

Dude holy shit are you me? My girlfriend got all pissed and depressed like a week and a half ago and was like you don't find me attractive anymore and shit. And I say what are you talking about but seriously I feel the same like we went from fucking 4x a week to maybe 1x. And literally today I woke up and got stoned, and went to pornhub and just didn't feel it like I looked at all my weird shit that I like and even that didn't do anything for me

This is a cope you created to convince yourself you hate sex because you will never have it.

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You are advancing to the next level.
Welcome brother.

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You woke up user

Cheers, not many people get there, they will always be slaves to their urges

Stop watching porn

It means you are on the path towards spiritual enlightenment

You're getting older. Happens to all of us.

Welcome to being a wizard. Buy some 40k shit

Same thing was happening to me before I dropped porn. It literally has no effect on me any more. No matter how attractive something looks I can just will myself to stop thinking/looking at it. Whatever 'it' is. Took me a long time to realize I don't like pornstars, porn, and that the porn jew is a chronic problem starting with me consooming it.
Mind over matter, user.

>I am starting to view the act of two people fucking as mostly an animal thing that isn't very arousing at all?
It used to be a magical union between sworn partners which functioned to tie their DNA together forever into their 50% reincarnations: their children. And then their lives were rigidly structured by their church and community to preserve that union for the benefit of the family and community.

Now were back to the caves only their made of plastic instead of rock and mating is simply two animals smacking together. If they accidentally create a child they kill it, and live meaningless lives of meat smacking mediocrity.

Birth control destroyed the middle class.

OP, try sex with a member of the opposite sex.

Be happy that the sexual menace does not hold control over you

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I used to fuck my Jewish gf twice a day. Now it’s once a week
I still love her, but the sex cravings have died a bit.
We’ve been together for like a year and a half

Like I kid not, I'd rather look at clothed women than porn now. Porn is absolutely weimar.
God speed with your troubles user.

Never had Sex or a gf but agree sex is fucking disgusting. Gives you STDs like herpes, gives you unwanted children, forces you to interact with subhumans known as woman.

Sure feels good to cum but only for 10 seconds is that really worth all the trouble?
I rather not endanger my finances for access to some rotten hole.

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>What is happening to me?
The jew' porn spell is wearing off.
Embrace the healing, user.
It is only in the filthy degenerate modern age that chastity has been made to sound like something bad and shameful, when the exact opposite is true.

over the last century you were raised to see sex as the highest most important action a person can engage in. that sex was the secret motivation of every action. when in reality if you have sex long enough and enough times it just gets boring and seems like a waste of time and energy.

this but unironically
find a gf before you can't get it up anymore OP

Put a ring on it Moishe. You're part of their tribe now. Better start acting like it.

Yeah it's weird

It isn’t only porn. It is literally all forms of entertainment. Think of anything, games, movies, nascar, dance music whatever. It’s all Jew-owned way of getting you waste time you could use to otherwise build your society up and on top of that they drain you of life energy and money for the privilege of them wasting your time.

All “content” is designed to keep you content. Once you’d realize you are literally in a prison cell (your body) and the jailer (Jews) hold the keys to your bodies chemical reaction factory (your mind).

The Dhamma kills the Jew.

I've had like 20 girlfriends since 1999 dude. And another handful of chicks I can't even remember the names of at this point.

This is brainlet cope

Kek stop it bro you’re making me give up hope


>Schizoid personality disorder
well shit. i definetely have this

Stop screwing loose whores and find a woman you love and make love with her.
You're also probably watching porn while high or something aren't you?
Technically you're right, but if you really think about it we're primitive apes driven by biology and instincts in almost every aspect. Sex with someone you love is a complete escape from our twisted world, it's still pure. Don't over analyze it.

Get her a nigger bull to drown out her Jew genes

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Yes goyim stop having babies so your line will die. Good goy

Whores and porn are just phenomena. It isn’t judgmental towards them to avoid them. It isn’t the scenery’s fault if you drove the chariot and you didn’t like what you saw. But use wisdom to see where you should drive your chariot.

stop jacking off and go on with your life. learn a skill, start a business.

>yes goyim make babies so we have more taxpayer cattle

>Stop screwing loose whores and find a woman you love and make love with her.
He can't pair bond anymore. He's completely burned that option out. Look

You realize nothing matters. Money doesn't matter. Sex doesn't matter. Nothing matters. And then we die.