(((Russia))) is accusing Finland of "genocide" and making up stories about finnish extermination camps with gas...

(((Russia))) is accusing Finland of "genocide" and making up stories about finnish extermination camps with gas chambers and shit

their next move will be something like demanding Finland to extradite some old people to Russia which we wont do and just figure out the rest

Attached: kike jewtin.jpg (696x411, 52.93K)

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We are in this together

>his grandpa didn't bring home Russian skin lampshades and Russkie soap from the war

Just like Crimea huh. He must want our Lidl shoes. He can pry them from my dead hands.


fuck EU

fuck jewtin

time to join NATO binland

As pozzed as lots of our institutions are, at least they're all saying that Russians are just spouting bullshit.

Is this from Putin or some other Russians?

Putin is Russia

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ebins are in denial lol

This shit is going to be so meta, they 'make up' samey stories as the holocaust survivors which will get shut down. This in turn could go on to shine light on the holocaust bringing attention to how BS the eye-witness accounts are. Don't worry goy it's just so you have fuel for your meme's about the holocaust.

The Jews stole Russia from the Slavs and they want to kill the Slavs.

You're not accusing us of having concentration camps, you're accusing us of having extermination camps with gas chambers just for slavs.


It`s not that simple. Putin has lot of power but he is not only one. It is like like Tsars court with several people scheming around.

>look up article
>immediately says shit like “Finnish fascists”
Absolute cringe. Whatever kike wrote this should kill themselves. Apparently, anyone who resists Soviet Imperialism is a “fascist”.

where are the proofs of gas chambers

Why would Finland even need a gas chamber when they've got millions of men like Simo Hayha

>extermination camps with gas chambers just for slavs
Nothing about that in the article.

Heitän 125 asteen löylyn juutalaiset kiukaassa


>Зa вpeмя oккyпaции peгиoнa c 1941 пo 1944 гoды в yкaзaнных лaгepях yдepживaлocь нe мeнee 24 000 чeлoвeк, из кoтopых пoгиблo нe мeнee 8 000 миpных гpaждaн, в тoм чиcлe бoлee 2 000 дeтeй, cвышe 7 000 вoeннoплeнных былo зapытo живьeм, yмepщвлeнo в гaзoвых кaмepaх и paccтpeлянo.

Why can't you filthy slavs just stay on your side of the fence? Fucking creeps.

Oy wey
I mean Oy Blyat

Bullshit. Slavs have been enabling jews from day 1, along with interbreeding with them, and are now fine with jewry existing among them.

Lol so the Soviets are going to make up some new holohoax with some kikes

Fair response from finns to this

Attached: ANNIGILATION.png (358x508, 24.45K)

Fuck off!

Cлaвa CCCP!

Vladimir Shalomov (his mother surname)

Yes, The orthodox church and jews

Attached: yes.jpg (320x283, 19.69K)


Stop reading this fake news.

>muh slavic warriors

Slavs have an atrocious history of combat. Their only winning strategy is to draw their enemies they provoke into the bog which they live and hope the weather gets to their enemies before they do.

If I remember correctly Soviets claimed that Finland had genocided half of the Russian population in Karelia during occupation. That report was created by the same group that also accused Germans of genocide.

Ok. Could be bs could be not, don't know for sure and don't really care.

You have to go back.

Not surprised. Russians manufactured lots of holohoax shit as well.

Attached: nigeria with snow.jpg (736x514, 135.14K)

russia big homo and also they only get hard from eating shit L O L

It's a valid question. Why do you Russians feel the need to pound your chest like some fucking monkeys? Take care of your own shit before you come and make it worse for everyone else too.

>finnish occupiers
what the fuck does that mean? what did finland occupy?

Yes those too.

I can't remember a moment in time when Russians weren't talking tough about interfering with the lives of others.

To Russians their only question is: why isn't everything Russia?

Slavs were never really great warriors except for a few groups of Western Slavs. They do however make up for it by being super resilient.