Natsoc banners thread

post me some aesthetically pleasing natsoc/patriot banners bros
ill start with wiking jugend

Attached: 1200px-Flag_with_Odal_rune.svg.png (1200x800, 3.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: file.png (1200x800, 49.8K)

thats the best one

Attached: nordic-resistance-sweden.jpg (2469x1852, 551.26K)

Fascist workers flag?

Attached: Fascist Labour.jpg (1280x768, 130.38K)



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Attached: 10B878BD-1203-45E6-B907-5772EB6A79D8.jpg (1366x768, 90.38K)


ssnp pure holy basedness, let's hope for greater assyria soon, have a (you)

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Attached: 12813259-00D0-4EF7-9732-D5AC3C01697D.jpg (300x231, 11.79K)

Falange España

Attached: es}fe.gif (324x216, 2.6K)

17th Panzergrenadier division "Götz von Berlichingen"
Named after a knight that got a metal hand after having it blasted of by a fucking cannon

Attached: 1200px-17th_SS_Division_Logo.svg.png (1200x1454, 138.53K)


Attached: DF4026B2-950B-4C02-9B1A-C959F11CF9E2.jpg (335x488, 64.06K)

Attached: 20171201_140934.jpg (4160x2340, 1.22M)

my necklace

Attached: DSC_0905.jpg (3264x2448, 2.38M)

Attached: nat cap.png (1024x683, 74.64K)


Division Werwölfe
basicly some sort of terroristic special forces.
They shot the major of Aachen as he was sucking (((american))) cock.

Attached: Werwölfe.png (277x391, 18.62K)


>libertarian fascism
Honk honk.

They were a German stay-behind spec ops unit. Harassed Allied occupiers after the fall of the Reich.
Learn your own history, turkroach.

no lefty pseudo pagan would ever wear a tyr rune.
noone recognises the symbol
only profit

>implying National Socialism was Orwellian
Truth is, our modern western states are no more libertarian than NS Germany ever was. Imprisoning people for having different opinions? Check (see holocaust denial laws). Banning foreign radio? Check (Britain and the USA both banned German radio in ww2). Concentration camps? Check (see FDR jap internment camps, really no different from Hitler’s ones).
It’s actually kind of funny, because in NS Germany, many anti NS critics of the regime (especially priests and such) were actually released from custody by the gestapo on behalf of protestors. Meanwhile, the ZOG of Germany has not released Ursula haverbeck for her holocaust denial at any time during her sentence, despite the fact that she tried to appeal many times, and many people protested. And yet, we live in “democracies” while so called Nazi Germany was a police state

Attached: 9ABCD26F-F8B3-433C-8001-1E9F8968CE03.jpg (2039x1505, 1.7M)

Costa Rica libre. Kinda lame but evokes the idea.

Attached: 5FxYndG8_400x400.jpg (240x240, 13.42K)

Attached: strasseristsymbol.png (175x117, 5.29K)

I mentioned their most important operation mister "I red a wiki article now I am smart"

Attached: fenster.jpg (326x500, 40.95K)

Cont. of pic related

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The whole point on Ingsoc in the book was to show how a govt would do Orwellian things in the name of socialism, just like (((they))) are doing right now

I just came in my pants
it's beautiful
we are so cowed and beaten down its stunning to see white people organizing to defend a future for white children

Attached: 012.png (864x720, 479.77K)

Odin drinks cum

Attached: a3.jpg (385x385, 27K)

Tyr rune is based. NRM banner is one amongst the most beautiful.
Schnauze Judenhund

Attached: nordic_resistance_movement_by_ironpiedmont1996-db7h326.png (1024x614, 42.44K)


Attached: 1564359160202.jpg (1024x652, 191.43K)

Iberian Fascism is the most based of all

Attached: 01.png (809x730, 1018.53K)

Tiny but it's been in use here and there.

Attached: swiss-flag (1).jpg (356x498, 24.33K)

lol you're alright, bean

Attached: 1578026557910.gif (225x540, 127.41K)

that book was written by a jew and has no historical basis.
If you wouldnt be full blown retarded but just and idiot you would at least falsly interpret the hemophrodite symbolism and practises as early transsexuality.

Attached: bdm5.jpg (681x900, 99.81K)

hi Rabbi! watcha doin?

Attached: ab.png (1069x1456, 414.84K)

You added nothing useful and got the few details wrong.

You snowniggers lived in mudhuts and were illiterate when rome developed modern civilization

What is this?

Attached: tumblr_nstv0zgHiU1rtynt1o1_500.jpg (500x534, 78.74K)

Eco Fascism

Attached: lord_tyr_nordic_rune-630x316.jpg (630x316, 18.6K)

ofcourse I added something usefull faggot, and what exactly was wrong?

Attached: birthday Führer.png (630x374, 212.5K)

Attached: 1572402442460.jpg (929x833, 110.98K)

Isint that a fucking sharingan?