China Sends 30m to WHO After US Freezes Funding

Wow. Just wow.

This is what leadership looks like. No partisan bickering, no pointing fingers, just a calm and measured bid of confidence for actual scientific expertise, which is so desperately needed in these times.

Meanwhile, the craven orange rapist is trying to hawk fish tank cleaner and burning every possible bridge to deflect blame.

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Other urls found in this thread:

We all already knew the who was bought and paid for by chang.

China has to fully fund the organization they purchased years ago now.

The Chinese Virus is destroying the Chinese Communist Party, which has clearly lost the Mandate of Heaven.

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Can based China stop winning already?

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This has been going on for a while now. Trump's isolationism has been fueling China's rise. Everytime America backs out of something, China swoops in to claim it as their own.

I am really impressed by China these days. They are actually focused. They care. It's amazing.

Its called payment for service already rendered..


Do you think you're some kind of champ? Do you think posting this makes you somehow intelligent or makes up for your lack of any additional insight into things that actually matter right now such as international solidarity and rhetorical wholesomeness? Who the fuck do you think you are, wasting your time here, peddling this juvenile, crass nonsense of yours? Rethink your entire stance, contemplate on the reality of your situation right now and then come back. Because this pathetic display of juvenile superficiality is as trifling and meaningless as your entire existence.

China getting desperate that yet another one of their lackeys got slapped.

>china influenced a health organization

This. And this is a good thing.

Tldr. Learn to use a space boomer.

Show flag.


The only desperate one in this scenario is tRump.


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The US was sending 9 billion...

In what sense?

The American Empire is crumbling and having a fool like Trump in charge only accelerates the decline

China so great. I have arr the bat I can eat. Mmmmmm yum yum coof coof

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Yes, we already know the WHO was working for China and expecting payment for services rendered. And we also know this entire situation was designed by China to destabilize the global economy and take over.

But that's racist to say.

If by American you mean the NWO than yes. And I love watching every second of their fall.

USA will send the money that they saved to Israel. Good deal - more money for jews. MIGA.

How I can use British vpn comerade

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WHO already is owned by China. China 3.9 billion people donated 48 million before this 30 million.. we put in 350-450 million. Fuck WHO and China.

Top quality post mi amigo

all fucking gooks must fucking burn

"I take no responsibility"

The hydroxychloroquine scandal.

Didn't want to send stimulus checks.

Fighting governors.

Insulting doctors and nurses and scientists.

"It's just the flu"

Need I continue?

Good. Fuck all you people, the world is shit and I’m glad the chinks are going to end it.

lol damn the whole world wants to enslave serbia

Yeah because the fucking WHO has done so much besides deny Taiwanese sovereignty.

>China Sends 30m to WHO After US Freezes Funding

This what is called "protecting your investment".

The WHO has been doing China's dirty work: lying about human-to-human transmission, lying about virus origin, lying about death rates, lying about treatments, lying about projections.

The Director General was an Ethiopian marxist-terrorist ethnic cleansing stooge.

If they were so superior, they could’ve just funded the amount the US does.

I bet the people in China will not hear about this.
That is a lot of citizens hospital bills that could of been paid for.
I guess this is the bribe so the CCP does not have to provide the WHO the original sample.

the U.S is still the largest contributor of any country

/thread, this feels like a desperate attempt to appease to the other members that China can cover for the US contributions

Bribe money bruh

Tiananmen square massacre.

You talk like a CCP agent. No normal human person talks like this unless they are larping.

>this entire situation was designed by China to destabilize the global economy and take over

Only an idiot would think the world would not shun China after this was allover, oh wait it's Pooh your right.

its nothing

this is a chang bot btw

The Anglosphere needs to have it's own health organization and move toward isolationalism. Let the rest of the word slide into hell. Start shoot to kill orders for anyone outside the Anglosphere that tries to come in.

>funnel money into own propaganda arm because daddy US piggy bank has run dry
it's become more evident over the course of the past few months that the WHO is not needed and actually creates more chaos in the world than it alleviates

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That alone is highly suspect, since when is China philanthropic

1) out of context quote
2) what scandal? The one where Trump had a mutual trust worth about $1,000 in one of the thousand of companies that produces a generic drug with no patent?
3) Didn’t want to send stimulus checks? It was his secretary of treasury who came up with the idea?
4) Mean tweets aren’t fighting. Abraham Lincoln tariffed southern states and Ike sent the national guard to enforce unpopular laws
5) Yea? When?
6) Made up quote...
So yes continue. Less partisan bickering and more of how he is desperate.

CCP shills talk with broken english, he is just having some fun.

>Tldr. Learn to use a space boomer.
And risk being accused of reddit spacing?

>US stopping being world police and stops fighting Israel's wars. Instead the Chinese fight on the side of Israel and other Jewish organizations.
What a time line.

You lost, mutt? Yas Forums doesn't care about your facts. China farting 30 million in the WHO's direction shows beyond all doubt that the Chinese century...just became a Chinese Millennium.

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I’m sure The Who applied for ppp, and got a few million

US created the COVID, so it is clear. China helps out with true care for earth.

Remember what happens when you stretch a balloon too thin too fast?
That money is going to others and not to the actual Chinese people and the people are noticing it now (see the protests on the streets).

wow 1/20th of what the US pulled out.

broke ass chinese bitches.

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D+ for this soggy pasta. learn what grammar and irony are

its called bribery
now they can do it under the guise of "aid"
also fuck China

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Dems are fucked in the head

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to honor that we should rename them to CHO

Found a tranny faggot. Why so emotional about the W.H.O? And China?

Be less obvious next time shill.

The Chinese are our friends and brothers.
Stay jealous and enjoy your Albonigger drug dealers.

Eh,We had a good run. I welcome our new yellow overlords. I'm looking forward to more of their woman.

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Trump has proved that he’s an actual retard beyond comprehension. He acts like a edgy attention seeking teenage girl. Pointing fingers, complaining 24/7 and every fucking tweet how mainstream media is so rude to him, literally saying on national television that he doesn’t take responsibility at all. Calling the disease a hoax. Almost 50k and counting American death in his hands. Fuck the cunt

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No you earned your 80 cents now fuck off to your day job to pay your medical bills.

Fuck China


Was looking for that tweet in here, WHO is another useless and easily corrupt joint nation committee

You sound like some kind of schizo, do you have any proof to what you're talking about? Or you just enjoy making outrageous claims behind your computer screen? I support the other man calling you out

The presidential advisors are the ones who take responsibility, or those who the president gives responsibility to, such as letting governors have free reign.

There has not been a CLINICAL STUDY that has proven that hydroxychloroquine is bad yet. Not a single one.

Revisionist history.

The president is allowed to disagree with governors, but notice he isn't forcing them to do anything?

Propaganda pushers deserve to be insulted.

It literally IS just the flu. Its a harsher, more vicious version of the flu. The mortality rate, the REAL, three figured formula solution mortality rate is 0.6%.

Don't bother to continue, you will just continue to name biased articles, blaming Trump who is just a puppet to what his advisors say, absolving the media of any blame when they have caused the most harm above all else, and continue to chase the past instead of the present.

Tedros should hang.

Alright, thank you for the accuracy, so he is larping, not a CCP agent. Thank you.

>literal fake news
Ok sheepie, back to sleepies :)

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>"I take no responsibility"
The CCP is responsible
>The hydroxychloroquine scandal.
If it was scandalous, why was dem favorite gov Cuomo ordering them by the truckloads?
>Didn't want to send stimulus checks.
>Fighting governors.
Governors are creating unconstitutional edicts as part of their "stay-at-home" orders. Article 4 Section 4 of the constitution REQUIRES the President to hit back at this
>Insulting doctors and nurses and scientists.
sauce? tiktok videos don't count. those people deserve to be ridiculed
>"It's just the flu"
pic related

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lmao china going all out to try and look good

You sound braindead

Still a pittance compared to what we were giving them. This is a meaningless gesture since we all know already the WHO carries all of the CCP's water already.

The Republicunts are worse. They got rid of the Pandemic unit of the CDC whose sole job is to stop Pandemics from happening. Now there's a pandemic. Hence this is the Republicans fault to begin with. So fuck off with your bullshit. Trump started us down this road well before this year, moron.

>Someone tells me "I don't think he is a CCP agent, just having fun"

Well done, he corrected me, you are not a CCP agent, just a retarded larper. Do you feel better now?

The American people don't want the world kraut, never did. We had to be convinced with false flags to even join those two dust ups you idiots started all those years ago. Must be funny playing pretend thinking China didn't already own WHO too. We shouldn't be funneling money to a pro-China organization. We shouldn't be funneling money to anything not inside our borders.

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>The hydroxychloroquine scandal.
It's like you idiot shills don't know this medicine has existed for decades.

This just confirms the WHO is a purely Chinese controlled organization. It should be discontinued.

>When I joined the National Security Council staff in 2018, I inherited a strong and skilled staff in the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate. This team of national experts together drafted the National Biodefense Strategy of 2018 and an accompanying national security presidential memorandum to implement it; an executive order to modernize influenza vaccines; and coordinated the United States’ response to the Ebola epidemic in Congo, which was ultimately defeated in 2020.

Wow, you may be the lowest IQ poster on this board at the moment

Is this pasta?

they really don't
that's the sad part
knowledge for the left only starts at the moment that it leaves Don Lemon's lips

Correct, this is where the fun begins.
What's a pooh to do? Use the money on his people? but then the people paid to lie don't get their hush money, no way out now Pooh they are coming for you. Pooh does get a choice though of which people come for his head.

Hello Kraut, are you enjoying quarantine?
We didn't forget you doxcing Braving Ruin.

eat the bats

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The world hates you Chang, you will never be welcome in a western country again

OH you don't like being exposed for larping do you? Are you going to keep throwing a tantrum?

As broken as the ccp

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Chink tourists have already solidified what the world has to look forward to if they have even more money and power.

>release a manmade virus to ruin a democratically elected man's presidency run
The state of americans. Isolation from the rest of the world must've worked on your head.

They only show what they are paid to know. Just know the more you educate them the more they have to face it outside of their work place.
Just think 2 million Chinese Shills knowing what is actually going on in the world while living inside China, that is a lot of people for someone to have to strictly monitor every day.
I guess guaranteed health for them because if they die who knows what Pandora's box that will open.

Show flag

another proof chinese are complicit

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you mean like bribery? corruption is a huge thing over there...

You would think the leader of WHO would be a euro or burger, heck even a chink. But no, lets pick a guy who did his work in glorious Africa. How did that happen

I just don't understand how the current director of WHO hasn't been fired yet.

1. China themselves sponsored him when he was running to become the director of WHO.
2. For comparison, the previous director of WHO held China responsible and shamed them for the SARS outbreak.
3. The WHO director stated that there was no chance of human to human transmission a while ago.
4. The WHO director was against the China travel ban.
5. The WHO director called Trump racist for wanting to freeze the funds.
6. And now the director is going on twitter posting "Forgive" like he thinks everyone is just going to roll over and say "awww, we are so sorry we expected you to be held accountable for protecting China and hiding the outbreak for so long, so terrible! We forgive you for destroying the world, we won't expect you to be responsible for nothing at all!"

And now China is clearly attempting to buy the WHO even further. Why is the leaders putting up with this shit?