14% of NYC has had Wu flu


Alright guys we got too cocky, how are we gonna meme ourselves outta this one?

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More Proof that there will never be an Italian President in the USA

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It's a flu, retard, what did you expect?
Even this test looks shady as fuck.

so, they could hit herd immunity soon in exchange for 5x the deaths?


60% is needed to talk about any sort of herd immunity, ignoring how long it lasts (a year for flu)

in what realm you think this is a promising data? you need 5 times more ppl to get infected, and you cant have it at the rate they were because they cant handle the sick ppl needing hospitals
if anything thats disappointing because while mitigation worked, herd immunity is very very fucking far away

What a retarded faggot good goy post.

14% of 8 million NYC or 14% of 19 million NY State residents?

if they're at 20% by now, they can hit 60% by December or earlier. Shit can go back to semi-normal at that point.

The state randomly tested 3,000 people at grocery stores and shopping locations across 19 counties in 40

sample size is for shit. 60 people per country but some counties have millions of people

95% of American adults have been infected with the virus for chickenpox.



So NYC had an effective fatality rate of 0.7% (12,000 dead / 1.68 million infected?)

19 million residents
19 counties tested (3000 people tested)
15000 deaths

14% is 2,660,000 of 19 million

death rate .005

cant get an accurate sample of 2 million person county from a 100 person sample though.

please check my math

15/2660 = .005%?

By calling Covid what it is, the JEW FLU.


Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak

“Let’s call it pure luck,” he said. “We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system just as a proof of concept for our technology.”


Attached: CoronaJew.jpg (1012x480, 46.2K)

where are the burger haters to insult my american education?
if my math right a .005% death rate is huge

user, the incubation period lasts for a month and a half

Vietnam has only 300 infected and 0 deaths. What the fuck?

>It's a flu

The CFR is 0.5% in New York if these numbers are accurate. Shut down an entire state for something slightly, slightly more deadly than the common flu. Geniuses I tell you.

no it doesn't. you /cvg/tards keep extending the incubation period.

You're forgetting the exponential growth meme 60% infection will occur by next week.

correct it is a cold

not .005?

NY State 19,000,000 residents
3000 people in 19 counties tested.
14% had corona alread =2,660,000
15,000 deaths

______ = .005%


(150 people for a 1 million resident county is not a big enough sample size though)

The latter
The number is over 21% for NYC

It gets even better
Young people are not even getting it

>The majority of those who tested positive for the antibodies were between aged 65 and 74.


get out with your antiquated numbers. the incubation period for covid9000 is 7 generations.

How is that possible?

except it does as it has been confirmed

Not really random sampling they are simply conducting a biased convience sampling.

probably because they are outdoors and getting more vitamin D

It means the death rate is way lower than the experts were flipping out about. Literally way under 1%.

Antibody year is inaccurate, it confuses antibodies from SARS-CoV-2 with those of the common cold coronaviruses.

T-two weeks

>with those of the common cold coronaviruses.
if that was true you would see numbers more balanced across the state

sorry my math was wrong. .5% death rate

Look bro who saif anything about two weeks? Everyone knows it's two months. In two years when the incubation period has ended you'll see how wrong you were. Just wait five more years.

Like just give everyone D3 then. Shit is cheap (I know nurses are taking it)

How many mailmen have died with from
Corona ? They are outside all day and touch doorknobs all the time

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They don't want to talk about the importance of diet and fitness

It's the way out of physical slavery

>because they cant handle the sick ppl needing hospitals
They sent the navy hospital ship home. Wtf are you talking about.

Bahaha, you think CVG has the power to altered the incubation time? Not like scientists arrived at 37 days or anything.
But they are retarded, reality is it's around 4-7 days, it's just that the first time many get sick it is just so minor that they don't notice it, 30+ days is when they get sick AGAIN. Shit some might not notice it even the second time around.
>shit, i get winded relay easily, must be the slight cold i had last week, it will get better.
Third time it is starting to stack up so they will know it, now even the most resilient have had their organs tap danced on to the degree where they can't pretend Coronachan is not riding around inside them.
>60-70 day incubation time!!!!!

No, 7 days, then little by little it starts chipping away at you until you die.
You can make up any mortality rate you want, does not change reality one bit.
But i agree, open up, let it spread so fast no one has the time to find effective treatment that will prolong the inevitable end!

>it's only 20 people outside China that have it, no one in the west have died!
>it's only 1200 people... 1300 pe... 2000 people outside China have it, no one have died outside China!
>it's only 12 people that have died outside Chi... 17....138....2463...
>it's only 0.5% mortality rate!

What will you shill faggots pull out of your ass next?


>Wtf are you talking about.
Stale month old memes everybody is sick of hearing.

Yummy. Out in California, breathing and filling your lungs with air was nearly impossible in December


Do you get your info from China?

that's remarkably low, considering the rate of obesity, HIV prevalence, and number of uninsured burgers in NY state

>OP is a phoneposter
KYS and your family OP

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They gotta keep extending it because its becoming more and more of a nothingburger every day, they're too invested now.
Source: Dude just trust me bro

jokes on you. everyone with HIV automatically gets medicaid and your taxes are paying for thier 200$/day pill.

19/5 = 3.8 mln
> implying
seriously, they are just gonna reopen because it seems they can't keep the lockdown without people chimping out
get ready for the episode 2 with many times the current deaths
> btw there were already many comments regarding false positive and the fact that you can get a positive because it also hits other coronavirus