Fuck this piece of shit. I wish her entire family would be brutally murdered in front of her.
The left is the enemy. The less of them that exist, the better society is.
Fuck this piece of shit. I wish her entire family would be brutally murdered in front of her.
The left is the enemy. The less of them that exist, the better society is.
We will have muchem big spirit dance in his honor
That’s dark user. Calm down a bit for your own sake. You might have stared into the abyss too long.
using political family members its shitty user. Even if the politician is a huge cunt
wow 86 years young
he had so many years in front of him
fucking covid19 taking our bests
So he was like 100 years old?
Fuck you Swede.
Calm down, retard. Her family didn't do anything wrong. If you hate her so much then wish death on her not innocent bystanders. By the way, it was the brother that reported she was a liar.
It's not shity it's appropriate the less of them that are alive the better society will be. You don't show your enemy mercy, you eradicate your enemy. If no one is Left alive to bitch, is there a problem?
Shes the one who didnt want to shut down the us when covid was breaking out in January. Fuck her, she gets what she deserves. A dead family member.
Doesn't matter, all Leftist scum deserve to be eradicated. Their families are as guilty as they are.
Yep. In more civilized times we could act with civility. These people will destroy our livelihoods and the livelihoods of our living family members to fight us.
Burn it all and leave nothing left.
Slit their throats and leave the bodies to rot in the streets.
Why didn't he do a war dance and frighten the virus out of his system?
christ with the edge there
This virus truly does target people of color.
Shit on their grave
The only answer is to stare for far longer, user.
Her brothers are based Okies. He was our guy, dipshit.
I hope your family starts succumbing to corona, maybe you'll take it seriously.
"Looses" I hope you know after getting that word wrong you just sound like a moron.
Chill dude, Yas Forums is for shitposting stop being so mad
Calm down Bern out
All of you leftist pieces of shit, can play hide and go fuck yourselves.
The left is the enemy. Every one that leaves this mortal coil, deserves to be erased from the story of humanity. The left is not, and will never be anything other than subhuman filth. All Leftists...... All. . . Leftists. . . deserve to suffer a painful, slow, agonizing, violent end.
Warren had him Killed for talking shit and hurting her election odds
Not a Bern out. I identify as hard right.
Who says I'm mad? I'm actually in a great mood.
I'll give you a hard right if you lie again Bern out
Stop glowing so hard there.
Kill yourself ching
I KNOW your immediate death would be greatly beneficial for society. Now kys.
Good. Now her.
RIP Geronimo Warren.
Her tits are rubbish anyway. Why doesn’t she die? The clown in the darkness wants you Lizzy, he is beckoning. Your time is short.
>muh left muh left leftists muh fox news muh muh mortal coil hurrrrrrrrr
Can you please kill yourself?
Please for the sake of all of us here, for the betterment of humanity and society. End your life you 85 IQ subhuman. You’re so fucking stupid and illiterate that you don’t even know your enemy. With genes like yours, life will be a painful neverending cycle of being manipulated and getting angry. It’s not worth it, just end the experience.
runs with rats