He’s right you know

He’s right you know.

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Lonely tyrone

>The media would justify it

>if black people chimped out they would be dead
Then why are they still around?

Stop playing victim and have sex for once, nigcels

>the media would justify it
Jews own the media and Jews on the nigs. Stfu nigger bitch tranny

Blacks can literally trash entire neighborhoods and the police won't do shit.

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Ah just like how the media defended Trayvon even though he instigated i- oh wait they suck nigger cock 24/7. You couldn't be more wrong.

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absolute clown nation, you have no clue how retarded you look to the rest of thw world, cope

Kinda but also no, like, the black Panthers were a thing and were kinda based. Some of them got blyated by the feds but not most of them.

Very similar to how it goes with your typical armed whitey group actually.

Lol (bang) nigga go gaaaasp

Prove it then. Go and see what would really happen

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I'm thinking he's never heard of dUg Pinnick.

Weed smoking, gun toting, 70 year old, heard it all before, 100% homo, absolutely BASED person of African heritage.

>he's immune to that word you want to say

Sorry, Fred.
Nobody shoots at white men, because whites will shoot back & they know how to actually hit their targets.
Whites don't buy guns to wave them around or rob liquor stores, they actually learn how to use them.

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Stop victimizing us and we’ll stop playing the victim.

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Yeah but only because people have negro fatigue. Everybody is just tired of niggers.

>she has a niglet but is white

Note the trigger discipline and the general lack of hands on weapons and lack of baggy clothing, if black americans organised and carried their shivs and glocks openly to see with the same spirit , I dont think anybody would have a problem with it

Probably best if these orcs just returned to their ancestral homelands where they can live without the white man's oppression.

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>if a cop shot a black protestor his entire life would be ruined

fixed that for you

Sadly they only go like that to steal, so there are no real examples.

>and that’s a bad thing

Black people wouldn't have legal guns.

You can't get a bunch of niggers together without a bongo party erupting.
Even if the all showed up with good intentions, some nigger would look at another nigger "disrespectfully" or some shit and they'd all start chimping out.

Black men aren't calm and organized.

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Only if you started chimping out, which you would. If niggers behaved like humans it would never happen.

Well no shit, negro! That's because common whites were FORCED AT GUNPOINT to tolerate your violent, stupid, ugly, stanky black ass since the 1950's by the Jews and white Good Goys you don't seem to know exist. That plus the fact that gunning down armed white people is never a one and done affair. It tends to cause revolutions.

When are black people not committing crimes while protesting? Most BLM protests are just an excuse to rob and loot shit.

Guess this person has not hear of not seen the Black Panthers?

I hope this picture was posted under his tweet.

Just guessing if that many armed blacks went to a state capitol one of them would chimp out and throw something through the window or something. That would be the catalyst. The others would start joining in, police would start firing non lethal, then the blacks would return fire. 5 minutes later news stories would cover the evil whitey firing indiscriminately on a group of doctors and lawyers.

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>they would be dead
I would certainly hope so