Why was Nick Fuentes deplatformed from TikTok pol? Ironic answers only.
Groyper War 2: Decisive Loss
Logan Robinson
Lincoln Hall
What if ?
Joshua Morris
Mass reporting probably. Fucking censorship. Can some Yas Forumstard create a mainstream social media site/app that gets popular and allow freedom of speech?
Carter Harris
Discrimination against the catboi community
Benjamin Roberts
He redpilled 200 right wing tiktok kiddos the other night. He already accomplished what he needed to do.
Brandon Gonzalez
No prob bro, give me a few million in startup capital
William Bennett
why is he important to you?
Oliver Taylor
I got 3.50.
Adam Nguyen
lurk moar
Ethan Lewis
i see tons of racist jokes and a bunch of shitty lefty politically commentary on tiktok all the time. why the hell did he get banned