>Elizabeth Warren oldest brother died from coronavirus
It seems like to me that the only people who get sick and die from coronavirus are celebrities and politicians, literally don't know a single normal person in my life who has it.
>Elizabeth Warren oldest brother died from coronavirus
It seems like to me that the only people who get sick and die from coronavirus are celebrities and politicians, literally don't know a single normal person in my life who has it.
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Will he receive a traditional Cherokee funeral rite?
>Reed Herring
Kinda on the nose isn't it?
kek wills it
Cousin and her boyfriend has it. My boss’s wife had it too.
He’s in the happy hunting grounds now
I have a friend who contacted it and survived. Horrible ordeal. Physician in Georgia. Thought he was going to die. :(
because when a normie dies it's not national news you fucking retardaloid
>Old ass man dies
2 weeks
Her older brother died of old age.
Sure he died happy after celebrating chinese new year
funny how this chink chonk flu only kill people who are already almost dead or had only a a couple of month to live......almost as if they would have die anyway even if corona hadnt exist
on another notes from the 960 person who die from corona here, only 780 were olds folk in nursing home
an average of 25 000 person die each month from various cause......``corona`` killed 2000 person in almost 2 month do the fucking math
there no killer virus, people die BECAUSE THEY WOULD HAVE DIE ANYWAY!!!!!
>literally don't know a single normal person in my life who has it.
call your local nursing home
>there no killer virus,
corona death statistics among protestors is an interesting question
any american who's worked for the american army deserves death, probably.
at most it's infected less than 10% of the population in the country, so the odds are you still won't know anyone with it. i don't know any fags, but they're there. so it's just like the virus.
you do now who go live in nursing home??
because here nursing home are for people who have between 12 to 18 month to live
so you know its kind of normal that nursing home have a high death rate, when you build a morgue in your nursing home its because you get dead weigh on a daily basis
also their dying in the shit piss diaper because the ``angel`` are too busy dancing on tik tok or have just leave their jobs cause theire scare of catching a fake virus, now those nurse are the killer here and should be prosecuted
Her people were susceptible to small pox, too. I wonder how he survived that?
my friend's grandmother who's in her 80s or 90s and living in a nursing home has it and she's recovering fine... only famous people die
My grandma is fine
special report special report
statistics can be made up and falsifies but i guess if its not CNN telling you this you wont believe it
keep believing anything you want cause its seem to work out for you chief
>literal shut-in autists don't know anybody with coronavirus
imagine my shwowowwowk
after the fake CNN stunt of Chris Cuomo "hiding" in his basement" for 2 weeks, when he was really hanging out in the Hamptons and out on the street fighting with bicyclists... I don't trust any Libtard who says they got the Virus. Especially Warren, she has been a fraud her entire life.
fuck people are retarded here
i fucking hope you all die
BIDEN 2020!
I'm starting to think this corona thing is bullshit. It would have ravaged san francisco by now.
annnddd she's the vp
I know a guy who fell of a building, caught corona virus on the way down before hitting the concrete floor at terminal velocity. He died of Corona virus.
And this other guy, had cancer, a history of heart disease, was overweight and diabetic. Slipped up in his bathtub the day after he got corona virus. Corona killed him too.
>It seems like to me that the only people who get sick and die from coronavirus are celebrities and politicians
Isn't it logical that these would be the most visible cases? Tom Hanks vs. Joe Sixpack from Maine?
>literally don't know a single normal person in my life who has it.
What is your social circle like? I know a few people who have had it. Someone at my work had it and was even symptomatic while in the building. Just because you personally don't know someone doesn't mean it exists, which presumably is what your are implying with this thread.
I personally don't know a single person with alopecia or hypothyroidism, but I'm fairly confident they exist.
Anyone with a cold, sniffle or a cough has got the corona virus. Because the world is full of experts and they can immediately differentiate between an ordinary flu, or an allergy, and the Covid19 virus.
They are all dying from two coronaviruses to the back of the head. Very very sad and unfortunate.
Japanese killed British POWs before American and Japanese Infantry met in combat.
But they dont want to wake up, this is the most exciting thing that has happened to them. Gives their lives some meaning and a sense of importance. And they will be lining up for hours just so they can get chipped.
Was he injun as well?
It's a novel virus that is unpredictable and we know almost nothing about. It doesn't even "just" attack the lungs, it looks like it goes after your brain AND your balls. Looking only at mortality rate is retarded, this is a big deal given the weird recovery stats/observations and it's almost systemic infection. And it probably infects a lot of different host animals.
The Chinks fucked up and crashed the economy and unleashed something that we are still trying to wrap our heads around. And chances are, it's here to stay. This is literally a happening and "muh death toll" is brainlet-tier assessment of what is actually happening.
You're likely a chang trying to distract people from the real problem (China fucking the world over) and the possible reprucssions (revenge against China, a new push for domestic production and nationalization, strong reasons against the open border bullshit being pushed on us). Piss off chink, no bat for you.
Being that it's Elizabeth Warren we're talking about, wouldn't be surprised if her brother got hit by a bus and she's claiming it was the Chinese virus for political gain. Heck, wouldn't be surprised if she pushed him in front of a bus.