They took away the history so blacks would be easier to enslave, taking away their nationalistic history and pride away, the same way they herd Europeans more easily by removing the history of Tartary.
Atlantis is the Eye of the Sahara
This is why they shot the nose off the Spinx.
Do you really believe negroids have any history beyond being farm equipment and living in tribes?
the sahara has been inhabited by arabs for over 10000 years. niggers aren't mentally capable of inhabiting deserts, which is what it became after the ice age ended.
>Great and powerful civilization
>Conquered and erased from history
pick 1
People still live in Mauritania, you know that right? They are the descendants of the ppl that conquered Spain, and enslaved the African ancestors of black americans. They still have "slavery". They know their history very well.
The Richat Structure is not Atlantis, there have been multiple expeditions there and no signs of human habitation have ever been found.
Atlantis is the Azores.
Plato puts Atlantis west of Gibraltar so even if he didn't make up Atlantis as an allegorical tale to communicate his ethics you done fucked up the location retard.
Atlantians were white
Egyptians are said to come from Atlantis, Egyptian pharaohs have tested to be related to Turks and South Europeans more than black Africans
tl;dr stfu nigger
possibly before the younger dryas impact
it was a long ass time ago after all
Atlantis is in the hollow earth you nigger
Those weren't pharaohs, they were cherrypicked randos that German race "scientists" decided were Egyptians and represent all everywhere Egyptians for all time.
>>According to Frank and Schmidt, since fossilization is relatively rare and little of Earth's exposed surface is from before the quaternary time period, the chances of finding direct evidence of such a civilization, such as technological artifacts, is small. After a great time span, the researchers concluded, we would be more likely to find indirect evidence such as anomalies in the chemical composition or isotope ratios of sediments.
Hit me up on radioactive anomalies, background radiation that shouldn't be like it is. I know I've seen something about it before.
You really think we'd know it if there were?
This guy just made a video about Carol Baskins. How credible can he be?
They have moved underwater when they realized how nigger everyone else is. Who do you think operates all of those UFOs and USOs.
>Atlantis was in mainland africa
Fuck off, you fell for a youtube video.
North Africans aren't black you woeful faggot.
no, its the tower of babel, which was destroyed by the lord's salt comets. also people got turned into salt. that is why the area is barren now.
Maybe the oak island guys can find it after they find the oak island treasure
Ancient Nubians were the only smart niggers. Prove me wrong.
I'll wait.
Ancient history? Yes. They've fallen culturally over thousands of years.
You do realize there are a number of civilizations only found via satellite imagery of vegetation.
Based Christian viewpoint
Eye of the Sahara is not Atlantis. Atlantis sunk and remnants remain under water from Bimini all the way to Yucatan.
The eye is really cool though.
Does it matter? You have people in living memory (and still alive) who achieved almost nothing yet they’re related or descended from cultures and ancestors of utter magnificents. Telling someone they’re descendants of royalty or some civilization has hardly had a positive impact on their lives.
Niggers forget everything. It's always whites who record stuff. Niggers don't even know the origin of now still standing Ethiopian structures. Niggers obviously weren't original inhabitants, they were the destruction!
Telling people that they live and move and have their being within God also has little impact.
Or that the kingdom of God is within you.
You would think they'd connect with some level of ancient wisdom but what do I know?
On the individual level you are correct, but on a societal level, it's of great benefit to an ethnic group when the government, academia, and pop-culture tells society that said ethnic group were/are a great people. It leads to intrinsic respect, a kind of positive prejudice which ultimately benefits the individuals who belong to that ethnic group, the inverse is true when everyone is taught that said ethnic group is nothing but slaves. The ethnic group framed as slaves has to expend energy just to get a basic level of respect from the larger society and that effect also works its way down to the individual level. It's all by design, it's why many on here will claim "white privilege doesn't exist" yet would rather go hungry and unemployed than to check anything other than white on the application or form.
>Does it matter?
It does matter to our curiosity I'd say. Just look at this pic for instance without asking yourself what has this planet gone through in its past.
People, please understand this once and for all!!!
Atlantis was not here or there, an island here or over there, Atlantis was a GLOBAL CIVILIZATION!!!
Atlantis was practically the whole planet!
The richat structure could have been an atlantean city? Yeah, sure.
Could even had been Atlantis capital for all we know.
Atlantis was a GLOBAL CIVILIZATION, stop believing the people that say that Atlantis was on the Bimini, Santorini etc...
This is important.
>no, its the tower of babel, which was destroyed by the lord's salt comets
Also stop being such a faggots. I don't think that vanity and pride are really our friends.
One thing is 100% sure, that niggers weren't builders of any ancient civilization. If anything whites were first in Africa. Niggers don't remember anything, didn't record anything, couldn't even read or write.
this. I refuse to believe that is naturally formed
eyes to see fren
we're good user. We're going back. Full circle to the picnic of the gods, and we're bringing snacks this time.
atlantis was nuked by moloch followers and sahara which created as a result separated african safari from its white owners
niggers were just domesticated pets of humans
The slaves you got in the US were bred to be too dumb to escape.
Also look at Mali
Ancient maps weren't immaculate. "West of Gibraltar" really means beyond the Mediterranean Sea.