Conservatives think these are worse than pedophile raping children

Go to any conservative state like Florida or Texas or any former confederate United States (with the exception of Virginia which since November of last year became civlized) and you'll notice that the republican politicians and there supporters and the police talk about fighting drugs and preventing Marijuana or shoots getting decriminalization or legalized, yet they never want to stop pederasts who duck little boys.

The liberals are sexual degenerates with a mental illness, but at least they're open and honest about it, the conservatives of the United States would allow pederasts to rape little boys than to legalize Marijuana or shrooms.

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>Florida or Texas
Yeah well Texans are subhumans and Floridians are spics and dying boomers
We already know the based conservative states are taking advantage of druggy money

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What is honestly wrong with smoking a cannabis bud once in a blue moon?

>I can quit any time
Cool quit cold turkey and go without cannabis for six months and get back to us.

That sad part is that white people participate with jews to rape children.

I smoke (extremely heavily) only when my stoner best friend comes to town, that is literally every 4 or 5 months. He probably is addicted but being a "cold turkey" is possible.

OP projecting his pedophilia again

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I have done this almost every year. Sober in summer. Drunk and high during winter.

You cant get physically addicted to weed. Also I actually have just done 6 months without weed. I smoked a few weeks back and I was slumped.

Conservative Texan here. You're full of shit. The only druggies that bother me are the ones that rob, steal, get violent, or shit up the streets. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make by lying.

>once in a blue moon
Too bad most people don’t do that and consume it excessively

Drugs are degeneration and stoners and other kind of low life forms that smoke drugs should be rounded up and shot. Hail.

Look how scary it is.

Dont look too long Hue, it might jump out at you.

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you are completely brainwashed. your ability to critically think for yourself has been decimated.

t. conservative who enjoys herb and trips, and kills pedos

imagine having psychadelic experiences and still being a conservative. they didn't work.

user who didn't get chosen by popular kids in school to smoke weed with them.

It was Democrats who illegalized shrooms you fucking retard. Same with weed.

I stopped smoking because of the pandemic making it hard to get it legally and Im fine. Blow your boomer paranoia out your ass.

>do this task to kick the can down the road
Alright done. Now what?

>conservatives think these are worse than x
are there any sources or is this just one poor thought strawman ?

Make it stawpp

I would make sweet love to my little girl long before I put that poison in my body.

>Conservatives think these are worse than pedophile raping children
You mean homosexuality? Because you Liberals support homosexuality, no matter what.

>1 post by this ID
Oh, you're a shill.

Have done. Multiple times. As has my wife. You fucking dumb niggers pretend this is impossible. Weed is not addictive.

>Weed is not addictive.
And yet you potheads are intolerable people. There is nothing positive about smoking pot. All it does is turn you into an idiot druggie.

Op shouldn't post nonsense.
(pic related)

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There's nothing positive about drinking soda, eating fast food, watching TV or movies, playing video games, or posting on fucking Yas Forums. Yet you fucking faggots don't whine nearly as loud about any of those activities as you do about smoking a weed that objectively does help people with pain or certain medical conditions. Eat shit and die, fucking carrying water for kike pharmaceutical companies.

>cold turkey
At worst you get the mild anxiety from stopping a habitual behavior.


>There's nothing positive about drinking soda, eating fast food, watching TV or movies, playing video games, or posting on fucking Yas Forums.
Yes, society is degenerating and pot is another sign of that.

Just because society is degenerating doesn't mean adding another degenerate thing is good.

>Yet you fucking faggots don't whine nearly as loud about any of those activities as you do about smoking a weed
Because you claim it's the greatest thing ever and that there's literally no downsides to smoking it.

> that objectively does help people with pain or certain medical conditions.
See? You claim it cures cancer and is a catch all for every medical condition.

>Eat shit and die, fucking carrying water for kike pharmaceutical companies.
yeah. you're totally an enlightened individual. lol

>See? You claim it cures cancer
I never said that, you illiterate fucking nigger. Maybe if you smoked some weed you'd be able to read what the fuck is in front of you. I said it helps people with pain and with certain medical conditions. I didn't say it cures anything. Fuck, you dishonest kikes are the worst.

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fucking potheads I swear...

>t. literally smoked meth so long they're schizo and hallucinating shit on the screen
Try to die outside so you don't ruin the shitty apartment you inhabit.

>huur durr drugs are bad, except my drug which is good.

>did mushrooms once, smoked pot 3-4 times
only mushrooms was enjoyable, tho pointless and its kinda stupid theyre illegal.
You dont do them regularly tho.
Weed is actual "must feel good no bad thoughts" shit tho

that's a weird lookin christmas tree you got there

what type of house plant is that? look like something from a jungle.