Just Bag Groceries Bro

Why are unemployed people so selfish? It's not like you're dead.

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The governor who represents the gateway to the American dream is telling people they cant even go back to their own lives but instead work at a grocery store because the flu exists. I dont even like a lot of peoples definition of American dream but hes wrong.

lel jew yorkers keep voting scum like him in. You reap what you sow. Hopefully they get a nice reality check now, likely won't though since they are not self aware.

>Get laid off normal job
>Apply to stock shelves
>Get rejected because overqualified
This is the way it works. These kinds of businesses think people with qualifications will just bail the moment something better comes their way, so they just don't even hire them.

>Reporter: "What if the economy failing equals death?"
>Cuomo: "No, it doesn't. It doesn’t equal death. Economic hardship. Yes. Very bad. Not death. Emotional stress from being locked in a house. Very bad. Not death. Domestic violence on the increase. Very bad. Not death."
Battered housewife roasties BTFO.

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This fucking Guido is really pissing me off

shoot him in the head and boost the health care economy

bullets employ doctors, never forget that

Why not lie? Tell em you didn't even finish high school and make up a bunch of shit jobs.

>just work for my corporate donors
I see you, wop

Imagine having a job deemed essential by society and making less than someone who just sits a desk all day in some industry thats just a luxury. Society literally doesn't need the latter and yet that person can do exponentially better in life

unironically grocery stores and pharmacies are hiring down here

I'm tempted

>Just lie about your work history so you can get picked for an unskilled grocery store or Amazon delivery job paying 1/4 what you were making before.

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How many of those places are even hiring right now? I work at a shartmart in Michigan and things were busier than I've ever seen it a month and a half ago, but now its slowed down so much hours are getting cut and unless half the store gets corona'd were not hiring anyone else until this bullshit is over.

vote harder
violence is terrorism
unless the government does it

>kill small business
>force you to work for big companies or starve
why are demonrat politicians such awful pieces of shit?

>you cant go to work for (((reasons)))
>but if you get one of the (((approved jobs))) you can work
>otherwise get fucked you cant earn any money have fun in poverty, pal.

People should be playing Minecraft by now.

>equals death
No, it’s much fucking worse. Instead of 100k old people going out a month early, it’s a generation lost.

>I'm still getting paid
>why are you poors even talking to me
>go bag groceries

>Domestic violence on the increase. Very bad. Not death.
No one called him out about how many domestic murder suicides theres been since lockdown?

New Yorkers are so retarded take a look at his twitter replies they are cheering him on while the rest of the state suffers and is economically crippled as usual by the city. All he cares about is NYC as long as he keeps them happy he has a job as governor for life. Fuck this place I can’t wait to find a new job and gtfo.

>what are background checks

They do background checks for unskilled jobs?

Hey yo I’m walking here...I’m working here

all of those things actually can and have resulted in death

Depends but yes.

>Just go work a job with no insurance, poor people
Just go fuck a Garden Weasel, bruh.

This. I used to hire warehouse workers and if you were too overqualified I wouldn't hire you.

and pee tests. Cuomo doesn't have to do a pee test. junkie bitch tits garbage gets to do drugs and tell you what to do

Why not shoot yourself desu?

Glad I'm a NEET then. Imagine having to piss in a bottle in front of some faggot and detail your entire life's history in order to have the privilege to stock shelves?

This! So much this!
If the entire nation worked as grocery baggers, we would be much better off as a society.

No joke last night I realized the aftermath of these horrible decisions will probably be so long lasting and far reaching I will probably never be able to children because of this and I almost lost my shit.

There are people who listen to this piece of shit every day and think he's great.

>Imagine having a job deemed essential by society and making less than someone who just sits a desk all day in some industry thats just a luxury.
That's a pretty misleading way of characterizing it.
Feeding people is essential. You will die without food. That doesn't mean any random 16 year old bagging groceries is, as an individual, of vital importance to society. Having skin is essential but that doesn't mean you should treat each individual skin cell as vitally important to your survival.
And as for "non-essential," that really means "isn't going to make people die if this work stops happening for a month." Isaac Newton would have been considered a non-essential worker by that standard. Anyone creating anything beyond what's required to keep people from starving or otherwise dying from some immediate source of harm is "non-essential."
The most important and highly valued initiatives mankind has taken on are all non-essential because essential is basically eating, shitting, and disposing waste. It's panicked survival mode, not the long term way a functioning society should operate.

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