Why and when Yas Forums got filled with leftists and liberals
Why and when Yas Forums got filled with leftists and liberals
Back in the early to mid 2000s, Yas Forums was a pretty liberal place since that was the counter culture at the time. Then in 2008 it started to shift to be a more conservative site, since that was the new counter culture. Now that being conservative is mainstream again, the shift is happening yet again. Yas Forums has always been a counter culture site.
They’ve been here trying to disrupt right along. Who the fuck do you think posts the black dick pics?
I can answer the why: Because those people can not think for themself, they will always chase us and then claim they came up with shit they find here themself.
can you name a single conservative pop culture item?
>being conservative is mainstream
It's not. Conservatism will be mainstream when women cant vote, gays cant marry and are shamed in public, all restrictions on the 2a are removed, abortion is outlawed, and jews are removed from white countries.
Donald Trump
Even tho 60% definitely are, not everybody on Yas Forums is a paid Russian troll.
Huffpost keeps putting our threads in front of normies so they come here and try to "challenge our hateful rhetoric"
Don't be discouraged, they're fresh meat and we can redpill them,
>no sense of historical timelines
>no sense of trends
>implying the left has never had a function
You forgot, to burn niggers on crosses. Fucking newfag
Theyre called shills dumbass
It didn't. The conservatives have turned into women and are running around thinking people are after them
Yas Forums has never been leftist.
I may have been libertarian, but back then liberals actually supported free speech and personal liberty.
It has always been anti communist, and anti authority. Amd anti social justice intersectional bullshit.
Suck my fucking dick
Yas Forums is definitely getting raided right now.by shills. Some of it is from leftists stuck at home and sick of the MSM and Plebbit, so they come here to spread their cuckoldry. And some of it is just cancer that's set up shop over the last few years. But the majority of the faggot threads are reposts and follow the same theme since the lockdown. Cancerfags can't help replying to them.
>listen to my retarded fantasy, kids
so sick of these fucking faggots. it's time for a purge. people need to die now.
>muh counterculture
You meant to say avantgarde right?
Around the same time Reddit faggots decided to do regular raids on blacked threads.
That's not even what the Klu Klux Klan does, Norwad.
>don't worry about it bro, it'll pass
except this is a worldwide takeover, better think before you give advice
This site used to be more Libertarian democrat not liberal if anything.
It's a fucking disease i agree, so much Shills thesep ast few months, this place has become a fucking shitshow of Democrats with complete reverted values and morals.
thanks to other boards who attract lefty faggots like flies to shit
Lurk moar
Those are trump supporters
This is right. People who came after chanology, Scientology, occupy, olympics, and now the 2016 drumpening are rewriting history.
>Now that being conservative is mainstream again
Conservative hasn't been "mainstream" for decades now.
been here over a decade. always been libertarian leaning, socially liberal
honestly the black dick pics do you stormfront types a big favor. the more i see that shit, the more i find myself subconsciously viewing blacks as animals or enemies and not just people. wouldn't be surprised if that was your plan the whole time
That's a waste of good wood and destructive to environment.
I'm for composting them in woodchippers.
This website is the last popular bastion of right-wing sentiment on the internet.
There are hundreds of millions of dollars going in to consensus cracking the internet, and they've routed all of our forces back to this point.
Shut yo mouf white boi dis now a board for niggas and homies
>Donald Trump
>A thing that is constantly shitted on by Mainstream media
Liberalism is not a counter culture, liberalism is still the same cancer it was 10 years ago
>Cringe Mr Obvious viewer
when Trump betrayed his base
You need to go back redditfag.
Being this new and not realising Yas Forums's spiritual powers meme'd Trump into existance and presidency, we obviously are kek's prophets.
All of you fucking plebs aren't the DNA of Yas Forums, just a plague that is dumbing it down and perverting it into something it never was to begin with.
when we stopped cracking cunts in the knackers left, right,and centre
>Why and when Yas Forums got filled with leftists and liberals
They are called shills, dipshit.
And furthermore, consider your time here as sparring in the dojo of retards. If you survive, you'll spot the shills, glows, slides like you're that homo from the Matrix and your legs are made from gummie bears.
So carry on, they're making us stronger, not weaker... just don't let them waste your time.
2016. Magaboomers are all liberals just lagging behind by 5-10 years. They love fags and based blacks. At least in 2014 we would have Libertarian vs National Socialism threads and we all agreed we hated niggers and fags.
>being conservative is mainstream again
No it is not, you fucking twat. Fürst Otto von Bismarck was conservative, whatever the fuck you have in the US is not.
>hurr durr, die for Israel and marry niggers
Has it ever occurred to you that it's because this is an anonymous posting site? Whereas most social media makes you have a name to be recognized by? Oh no, but it's conspiracy.
Das rite!
you're smoking crack
I've been here since 2004 and it was never "liberal" you fucking nigger
WTF does that even mean, Britbong?
It always was us. All the Right-winger assholes are just LARPing. It’s all sarcasm bruh. You didn’t get it.
>my definition of conservative = genocidal nazi
Nah. You gibbering fruitcakes have always been around, and you've never been conservative.
>And furthermore, consider your time here as sparring in the dojo of retards. If you survive, you'll spot the shills, glows, slides like you're that homo from the Matrix and your legs are made from gummie bears.
What about these newfags who like to filter content? They never really learn anything...
You're pretty top-tier fucking retarded m8. Do you think Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter selectively enforce their rules to target right-wing opinions? Or do you think they're an unbiased actor? lmao
>Board name is "Politically Incorrect"
>Every other thread is trans rights
I think they just want money and cater to SJWs. It's really nothing personal to you lot.
chinese shills abandoned pro china propaganda and went full on hello fellow white man demoralization
Do you judge books by their covers, too?
>I think they just want money and cater to SJWs
Then you're more retarded than I thought
pic related for you
they don't challenge anything. all they do is try to rewrite history and smear shit all over the walls
When it comes down to it, all they do is be contrarian and try to ruin things. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they don't.
bullshit they learn what the shill threads look like and actively ignore them. The only bad thing is they don't learn how to fight against (((their))) arguments
4chins was always an NS site.