Gays are more oppressed than POC's

SJW's Prove me wrong

Gay's are genuinely the most oppressed group world wide.

Attached: gayrightsworldwide.jpg (630x312, 70.36K)

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Niggers probably have a lot to say about that, faggot

oppression Olympics, fucking pathetic

Attached: pride.png (460x428, 312.33K)

This shit is so last decade

Preventing the unnatural is not oppression it’s maintaining nature.

Niggers are one of the main oppressors of gays.




There is a reason I said SJW prove me wrong. They are for homosexuality and for open boarders.
How do they square the logic it does not compute?

Fuck off kike worshipper. Homosexuality is present in nature and is part of western ethos

Attached: 1586287266585.png (800x1106, 99.72K)