This is your last warning Yas Forums. Buy Bitcoin.
This is your last warning Yas Forums. Buy Bitcoin
Thanks for the tip, I just put $10k in Bitcoin (BSV).
Why would I spend my trumpbucks on your shitcoin?
dont listen to this faggot. Wait for it to go sideways for a week. Then wait for the dip. Then buy BTC
Nice try Boggdanof
>These Yas Forumsniggers think that shit is gonna be worth something when the second wave hits
what a waste of digits. bsv is the jew'd version of btc. Pic is from Craig himself
What can you buy with bitcoin?
>buying a deprecating asset
You wouldn't. Because you're a fucking idiot.
Why did you hit 'enter', faggot?
No one gives a single shit what lolbertarians think.
Stay poor, fag.
Watching CLOSELY!
Bitcoin was worth less than $0.01 in 2010. Explain to us, oh wise pastanigger, how exactly that qualifies as a depreciating asset? What do you think will happen with an asset that has a static total supply while US dollars are being printed faster than toilet paper?
3 weeks to go
LINK is actually 80% of my net worth. I figured Yas Forums wouldnt get it, though. BTC is more normie friendly anyway.
>implying the hype won't die when current computational cap is reached(we're close)
>implying everyone there's people left that cares or wants to buy it and is not the same die hard retards pumping this old boomer coin
What about unibright ubt
LINK, ETH, BTC. Any other crypto is just gambling. That said, unibright is a decent gamble, though I own zero of it myself.
>asset that has a static total supply
It doesn't though. WTF do you think bitcoin mining is?
>buy my bags
There will never be more than 21 million BTC. Ever. Static, but partially locked, total supply. Go take a look at how many USD were printed in the last week.
>boomer coin
So you do own crypto then. LINK/ETH perhaps?
I got ubt at 0.02 cents when it was only on idex, now its worth 0.21 so Im happy with it. I also have link tron and ether. Used to be into cardano but lost faith. Will enter btc soon when I sell my tron after halvning
Good on you lad. Hope you make it.
yea thats odd to think hyper inflation increases a counter currency value.
what was so ifinate valued the frist guy satsui like 5 grand to 1.8 billion
Thanks mate you too
Is English your 10th language or are you too drunk to type?
>muh cashless society meme
no, glowie. no.
Can that tongue lick my anus?
OH NO NO NO NO the state of Yas Forums
I know a dude who became a bitcoin millionaire when he bought a bunch when they were 25 cents a btc, he bought like 40:dollars worth as a goof, sadly he didn’t make as much as he wanted because he sold a big chunk of them for a quick buck, but he still made around 3 million. He compares it to the lotto. He was young too, like 18-19 back in 2011. Some of us were lucky, others not so much. I found out about it when it was 225 dollars a bitcoin but I couldn’t buy any with a credit card because fraud was going on back then. So I missed the bought, you he to send cashiers checks and stuff like that.
Thanks user.