What is behind women's unhealthy obsession with acknowledgement?

Women are constantly taking selfies for anything they do or even taking credit for men's accomplishments no matter how big or little it is. Compared to men who are humble or even go anonymous for good deeds/accomplishments. Why is that?

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cause women are the niggers of gender

oh yeah men never do that.....

you're an idiot

The woman question. You must be new here. Welcome to pol/ you’re here for ever now.

There's nothing else going on in their head except for calculating their social position & status.

Have sex.

yes we call those men "effeminate" in reference to the behavior of women

Post tits

holy shit, the way they constantly need to remind everyone that they're a doctor or engineer or scientist. it's insane how consistent it is.

There's hardly ever any men taking selfies of themselves for accomplishments. Do you ever see CEO's taking selfies?

Because gathering attention is one of the methods of attracting quality egg fertilizers and it's coded into our DNA. We're just intelligent apes after all.

Women are literally memes, someone post the pic that shows how women out their face in every picture of what they want to show people

You see, women are social creatures and their ability to secure resources relies upon their hierarchical position.


Pick one.

The #1 thing women like is attention, so they do things to draw attention to themselves. It's that simple.

These threars summarized
>guys why do women do X?
>they want attention and chad
>ofcourse im better than chad
>even though i get asskicked on every field by him
>im an expert at reading women
>but women can't read themselves

Desu, you all are full of shit, stop giving advice about people you never had or will have contact with

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I know these threads need to exist for the young and naïve making their first steps into reality, but the women threads bore me so much. Women are so boring. Just read Schopenhauer's "on women" and you will understand everything you need to know.

Its always the ones who have no kids doing this, because they have failed at their sole purpose in life. Raising children. Instead they bought the lie that society sold them, and pursued a career. Not saying its impossible for them to have both, but the ones without kids need to reassure themselves that they didnt make the wrong choice.
They constantly feel the need to provide evidence that shows they are equal to men in their field, because deep down literally everyone knows this is not the case.

That's how they are raised. That's how tv and social media tells them to be. Usually how their whore mothers raise them. If you look at girls who are raised close to their fathers or only with their father they arent like that at all.

It's men's fault for constantly validating

>i will never have a qt autismo NASA gf
it's not fair bros

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I'm not sure I know everything about women, but I know enough from experience.

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>men who are humble or even go anonymous for good

Women do that as well, following proper men who set the example. Whenever men criticize the 'state of women', the criticize their own incompetency, first of all at realizing their own role and duties.

Why do you give a shit? If someone opens their own grave with their own shovel, its their own goddamn business, you're a fuckwit to doubt that.
>inb4 but it affects me cuz X
Retard, 7 billion people out there and you can't find someone like you

This, all actions women take are a social power play. Men don't care because our actions speak for themselves. One is to try and get the attention of the top men, the other is to become the top man.

But is there a tipping point or critical mass of men which needs to be reached? How do we reach those men?

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project some more, faglord

To fuck Chad


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Checked, but still you're retarded for not clarifying what im projecting, clearly your soft spot

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A lot of it is media trying to push a ‘you go grrrl’ narrative. It’s painful to witness but girls believe this stuff.

It’s the same reason they make movies with 110lb girls in heels beating up muscular men with ease. Wish fulfillment.

We call the men who do that "faggots"


yeah, like that. keep doing it, it gets me off

This. It's literally biology. It's in their genes. It used to serve a useful purpose, but the last hundred years have fucked all that up.

Im a man shitlord, i can post my hairy feminine trap legs for proof

i believe you. that's why i called you a faggot

This. Chad is chad. Women copy chad, and betas copy women.

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Faggots only fuck faggots i guess.

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Women evolved in a community with other women helping each other gather berries and taking care of children.
That's why they are so self absorbed and resist chaos and violence. That's why women will change allegiance at the drop of a hat. If a chad caveman came from somewhere and killed the other males in the clan the women had to quickly switch sides to avoid being murdered themselves.