If charter schools are so good, why don’t they make all schools into charter schools???
...And if you say they aren’t anything special, why don’t they get rid of them and make them regular schools?
If charter schools are so good, why don’t they make all schools into charter schools???
>If charter schools are so good, why don’t they make all schools into charter schools???
Teachers unions
Also, property tax. Probably 70% of mine goes to the school district and I have an ENORMOUS fucking bill.
t. New Jersey
any school whose teachers look like they just came from a club is a bad school.
Here in New Orleans, they did basically that, virtually all schools are now public charters or private schools.
Even if charter schools were universally and unambiguously better, they would never give up their public school propaganda centers.
Made for big baltic cock
It turns out if you have a school where you only allow rich people to attend, the school does well.
Started sending my kids to a charter school last year. Best decision I've made concerning their academics.
The bar at their previous school was super low. They really only care about pleasing the parents and not stepping on any toes. No student or parent accountability on any level.
charter schools are a way to half ass so someone can make more money off of it. it's the jewish and conservative way.
Charter schools are a business, which does not work well for education. They have CEOs that start chater schools to make money, mainly from the government as poor minorities go to these schools.
Charter schools are still public, it's just they are more free to set their own rules.
You're thinking of Private schools.
Where do you live? I’m the NOLA fag from above and I’m probably gonna have kids in the next few years. Some of the schools here are great but some are terrifying and full to the brim with niggers. Not sure if I should move, stay, or try homeschooling.
The kids from my local charter school did shit like go on barefoot "nature walks" around the school instead of learning and couldn't do algebra by the time they graduated
They're for hippies, dumbasses, and special ed kids
charter literally means private
Should have chose a different school then you fucktard. It's like saying all restaurants are shit when you've only ever been to a Taco Bell.
That's essentially what happened in Britain but we call them academies
So you're saying parents should be allowed to fuck up their kids lives by choosing to send them to a garbage school?
Abolish public schools
Privatize everything. Make a national homeschool curriculum with free to access resources for all citizens
she an award winning teacher
has her big time FB page
Not necessarily. Some are run as “public charter schools” which function with full or partial public support and have public style enrollment rather than the traditional private/parochial model.
Children these days become educated despite the best efforts of the public school system.
I went to a charter school from middle to high school. I was lucky enough to start 6th the same year the middle school opened and 9th the same year the high school finished being built. As long as you were in the advanced classes you got teachers who were formerly private school or had taught in public schools for years. There were barely any minorities and if there were it was generally the better behaved ones.
And then the principal left and some woman replaced him and it all went downhill from there. Around 11th grade the incoming classes were straight out of low tier public schools with fights breaking out regularly, and the quality teachers started slowly leaving as they saw the writing on the walls. Extremely small school, my graduating class was something like 100 people. A few years later and I talk to people who graduated a few years behind me and I'm told the school is utterly shit now and the administration is useless. The quality teachers left years ago and were replaced with fresh out of college graduates.
All it takes is 1 or 2 kids in a class of 20 or 30 kids who don't want to be there and spend their time being disruptive to ruin the education experience for others. Gone are the days where you could shove them in an alternative school if they didn't want to learn and could drop out if they wanted. Now there's a massive push for "no child left behind" even if it comes at the detriment of the majority.
But they still function in the classroom like private schools. So making all public schools like charter schools is still making teachers autonomous (private). Which is what the OP is suggesting.
Where the fuck do all the people in this thread live that there's multiple public schools in their area?
Charter schools are the best because highly qualified Jewish-American investors can make them run incredibly efficient by applying the science of creative destruction and hedge-fund formulas, making themselves incredibly wealthy while making a generation of kids twice as smart and cutting red tape too. The only thing standing in the way of this happening right now is statist socialists and antisemites.
why don't you just teach your kids what you think they need to know and tell the state to fuck itself
administration will fuck the teachers first
Because they aren't good. Most of them in my State are considered babysitting services to "indigo children" aka "I'm spoiled and mommy is a liberal". They usually have shitty test scores and the kids fall behind.
>Teachers unions
FPBP came here to say exactly this.
>ywn have a parent-teacher conference with a dumb-dumb thicc nigress teacher