The virus is real but it was released on purpose to cover up the economic collapse...

The virus is real but it was released on purpose to cover up the economic collapse. the US is insolvent because the dollar is backed by the post WW2 bretton woods trade agreement. Now thats ending and oil has been found in so many parts of the world now that it's basically worthless. The petrodollar is dead. The western capitalist system went as far as it could go and that's that. The virus is just a cover up.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>the US is insolvent because the dollar is backed by the post WW2 bretton woods trade agreement

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shill bot script that replied within seconds of my first post.

I saw it on the front page with no replies.

Are you mentally damaged? We use the US navy to patrol the global commons protecting shipping and thus global supply chains for the entire world for ZERO FUCKING BENEFIT to us.

We have the inputs, the processing, the distribution network and the consumption for our own economy. Something like 7% of the US GDP is selling shit to other countries and half of that it is within north america.

Breton woods means nothing to us, beyond propping up a bunch of european cuck countries that don't even pay their fucking NATO debts.

But if you can refute any of this: I would be happy to learn something new.

yes. we are a consumer nation with no production capability and our currency is backed by an asset with no value.

>the US is insolvent because the dollar is backed by the post WW2 bretton woods trade agreement.

stopped reading right there

This is more or less true, it has been planned for some time. I remember hearing years ago that Tisha B'av 2020 is the final collapse. I see no reason to think anything else at this point.

Most people don't understand the level on inflation that is going to hit when we are no longer the oil reserve currency. Wheelbarrows of cash for a loaf of bread.

>with no production capability

Oy vey the dollar? The one no one uses to buy anything from us with anyway? We have our own entire continental supply chain that doesn't require the rest of the world.

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The coronameme is just a front for a collapse.

Domestic inflation has nothing to do with the dollar as a world reserve currency.

Oil is fucked, June contracts not expiring for a month are already fucked. Americas fucked.

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and we had to rely on china to give us masks and vents.... what else you got?

Immediate loss of global supply chains causes shortages. Is this supposed to be news? How long do you expect we will have no manufacturing base?

If Breton Woods doesn't end suddenly there probably won't be a problem re-tooling.

Not to mention, notice that nothing important stopped working when we lost global supply chains?

Everything important is already made in the USA, often by foreign owned factories located inside the USA. This is called de-sourcing.

Japan uses it to buy some good will on their trade agreements for other things.

so you think we are just gonna magically reshore and rebuild all that heavy industry overnight? not gonna happen. you dont just walk away from bretton woods. we are talking DECADES of economic depression.

Finally an intelligent post.
Read sarcasm into MAGA if you are too stupid to understand immediately.

Trade war won.
0% rates.
Banks bailed out with no blame.
Corporations bailed out with no blame.
Vital manufacturing will be moving back.
This is a lesson in how the media ALWAYS backs the NATSEC State.
No matter who the next president is all the above is happening and has happened.

user, I...

>Everything important is already made in the USA
The US doesn't manufacturer anything besides Holocaust movies and gay porn

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>so you think we are just gonna magically reshore and rebuild all that heavy industry overnight?

It doesn't have to happen overnight, just like breton woods doesn't have to end overnight. When the navy withdraws protection of the global commons in certain areas those areas will have supply chain disruptions.

You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Most critical infrastructure goods are manufactured in the USA. Aerospace, military, etc. all made in USA by law.

>Most critical infrastructure goods
Other then ventilators, or a fucking cloth mask LAMO

>The virus is real but it was released on purpose to cover up the economic collapse.

So I think this is only half-right. I was definitely anticipating an economic collapse, a lot of people were. Financial analysts were talking about another recession, but being the doomsday believer that I am and the state of the world I felt like we were due for a financial collapse and apocalypse. If they kicked the can down the road another ten years then I would have been surprised.

Anyway, the timing of this nothingburger virus was definitely a "cohen-cidence", but what's the endgame here? I think if you go one level down the conspiracy theorist rabbit hole, the obvious answer is that this was implemented to cover up the collapse of the economy, but grinding everything to a halt has the result of accelerating the shit out of the collapse and interrupting the supply chains as all the businesses go out of business. If they were trying to legitimately go about this in a way that wouldn't end in violence then I don't think this would be the best way to go about it.

I personally think at the highest levels of control, this was a way of "pulling the plug" on our global economy just enough to kick off a swift and dramatic collapse (rather than taking a few years for us to get to the point where everyone is desperate enough for society to break down, it might only be a few months to a year). And we will go to war with ourselves. With hunger, with disease, a desperate attempt to escape the harsh conditions which we never thought possible. We'll have little enough energy to go to war with anyone else, but maybe we'll try.

Conspiracy theorists always search for some meaning for the actions of the elite. Just look at the state of the world several years later, because where we are is exactly where they meant us to be.

Cloth masks are available everywhere, N95 fabric is not, but can be if the disruption in supply is assumed to be permanent.

Factories are unwilling to heavily invest in re-tooling to supply a demand that will vanish when the filthy chicoms ship us our goods again.

>If they were trying to legitimately go about this in a way that wouldn't end in violence then I don't think this would be the best way to go about it.
The point is to avoid being blamed user.
Do you see anyone pointing the finger at banks?
At Rothschilds?
At corporations or globalists of any kind?
At anything but the virus?

This is good.
They produce garbage.
Maybe we'll finally get nice handmade furniture again that was built down the road.

Its almost as if the US doesn't manufacturer anything besides Holocaust movies and gay porn. Also the reddit spacing makes you even more of an obvious shill

You figured it out - well done

>We use the US navy to patrol the global commons protecting shipping and thus global supply chains for the entire world for ZERO FUCKING BENEFIT to us.

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Do you even know what Breton Woods is?

It's a defense arrangement, we bribed the euro cuck countries into taking our side against the soviets with this. This agreement was never intended to benefit our economy, and it doesn't.

>points out plebbit spacing

That's programmer spacing to you, newfag shill.

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they covered it up with a virus to prevent civil unrest. right now everyone thinks things will get back to normal eventually. but it wont. they are already getting people ready for the depression using terms like "new normal". it's not a depression it's just a new normal. etc etc.











you should check out

>we bribed the euro cuck countries into taking our side against the soviets with this.
>This agreement was never intended to benefit our economy
>it doesn't

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If you think the middle east is unstable now imagine when their oil is worthless.
Shame the same will happen to Mexico tho.

thats not the point though. the point is it takes a long long long time to transition back to a production based economy again. like i already said. you don't just walk away from bretton woods. peter zeihan wont tell you this because he makes money selling his books.


So, you have devolved to attacking my person because you lost the argument.

Yet you and I both know, you will make more threads with the same bullshit and the next time, I won't be perusing to tell you how stupid you are.

Enjoy protecting your oil shipments with zero navy.

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You are such a obvious shill everyone ITT is calling you out lol

Manufacturing would be a wonderful addition to our service based economy.

Breton Woods monetary system collapsed in 1972 when Nixon unpegged the dollar to gold price.

55 seconds scizho

Everything imported into the United States from China is made to client spec

Americans simply want cheap garbage - it’s a reflection of America - cheap garbage

Case in point - look at your food. The EU refuses to import your meat products because they are not fit for human consumption

>zero navy
>Sea faring nation on a tiny island
I wonder why our great leaders stopped investing in our navy...nothing to do with bribes from Uncle Sam

>The point is to avoid being blamed user.

Well yeah, that's a great explanation for those whose names we know and whose faces we see on TV from time to time. But I think if you go even higher up, like to the level of the gods and their instruments of control like the Illuminati, then I think THEIR point is to guide the world and happenings in the direction they see fit.

For the first level of controllers like the president, economists, bankers and leaders of corporations then this is a perfect event for them to avoid blame, but when everything comes crumbling down then you can very well see the heads being cut off this multi-headed serpent. We can very well see these rich people taking the blame as the rabble and communists rise up and kill them. They're not taking the blame yet, but they still can, and a new crop of leaders may take their place.

Assuming the apocalypse doesn't actually happen, which I think it can. I have a feeling our global civilization was timed to coincide with the next great celestial event, the sort that our ancestors handed down stories of.

yup, the scapegoat virus

China would just patrol the Somali pirates instead and they don't care about human rights so they would just shoot them all

Nah you’re a shill bot, faggot. Also you don’t even know what Breton Woods is, this much is clear. Or you do, but you don’t want the goyim to figure it out.

>>Sea faring nation on a tiny island

Yet you have next to zero navy. You stopped investing in your military because you are under the broad wing of protection of the US Military.

It was your own political leaders that have done this to you, they just wanted to funnel more shekels into their own pockets and into social programs for niggers.

You built an entire economy off an unsustainable supply and demand market.

China started producing more and more garbage to feed you gluttonous mutts the quality went way down. The demand was far to great for the supply to meet.

If you cut off ties with china completely it will starve your entire middle class.
You dont have the means nor the infrastructure right now to take up such a task. You've all been brainwashed to live lives far out of what the normal person lives in the rest of the world.

My thoughts exactly

These things don’t happen by accident

>US announces it’s going to shrink its balance sheet

Week later

>virus found

Month later

>trillions printed to buy back corporate debts (bailouts)

It’s amazing people still aren’t figuring this out