I would literally worship this woman...

I would literally worship this woman. I'd give up on my entire perfect nanny state life just to live under her selfish commie regime. I'd watch all my children starve just to be able to see her feet

Attached: CommieMommy.png (980x551, 1.15M)

Coommunist scum

you know, if a norwegian was crazy enough to defect to the north youd probably impress her and you would most definitely be able to see and serve her ;)

geez so many perverts on this sub

You know that just because you love this bitch, it doesn't mean you're not a faggot, right?

Attached: censoredkim.png (1371x2048, 1012.51K)


While we support authoritarian regimes like North Korea's, we do not support your kind of degeneracy. Please get gassed.

>I'd watch all my children starve just to be able to see her feet



I hope you die OP

>I would literally worship this woman
OP, i bet she's a genuine bitch, like 100% total bitch, just look at those soulless Asian eyes!

Attached: 1579191919452.jpg (480x602, 67.05K)

>I'd give up on my entire perfect nanny state life just to live under her selfish commie regime.
Why not defect then? Take a trip over there with a tour group, and when you get there, tell them that you want to leave the decadent west behind. They'd probably use you for propaganda videos, so I'm sure you'd get to meet her eventually. Once that's been setup, I'm sure you'd win her over with your masculine, viking features. Just think, your hapa descendants will be literal gods to everyone there.

Alright fuck it, I've got a chunk of spare processing time this evening, who wants to get me some really HQ footage of her and I'll churn you out some deepfakes.

The higher the quality and the more you can get the better.

Attached: 1584394558992.jpg (2048x3072, 994.46K)


she's ugly, tho. Only 31 and she already looks like this. Bad genes.

Attached: 1581606868450.png (249x249, 78.94K)


jewish shkreli looking mutt
north korea is done

that's why you are an incel

I would move to NK and break rocks until i cant anymore just to have her look my way once when she orders my execution via feeding my body to dogs

Attached: supreme.jpg (699x806, 48.53K)

fuck you, you weakling.

Attached: lqvkmgh45ro41.jpg (500x837, 53.7K)

>commie regime.

It would be a cummie regime

Attached: 1486929223971.jpg (264x320, 12.46K)

Seriously, it’s hard to even make her more than a 4/10 without completely remolding her face into another human

Attached: AFF7C672-EE55-420D-8024-553186FE36DC.jpg (699x806, 94.94K)

You just think that because she's 3D.

Stop shilling this psychopath gook bitch.

i'd kill to lick the grime from in between her toes

Attached: My+name+is+kim+yojong+and+today+is+my+very_78458a_7670063.jpg (1200x791, 143.5K)

What happened to kim? Is he really brain dead or what?

Attached: 1545321978787.png (1125x2436, 495.09K)

no, thats his usual state

literally a 10/10 qt

Attached: kimgodess.png (283x676, 404.68K)

then please kys

how does she float off the ground like that
like an angel

I bet she fucks that security guard

Looks like a gook

Yech !!! Ugly gook alert!


AOC is jealous of her. I say fuck them both.