/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3404

► Detected: 2,670,536 (+34,820) ► Died: 186,396 (+2,330) ► Day: 105 (-10:37:12)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10x more confirmed deaths than H1N1 flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 3,226 strains have been sequenced —


Tigers and lions can become infected

New symptom: purple or blue lesions on feet and toes, mostly kids

Last remaining cruise ship in the world has docked

Patient in Italy still positive after 55 days

Blood thickening associated to infection

Virus killed more Americans in 1 month than the flu in 1 year

Type "A" blood more likely to catch virus than "O"

Due to reinfections, South Korea now tracks "recovered" patients

Italy first case tests positive again after "recovery"

"Theoretically possible" to get virus from mosquitoes

0.4% of all Bergamo died to virus within a month, despite lockdowns

China implies local officials are hiding new cases

▶ 516 new cases and 8 new deaths in Chile
▶ 55 new cases and 4 new deaths in Greece
▶ 2869 new cases and 149 new deaths in the United States
▶ 5 new cases in Cyprus
▶ 634 new cases and 54 new deaths in Canada
▶ 46 new cases in Iraq
▶ 243 new cases and 5 new deaths in the Dominican Republic
▶ 73 new cases and 3 new deaths in Bulgaria
▶ 19 new cases in Uzbekistan


Attached: CVG.png (621x877, 614.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:


how much do they pay you for these threads

same amount janitors get paid

About corona being a psyop.
Being a psyop doesn't mean people are not dying.
Look at psyop of californian pedoSatanistsl rings, many children were killed.

When is the America Stronk airshow?

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US Dept of Agriculture confirmed cats can catch coronavirus
>US Dept of Agriculture confirmed cats can catch coronavirus
US Dept of Agriculture confirmed cats can catch coronavirus
>US Dept of Agriculture confirmed cats can catch coronavirus
US Dept of Agriculture confirmed cats can catch coronavirus
>US Dept of Agriculture confirmed cats can catch coronavirus
Surprised this is getting ignored
It means we are never getting rid of the disease as there will be a permanent reservoir in the environment

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reminder that antibody studies prove this is 20-50x less serious than previously indicated

Someone has a screencap of argy bruh claiming it is a stock manipulation scheme

Hi. My name is user. I have a problem with fapping.

NRW Minister Laschet is on Team Corona-Chan
>999 deaths


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>half the cases in my county connected to a single meat packaging plant
>local authorities say it is up to USDA if plant shuts down
>USDA says they wont shut it down unless its a food safety issue
>meat packaging place I had been working at now has 20 cases
>Nobody is considering closing at this time

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It was always too late

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Just had the liquid monkey

Is this a nothingburger or not?
Tell me guys. I am confused here.
Really. I am.

>why is this thing that /cvg/ knew about over a month ago not getting more attention now that I learned about it
I wonder

hi yes what place so I can avoid your meat

>2670536 infected
>186396 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little extinction won't cause an intergalactic cataclysm

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>reminder that antibody studies (((estimate)))
ftfy, guesswork is useless, provide real number oor feel free to fuck off to schizo /nbg/

/cvg/ should people who don't use masks in public be punished?

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I've heard people say that south Korea are faking their figures what evidence is their for that?

#1 United States 851,586 (47,808) #2 Spain 213,024 (22,157) #3 Italy 187,327 (25,085) #4 France 159,877 (21,340) #5 Germany 151,175 (5,354) #6 United Kingdom 138,078 (18,738) #7 Turkey 98,674 (2,376) #8 Iran 87,026 (5,481) #9 China 82,798 (4,632) #10 Russia 62,773 (555) #11 Brazil 46,348 (2,934) #12 Belgium 42,797 (6,490) #13 Canada 40,824 (2,028) #14 Netherlands 35,729 (4,177) #15 Switzerland 28,496 (1,538) #16 Portugal 22,353 (820) #17 India 21,797 (686) #18 Peru 19,250 (530) #19 Sweden 16,755 (2,021) #20 Ireland 16,671 (769) #21 Austria 15,002 (522) #22 Israel 14,592 (191) #23 Saudi Arabia 13,930 (121) #24 Japan 11,950 (299) #25 Chile 11,812 (168) #26 Singapore 11,178 (12) #27 Ecuador 10,850 (537) #28 Pakistan 10,811 (228) #29 South Korea 10,702 (240) #30 Mexico 10,544 (970) #31 Poland 10,346 (435) #32 Romania 10,096 (541) #33 United Arab Emirates 8,756 (56) #34 Denmark 8,073 (394) #35 Belarus 8,022 (60)…

#1 Russia +4,774 (+42) #2 Spain +4,635 (+440) #3 United Kingdom +4,583 (+638) #4 United States +2,869 (+149) #5 Saudi Arabia +1,158 (+7) #6 Mexico +1,043 (+113) #7 Iran +1,030 (+90) #8 Belgium +908 (+228) #9 Netherlands +887 (+123) #10 Sweden +751 (+84) #11 Belarus +741 (+2) #12 Pakistan +735 (+16) #13 Canada +634 (+54) #14 Brazil +591 (+28) #15 Ukraine +578 (+13) #16 Germany +527 (+39) #17 United Arab Emirates +518 (+4) #18 Chile +516 (+8) #19 India +427 (+5) #20 Bangladesh +414 (+7) #21 Romania +386 (+17) #22 Portugal +371 (+35) #23 Indonesia +357 (+12) #24 Philippines +271 (+16) #25 Dominican Republic +243 (+5) #26 Switzerland +228 (+29) #27 Poland +177 (+9) #28 Panama +171 (+3) #29 Serbia +162 (+5) #30 Denmark +161 (+10) #31 Finland +155 (+23) #32 Kuwait +151 (+1) #33 Moldova +148 (+4) #34 Hungary +116 (+14) #35 Kazakhstan +116 (+1)…

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>remote military bases are ignoring DoD order and returning to normal ops on Monday current plan allows members to travel for leave

Welp I hope this whole virus thing is a hoax cause this might end poorly

fuck around and find out?

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how much power do you think cvg has on the world?
Let's say 100k see it a day internationally, they influence 2 people. 300k people. 90% of people lurkers are the same people over a week's time.
500k influences worldwide is a nothingburger. ,normal people are on a reddit sub reading it.

>meat packing plant I have been working at
Why would an American work at a meat packing plant? Isn’t the workforce 90% illegal and 10% black?

you mean listening to insider user that told us back in January the markets would crash keep up newfag


>2 new cases
>0 new deaths
>150 new recoveries
>-148 active cases



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They will already be punished.

As rats and bats can be contaminated too, coronachan will not go away anytime soon.
THIS is the idea that nothinboogs can't grasp.

With extreme prejudice

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All those people are going to be sacrificed to keep food on the table. A more sane government would isolate the food industry and their families by sealing those towns shut and making them a priority to clear of the virus at all costs while ignoring the idiots who scream about muh rights but they won't.
Easier to just let the people die

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Reminder that those tests were invented in 2005 in Wuhan China and only test for surface antibody of coronaviruses which means any corona virus

'prevent the what" would be a far better ending line

governments are realizing this was overhyped so they're already coming up with plans to reopen the economy.
It's time to admit defeat /cvg/, the coronavirus is a glorified NOTHINGBURGER. There won't be riots, there won't be food shortages, there won't be mountains of corpses. The death toll won't even reach 1 million (and even that is a reach, the curve is on the decline). Even Spain and Italy are opening up next month.
Wake the fuck up, and look at reality in the eyes. You LOST.

You'll have to investigate it yourself, the place I was at did a lot of Johnsonville bratts but we also packaged a lot of other off brands as well. Probably anything sausage. Have no idea what the other plant was dealing with.
Meat is probably safe to eat still or we would have been fucked over by now, tons of people still eat out and it doesnt seem like its spreading on the food. The bigger problem is if the plant DOES shutdown, then you're not getting any more meat.

Thing? More like (((THING))) amirite?

>What's /cvg/'s R0?
Not great, not terrible

>corona chan
corona shu nu*

Yes no man is an island unto himself. He is both a person and part of the organic whole. Those who work against the whole should be ostracized and dealt with.
An idiot without a mask is like your finger trying to poke out your eye because the finger things it should get to decide on its own everything it does.

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I see Chile is still counting deaths as recoveries LMAO



>why is this thing that /cvg/ knew about over a month ago
Make that 2 months and stop acting so superior, The first report about domestic animals was the pomeranian from HK and the shills screamed against it
The fact that a non chink source has confirmed that specifically pet cats can be infected is big news
Also if you read the release you'd see that it's bad
They have no idea how one of the cats was infected

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I'm just worried about bacon, I don't buy much sausage.
I listened to /cvg/ and bought a ton of meat over the weekend, but I guess thoroughly cooking through is all we can do.

They already are.

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How is India doing?

haven't seen any reports of this going on anywhere other than in Argentina.
Doctors, nurses, and paramedics are getting all sorts of threats, intimidation and pressure from their neighbors to move somewhere else.
The anonymous sign you can see there reads "Look for another place to live in. You're putting at risk the lives of all of us here. Decide yourself or I'll decide. Thank you."
This is like the tenth case that's been on the news already.

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pol must have the highest R0 in the world for how much it is constantly shilled.

Why do the Argies act like bugmen?

Not in management and logistics.

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>carries on your clothes
>carries in your hair
>gets in through your eyes
>people reusing the same mask over and over
>not wearing mask properly
>taking mask off mid shopping to wipe nose with hands that were touching carts
Dont see that a mask actually matters but it creates a nice false sense of security. Was at walmart yesterday to blow my trump bux and saw an employee remover her mask and rub her face with both hands, just all over

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Shhh, they think Yas Forums threads can crash a 15 trillion market, reason won't work on them

It doesn't happen here because we're not subhuman, we stayed at home and have among the best coronavirus responses in the world.

yes we got btfo time to go outside everyone!
shhh delete that, let them think its safe

Argentina is white....

it pays better than mcdonalds, the town I'm near its either fast food or food processing unless you work for the gov

What site you're using for updates since BNO's dead now?

viral load is import for infection user. A small exposure has a chance to be defeated quickly by your immune system while very large and repeated exposures are more likely to get your infected.
its why doctors get fucked hard
Never think of it has safe or unsafe but rather a sliding scale of percentages of chance of infection

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the masks are to keep the carriers from spreading desu.

I talk with someone who is a right wing fairly red pilled guy, he tells me the virus is a hoax set up by the globalists to force socialism on us.
Should I tell him about the local protest (he'll likely go) or should I try to change his mind?
What sources can I give him?

Attached: Blonde Vegas Corona Chan..jpg (2480x3508, 3.19M)

Keep coping with your 3 shitty disorganized conspiracy threads


He's probably already going out, it's too late for him.

Give em a mask
If they keep it up they eat shit

Prob worldometer, covid19info is also decent. JHU map is ok it just updates really slow

Muslims Riot In France During Coronavirus Lockdown, 2,674,000 COVID-19 Cases


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indian tier

Thats why I havent gotten to the point where I'm too piss scared to go shopping, otherwise I'm at home. Other people dont know what they are doing with a high quality mask they just have it.

What do you call a Jewish person's coffin.......a JUICE BOX ;)

The 1st Bio-financial weapon to ever be produced and targeted to take out deadbeat debtors... youtu.be/5QNdJuHZv5E youtu.be/WVW_ojMziNY youtu.be/3JS8CW6dq1I youtu.be/s_UNtWPS8dc

▶ 16 new cases and 4 new deaths in Mali
▶ 342 new cases and 28 new deaths in Poland
▶ 6 new cases and 2 new deaths in Czechia
▶ 2 new cases in Zambia

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That's just retarded.
The coronavirus is very much real, it's just not as serious as happeningfags want you to believe.

let him die user
generally being on the right should correlate with higher sensitivity to disgust. That is why people on the right hate outsiders. He should be hyper sensitive to a viral outbreak spread by a foreign group but he is not. He is either faux right or an idiot.
Let him die
Corona-chan hungers for blood and better him first

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whats it like to live in a small town but have a ton of mexicans in the midwest?
I did some upgrades to a tyson plant in Logansport, many mexicans for town size.
There is a giant industrial sized chicken egg farm 10 miles away. I wonder where the spics live? I never see them

>the virus is a hoax set up by the globalists to force socialism on us.
Americans specifically?

yet the cases in my county continue to climb. Most people are wearing masks at the store now. No idea whats happening in factories. Its too easy to fuck it up and expose yourself

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See? They're just like real Frenchmen

This week's numbers are disappointing, they are not going back up like the previous weeks.
It is good that people are not dying, but this seems as if it really was only the seasonal corona virus considering the time frame.
Aside from the spliced in HIV and permanent lung glassing even on asymptomatic infected this seems to go down.

Did we have a 2.5 million Corona-chan update?

Unless he names the jew, he's another neo-con.
Tell him to go to the protest.

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