Seething jannies deleted my thread a second time:

Seething jannies deleted my thread a second time:

[1/2] I have a theory about trannies.

Transgenderism is a logical outgrowth of consumerism and the general mental habit of capital-C Consumption that inevitably results as a necessary result of prosperity.

Any person living in a consumerist society is psychologically habituated to gorge themselves on whatever they can find that brings them some marginal sensation of pleasure, regardless of the cost. This is because it is easy to do - resources on which to gorge are abundant and in order for the society to be prosperous to begin with, social checks on excess must be ignored, and natural checks on excess that originate as habits of resource conservation and allocation never form.

The "resources" a person is able to gorge themselves on can take many forms. Food, time, attention, sex, etc.

Each one of these resources has a few characteristic effects of engorgement and methods surrounding - food usually results in obesity and the method is "fast" food. Time is consumed by videogames, television, film and internet media and results in a stunted intellect.
Attention is also connected to the internet, mostly, and manifests itself in social media and the proliferation of mental illness diagnoses & related activism.

The central point is that you can not engorge yourself without damaging yourself.

It is probably not a coincidence that transgenderism rapidly ballooned in social prominence AFTER the most Western countries had problems with excessive media consumption ( TV junkies ) and obesity epidemics. These are two forms of consumption that are both more easily accessible and the damage of which is less obvious, and is easier to rationalize even when it is fairly obvious.

[2/2] -- tl;dr transgenderism is a form of sexual self-consumption that serves as an autonomous, self-referential, capital-C consumptive substitute for the creative and interactive lowercase-c consumption of a woman's loyalty and affection.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Their dumbass excuse for banning me.

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Jannies are trannies but you're probably being reported by a really poster first.
Trannies are mentally disturbed. What do you expect

What do you mean by "really poster"?

>not posting the entire thing

Attached: THE_NEOHOMOGENOUS_EARTH.png (1876x4500, 1.2M)

Jewish and freemason social engineering.

Too convoluted. They're mentally ill fags who fetishize femininity in a twisted manner

>Transgenderism is a logical outgrowth of consumerism and the general mental habit of capital-C Consumption that inevitably results as a necessary result of prosperity.
And then there's a big pharma lobbing your government to be able to sell hormone blockers like sugar rolls to the children, profiting while making sure population reduction and demographic replacement/mixing is complete, effectively removing the cohesion and ability to take a prevent it from happening. Good thing they've placed whole world in debt to the banking cartels so more migration is needed to keep the scheme going on and create self fulfilling prophecy.

Your over thinking it, imho.
Its a combo of narcissism and the fact that they have been elevated to a high ranking position in the gave of victimhood.

Simply calling them "mentally ill" or "narcissistic" doesn't explain why trannyism is growing. Framing in terms of consumption does.

>the make up, fashion, and pharmaceutical industries' faces after men become a target demographic for their products that used to only appeal to half the population

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You deserve a bullet to the brain.

Not even the time of setting up a fire or tieing a noose around your neck is worth it

>autonomous, self-referential, capital-c consumptive substitute for the creative and interactive lowercase-c consumption...

I went to an Ivy and have a doctorate in a biomedical field, among other things. You are fucking retard who is trying to sound smart by speaking like some disgusting, hairy legged, gender studies professor. Your post was pointless blabber, and a deliberate attempt to use language to disguise stupidity and lack of understanding. You really should take a lesson from your subject and kys.

> words make me angry
> therefore I am smart
Bear witness.

Is it true that wearing programming socks for too long will turn your mind feminine?

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Why would you put them on in the first place?

It's just another step in the road to consoomifying your identity.

>another day
>another on time tranny thread

Can you people go 24 hours without thinking about trannies? Its like you live in a neighborhood of trannies.

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Weird that the first 2 threads got a lot of engagement and now all I'm seeing are very upset Americans.

Tranny kill yourself

please try to leave sensible modding feedback if it's extreme bullshit, upload the images somewhere and try to stay friendly
there are people giving a shit about this issue and that way they can be notified
While I think there is a toll attached to all the things you mentioned, I don't think it's about self consumption and this stemming from other consumption.
Media clearly plays a role, a really massive role however is how insecure people grow up, without a manual.
There probably isn't a single person who went through a cascade of cathartic realizations, many from ages barely possible to remember.
It is easy to not feel whole
especially if made to feel that way
it is easy to get lost in a search for identity
just look at every single person you ever met
if you can't see it, get to know them until you do
issues with affection I also think are unrelated, are just able to really magnify the issue
there is also an issue with debasement, perversion, urges and obsession, while some are resistant to it, many don't seem to be and there is a lot in culture to make that extreme.
The first preteen children are killing themselves, because they can't take, seeing all the others, comparing themselves, feeling a bit too slow, a bit too much of a burden, like they will never attain anything.
Sure usually this hits people later.
There are many ways to kill a person or their future, a nasty word here and there
some critique now and then
until the last bit of hope crumbles
but I don't mind traps or homosexuals, of homosexuals I know a few who share a negative view on all the faggotry and children being sexualized, but they are hard to tell from other men
I think allowing it for children is a bad move and for teenagers should be similarly handled like what is required in therapy for euthanasia in belgium.

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bang on, this guy knows

I wonder if it could be a coincidence that America is the world's most consumerized society and seemingly also has the highest tranny density ( next to Brazil or South East Asia, perhaps ).

Tldr/ It’s fetishism

Something huge you fail to factor in, is the masculinizing nature of military service, and the necessary expansion of the military in tandem with the expansion of the civilian economy.

According to a lot of the SA-anons here, Brazil in particular but also some other SA countries have a hyperinflated beauty industry, which they claim leads to the transgenderism there.

Yes. Embrace it. Feeling your daddy push his cock into your boipussy is the best ;3

I'm not clear on what you disagree with specifically. I agree with all of your points, I believe. There is an interplay between the destruction of natural sources of identity, validation, group interaction and the invention of consumer-goods substitutes that profit from that destruction. Everything in my OP is just matching that pattern to the transgender epidemic specifically.

That is not it. It runs deeper than fetishism, it's a result of a set of subverted psychological mechanisms & frustrated needs.

I reported that post because we are born that way.

It has nothing to do with your fantasy natsoc theory

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Previous thread had a post with an image of a gigachad soldier's transition into a tranny freak. Wish I'd saved it.