Seething jannies deleted my thread a second time:
[1/2] I have a theory about trannies.
Transgenderism is a logical outgrowth of consumerism and the general mental habit of capital-C Consumption that inevitably results as a necessary result of prosperity.
Any person living in a consumerist society is psychologically habituated to gorge themselves on whatever they can find that brings them some marginal sensation of pleasure, regardless of the cost. This is because it is easy to do - resources on which to gorge are abundant and in order for the society to be prosperous to begin with, social checks on excess must be ignored, and natural checks on excess that originate as habits of resource conservation and allocation never form.
The "resources" a person is able to gorge themselves on can take many forms. Food, time, attention, sex, etc.
Each one of these resources has a few characteristic effects of engorgement and methods surrounding - food usually results in obesity and the method is "fast" food. Time is consumed by videogames, television, film and internet media and results in a stunted intellect.
Attention is also connected to the internet, mostly, and manifests itself in social media and the proliferation of mental illness diagnoses & related activism.
The central point is that you can not engorge yourself without damaging yourself.
It is probably not a coincidence that transgenderism rapidly ballooned in social prominence AFTER the most Western countries had problems with excessive media consumption ( TV junkies ) and obesity epidemics. These are two forms of consumption that are both more easily accessible and the damage of which is less obvious, and is easier to rationalize even when it is fairly obvious.
[2/2] -- tl;dr transgenderism is a form of sexual self-consumption that serves as an autonomous, self-referential, capital-C consumptive substitute for the creative and interactive lowercase-c consumption of a woman's loyalty and affection.