America created covid. Fuck up whole world.
America created covid. Fuck up whole world
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Are the chinks claiming it came from America unintentionally or intentionally?
fuck of American fucking faggot.
I love pumping Newfoundland women full of my chink chink cum.
we create vacine before U.S cumskins:
Intentionally because muh wang chong lab release is mainstream now
Stop larping faggot nobody is buying it
>Amerislime screaming
Fag calls everywing a larp cause he is a cuck. I will larp on your white women and rape them fucking faggot
Your grandchildren will being eating dogs and playing hockey
Most white women can defeat you in a fight and even if you think you fucked one it was just here thigh or butt cheeks because your micropenis can't reach the pussy.
White women finger my ass and piss on me fucking white faggot
That I believe.
After they ride my china cock. Your leadership is shit Candada. Leader is weak, Asains take all jobs.
I will leave you with no teeth fucking faggot. never fucking reply to me again.
lol this such a poor quality slide thread. If you are in fact a chink, I hope they are paying you for this. Sad shit nigga, and sage
lol fucking owned him
True cuck behavior is LARPing as a chink online
dumb fucking leaf does not know reply
how does it feel your women getting fuck by sandniggers?
>Typical low I.Q mutt
brother you and I are one and the same mutt. embrace your own retardation, faggot.
clean up the world FBI. fuck off. your lab release covid
Dont mind it, chink bitches are way tighter anyways. Love it when their cuck small dicked chink brothers get mad about it too lololol
your women will soon be eating bats after white women convert to china penis
U.S have biggest case cancer, diabetas, fat niggers
What did you do today, honey? Oh I pretended to be a CCP shill on Yas Forums.
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hahah finally some good OC, added to the chink folder
I'm chinese in americas fucking nigger
china have best meme. thanks
> t. white nigga pretending to be chink nigga
ngl I do love gook pussy tho. Asian bitches cant stand smol asian nigga dick anyways
you actually have small dick. I'm in U.S on a work visa
show yellow hands, smol yellow nigga dick, and timestamp --> or larp
Also, would you fuck pic related?
Why who is this lovely 4/10?
Kek my sides, what a very mature beauty
I don't know, the two big theories are the Wuhan biolab or Fort De... something.