Pedo symbol found hidden in Gavin newsoms Twitter picture
What did they mean by this
Pedo symbol found hidden in Gavin newsoms Twitter picture
What did they mean by this
i think thats a pretzel
Much like Michael Bloomberg's Valentine's Day ad, this is highly suggestive that the pedophile elite believe they have the next election in the bag.
There is no other way to interpret this.
Based schizo
what did he mean by this?
>There is no other way to interpret this.
i want schizoids to fuck off back to /x/
The top one is a boy.
Why did a janny remove last thread when it's about a politician? In Yas Forums.
I want you to provide a strong case-in-rebuttal, but you are clearly unable to.
Here glownigggersssssss
Good boy glownigger GOOD. BOY.
Can you circle it or something lol, I don't know what I'm supposed to be seeing
based kidfucker
Not an argument glowie
I wonder how fulfilling it is to be a wagie glownigger on Yas Forums detail and seeing the same people you are “fighting” to protect being nothing but absolute vermin.
OMG rare flag.
Good question.
bumping this bread
You have mental health issues.
There's my rebuttal.
Which VPN or proxy are you using?
No, no I don't think so.
It means you're a pedophile, looking for child rape themed "symbols" everywhere you look.
Based Greenlander.
With all these celebrities and politicians flashing pro-pedophilia symbols at the same time, I'm surprised Republicans aren't counter-signalling with symbols representing Munchhausen Syndrome and pedophobia.
What a funny little coincidence, goyim. Right?
Sure bud
Thanks for bumping
Is the entire hand photoshopped in?
dude every jew is a pedophile, get that through your pea sized brain.
Because jannies have been complicit in a massive undertaking to get all the good threads deleted and allow/promote shit bait threads
They want the front page of pol to be no different that the front page of /r/politics
Set your symbol filters to 'Jesuit'
I can't imagine anyone fighting Pizzagate at this point in good faith.