Now this is epic

Attached: 50556B1D-D4FE-4140-9DBB-8264D1B312F7.jpg (1242x1515, 300.35K)

His wife is a doctor.

there's nothing more based than removing the pig skin from your son's cock so he won't waste his life cooming

Attached: EB90761C-2FDB-462F-B649-F349F8AC33DF.png (910x1222, 676.66K)

That's not a briss
This is a briss

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Sorry couldn't find a image of a real genital mutilation. Here is one of a female jewess defending male genital mutilation

>A ban on female circumcision would be Islamaphobic. How could it not be?

Human rights dont care about your feelings.

>foreskin worshipers

Attached: dick worshipers.png (940x300, 41.29K)

His wife's bull is going to med school

Disgusting Jew rat.

Rate my rarest Ben.

Attached: Ben Tapiro.jpg (800x533, 145.36K)

Imagine living in a country where this is normal. Whenever an American movie had a teen pre masturbation getting a bottle of lube an tissues, we had no idea it was because you were flayed as infants and cant self lubricate. I'm sorry for what the Jews have done to you. Good luck.

>Tanya Gold

>self lubricate.
that sounds slimey bro, wash that shit

>see pic
>jew outjewing another jew


At least my parents regret it.

> I don't forgive them

holy shit this,

i was blown away when i realized americans had this weird elaborate ritual of needing some lotion and shit

you don't need the lotion, it just adds to the experience. personally only tried it once. too messy. soap in the shower is better.

>there's nothing more based than removing the pig skin from your son's cock so he won't waste his life cooming

I got a full kosher certified circumcision and I can tell you I coom everyday.

Never used anything other than a sock. You poor dear, on the bright side you cant miss what you've never had I guess.

He's not a real jew, in Israel they're obsessed with purity and genes. A daughter/sister dating a nigger is not acceptable at all.

Lel that filename

The only acceptable interracial.

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>Gossip is feminine shameshit, who cares?
What happened to ACTION, bros?

i don't give a fuck if the likes mutilate their kids
but i burn with rage every day that they tricked my retarded parents into doing it to me

I hate this subversive kike's stupid forced smirk.

Im cut and never use lube lmao
On days when nothings happening (like the past month) I'll take my vyvanse and jerk off for 12 hours with no lube and my dick is fine.

That's how we know that we have you under out control. If we can convince your parents to pay us to take sheers to your schmekel at birth, what can't we convince them of?

>when you discover porn for the first time and freak out that your dick looks entirely different

Literally the only thing you needed to do for this to become socially unacceptable is to get Trump to explicitly endorse this.
I tried to get you guys to make it happen, but you didn't listen. Now we're stuck with circumcision for good.

>comparing your dick to pig meat

women really broke you huh?

Depends on their political affiliations. Right leaning jews might oppose it, especially Haredim who are sub 80 IQ, but the left leaning Jews don't care.

Let's say you've been a bad girl. Let's say, hypothetically, you've been a naughty girl even. Ok, and if you were a naughty girl, you would be my dirty little slut right? Then hypothetically speaking, you would be my little cumslut. Now, let's say you're also daddy's girl.

Now that we have established that you are both a bad girl and daddy's girl, I believe you'd agree with me when I say that you deserve a spanking. Am I not correct? A bad girl deserves a spanking, and as I am daddy, you are my girl, so I am the one who must provide punishment

Same, I never understood it as anything other than a trope/subtle way of implying wanking until I realized most of them had been snipped

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Look at the schnoz on that one

And I'm a lefty, btw. I just wanted a circumstance where our society had a genuine discussion about the practice, and about how unethical it is to make permanent bodily changed without informed consent.
Trump endorsing circumcision back in 2018 would be certain to make that happen. You'd get opinion pieces on it right away.
But now, that window of opportunity is gone, and the way things are now, you can't bring up the subject without coming across as a weirdo.
Fucking great.

Hey faggot, I'm American and uncut. What do you have to say to that?

notice he said he America, user. not israel


Till you get soap up your piss hole

>Ben Tapiro.jpg

Attached: 745.png (327x316, 210.62K)

How’s he gonna suck the babies dick from that far away?

99.9% of people are too retarded to care. they're interested in baby/child molestation/torture when you make it full of spookiness and intrigue like pizzagate or a cult, but you can literally take their baby and cut his dick up and those same people think that's totally normal. hell, they'll even pay for it.

I'm fucking lucky. My parents circumcised my older brother, but between his birth and mine they changed their mind on it. So I have my entire dick.

It blows my mind that the my body my choice crowd look the other way.

Does he also have a 6 foot straw