Well Yas Forums?

well Yas Forums?

Attached: 1587651347744.jpg (480x480, 171.65K)

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2/10, best I can do

Supporting families vs preventing them

They are mocking you and your selfish logic.

Since when do conservatives support families lmao

>the left
>understanding Irony

pick one

Completely pro abortion. The more the better.

African fertility is the central issue of the next 100 years. Europe is gone if they dont control it.

President Trump of course has been pro abortion his entire life.

Planned Parenthood was originally endowed by Prescott Bush.

Trump is not a conservative. He is a Republican.

>I should be allowed to work to support my family if I choose to take the small risk that I might be exposed to a virus with only a 2% death rate
is now equal to
>I should be allowed to kill another human life because I want to slut it up

>that's the joke

A child who is aborted can't grow up to wage slave for Mr. Goldstein and boost their previous GDP :^)

They're mocking the baby killers.

Murdering children is every hairy, yeast infected, beef flapped cunts right.

This seems like a self-own by the left.

Trump isnt even Republican

Or in Chicago, crime around for 15-30 before being imprisoned.

The trend will be towards stable sustainable societies in the rich nations after this. De urbanization. Suburban lifestyles will see renewed appreciation. Abundant cheap fuel, fresh air, safety.

Except unlike with abortion, it really is their own body they're talking about.

BTW why aren't we using the occupy democrats logo for memes? Seems like it could be subtle way to redpill some left-wing dipshits.

>and just like that, liberals became pro-government

By killing adults and spreading a virus? Thats some 4D chess right there

Hes more nationalist than republican yes, but thats a wing of a large dual party system. Look at his judicial appointments.

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-23 10-31-52.png (474x326, 186.38K)

So by pointing this out are you saying that the left now hates pro choice? Otherwise your entire argument is without merit or purpose.

Abortion isn’t really your body that is being aborted; so it isn’t really your body, your choice.

What the fuck does killing babies have to do with going outside?

>By killing adults
Show me the bodies you panic junkie motherfucker.

>My body, my choice whether to work
>My baby, my choice whether to murder it

Attached: biden.webm (320x212, 127.17K)

looks like trump doesn't have the foot soldiers he thought he had. only a tiny % of the population came out to subvert the governors stay at home orders and some of them appear to be from out of state

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-06-13 23-02-28Bob Altemeyer.png (1266x181, 35.54K)


No, by highlighting their hypocrisy by using their talking points for the rights that they don't believe in.

So you're condemning the LGBT+ for spreading HIV and other sexual diseases? Let's be real, you're here to hate white people.

By definition you fucking spic.
Are Americans all retarded and useless.

Also it's not authoritarian to want to disobey government orders and work, it's libertarian.

National conservatism is a political term used primarily in Europe to describe a variant of conservatism which concentrates more on national interests than standard conservatism as well as upholding cultural and ethnic identity,[17] while not being outspokenly nationalist or supporting a far-right approach.[18][19] In Europe, national conservatives are usually eurosceptics.[20][21]

National conservatism is heavily oriented towards the traditional family and social stability as well as in favour of limiting immigration. As such, national conservatives can be distinguished from economic conservatives, for whom free market economic policies, deregulation and fiscal conservatism are the main priorities. Some commentators have identified a growing gap between national and economic conservatism: "[M]ost parties of the Right [today] are run by economic conservatives who, in varying degrees, have marginalized social, cultural, and national conservatives".[22] National conservatism is also related to traditionalist conservatism.
Fucking brain dead nigger spic.

libertarianism is idiotic

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-20 21-34-46.png (533x383, 210.23K)

Are you admitting that you can't into irony?
These signs are designed as a joke to prove your hypocrisy, you retarded commie lemming.
Or do you idiots truly have no memory, or self reflection? Pure NPC?

Either way, keep it up. You're destroying yourselves with this willful idiocy.
Just keep playing dumb. If you are, indeed, 'playing'?

1) The signs are intentionally poking fun at "my body, my choice" liberal rhetoric to call them out for hypocrisy.

2) Abortion destroys a distinct human within the mother, one that has no choice in the decision. It is not the mother's body being killed, therefore she should not have the choice to do so.

and just like that, democrats are still retarded
its a play on the muh abortion trope
kys op, you commie shill faggot

spelling a state wrong proves your from there id say, american are typically dumb apes

You fucking retard Leaf. It's a false equivalence fallacy. The signs if anything point out the hypocrisy of the left. It's pro-choice, except when it's not. It's pro-Let me do what I want when my body, except for not agreeing to be fed a vaccine. And don't even start with that anti-vax ad hom bullshit.

they're mocking you retard

>we the peaple
fucking kek

>Since when do conservatives support families lmao
Libertarian here, GKYS

Attached: Hardware M.A.R.K. 13.jpg (724x392, 161.05K)

You're not going to fare well in this one, dipshit.

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-23 11-21-10.png (477x394, 172.93K)

This abortion for non whites only.

>Since when do conservatives support families lmao

Are you retarded? Conservatives have huge stable families, while Liberals can barely even have one child.

Attached: sLHu.png (1000x800, 44.6K)

>waaahh I dont want to go back to work
>I want this lockdown to last forever

>Like a dozen niggers.


Attached: happier.jpg (804x480, 70.41K)

Lolbertarians, you guys are the source of so much amusement.

>2% death rate
It's not even that high. Once we get more and more tests done that figure is going to plummet worse than the stock market did a few weeks ago.