Obviously you have no business being on Yas Forums if you haven't read this...

obviously you have no business being on Yas Forums if you haven't read this, but what are some other books that are in the same category?

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>reading fiction written by a jew and promoted by zog

>in b4 some pleb posts Mein Kampf.

Read all 3 volumes.
Its a good read.
Cope commie kike.

Shreddology by Aziz Shavershian

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His book 200 Years Together about Jewish control of the revolution and early Soviet Union was never translated and published in English.

The Anglosphere is the Judeosphere.

The sure word of prophecy by peter s ruckman

Those collections of Garfield comic strips from the early 90s are very similar and pretty good

Actually just joking, he is correct about modern Russian history, Pat Buchanan has referenced his work before


I have a pdf copy in English, must be unofficial or something. Still haven’t gotten around to reading it.

>implying hitler was zog

>literally the complete opposite of both of those things

Nice try tho

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Someone did a translation though right

He spoke Yiddish and got a light sentence.

Yeah, we know about the Haavara Agreement

Obviously you're some fucking idiot who watches Juden Peterstein. Gulag Archipelago is holohoax tier retarded propaganda.

Commie leaf detected

>taking pictures off a jew-owned website
you aren't even trying here, you pathetically lazy shill.

The guy who revealed the Haavara agreement said it went a lot deeper but zionist pressure and censorship prevents him from revealing more. Also the nazi-zionist connection is a lot more far-reaching than just that one agreement. Did you know Goebbels first wife and true love was jewish?

>forgetting nazi was a jew term
nice try shill. Britain's mongrel army ready to die for israel like the good little goys they are

Where can you buy and or get the 2nd and 3rd books?

to soon


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>called stalin a jew during ww2
>sent off to work as a brick layer
>during it got time to write, got surgery to remove a tumor
>then goes off to the US to live on CIA dime saying it was like another shoa

US loves anti semites as long as they can be used against russia. Like all those re conscripted nazis.

How'd you find it m8?

>t.Commie pig

that was an unofficial translation though, cobbled together from a partial unofficial translation and the efforts of a group on the darkweb IIRC that run a popular library site on there. It's not perfect but it's all we got in English for that book last I checked.

Agreed Solzhenitsyn is a badass.
I'd nominate
"Hivemind: How Your Country's IQ Matters So Much More Than Your Own."
By Garett Jones

Russian literature in the late 19th and early 20th century is the peak of human literature desu

i been listening to this on audio. it is way overrated. he just complains about everything like a fag. oh no, they arrested me at night and couldnt get my clothes. oh the ride was a long time and people stole stuff. oh noooo, i had to be "interrogated." oh no was an officer and now im just a fag.

the only good thing about the book was he pointed out that (((Frenkel))) ran the gulag. he even mentioned that he was a jew.

maybe i''l read his 200 years together book, but he'll probably fag that up too