What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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Incoming call for the Vicar of Christ on Earth....
Built for BBC
That's one based statement. usury is a sin
I will pray those niggers get a quick death so we can advance again in our society
The juden
He says usurer but means landlords.
Never thought I'd see the day, this must be fake, or did we cross timelines again
Usurer = jew. Based toe sucking papist.
It's real
Based Francis naming the eternal (((usurers))).
Not for Pope Cuck. Usurer means white people for him.
Hahah ok Chaim.
Jews are white.
A new stimulus bill has been proposed and it's called "The emergency money for the people act."
If passed, the bill will pay americans $2,000 a month for up to 6 months.
Here is a petition. Sign it!
Don’t get me wrong, kikes can get fucked too. But I’m not gonna give credit to this pathetic simp Jewish puppet.
Can't wait for Democrats to block it in Congress like the previous 5 times
What else is in it
He's saying 'forgive' the debt African nations owe, and offload it onto whites, so that they can borrow billions in food to reproduce with
The democrats are the ones who created the bill.
"The Emergency Money for the People" bill would be just like the other bill that was passed. The difference being that we would get $2,000 a month for 6 months instead of just one $1,200 check.
He means that the Catholic Church won't be giving them any money and that they should blame capitalism for the crisis induced by panic-stricken governments reacting to an illness that escaped from a lab in Communist China.
>If passed, the bill will pay americans $2,000 a month for up to 6 months.
And then you'll pay it back 10 fold through taxes. No thanks.
Absolutely Based
The supply chain is collapsing. It doesn’t matter how much money we pass around when there’s nothing to buy
He just declared a holy war on the jews. The vicar if christ has redeemed himself with one tweet.
Gaslight him call him antisemetic
The christcuck is strong in this one. Didn't Jesus literally overturn tables and whip the money changers? He didn't just simply pray for them that they'll choose to be good people on their own like your vicar is doing. He's letting the jews continue to gouge his people while continuing to worship the jewish god, and hoping his prayers will magically make them stop.
He's a kike lover, he's not denouncing Jews.
t. Catholic who hates his guts and may convert to Orthodoxy.
Usury is responsible for a great deal of the worlds pains. The fact that he called for UBI on Easter on now is calling out predatory loans is a sign that he might be willing to flip some tables like an actual Christian.
>"Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it."
>"thou mayest lend upon usury"
>"Thou mayest"
You c*tholics never learn.
Absolutely based
>Jews are white.
He is talking about boomers and other people who bought sovereign debt. He wants countries not to pay their debt, which essentially is theft, just as asking money and not giving it back is.
The United States, which has more of a limited social safety net than other developed countries, is giving $1,200 emergency stimulus checks to Americans this week. Former presidential candidate Andrew Yang, who ran on a platform of universal basic income, says he advised the White House on devising the plan.
—Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) April 12, 2020
Jews are not white, Jews are Jews. They are not white and if you really look at any of them you’ll see that in the face. Demonic maybe. White? Hell no.
Yeah, keep using images, "real Christian".
Whoa cool it with the antisemitism.
How much of an incel do you have to be to censor yourself?
This. That’s why Israel is based as fuck. Because they are white nationalists that btfo the sand niggers. Jews rock!
But they are your brother in Christ user.