What the FUCK is his problem?

What the FUCK is his problem?

Attached: gates wtf.jpg (660x371, 45.46K)

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He's a nerd raised in California with an overinflated ego and perceives his worldview to be superior to all others.

The eternal Californian strikes again.

That's all Californians

Jeff Bezos being richer than him.

Wat ik met hem wil begrijp jij niet

His computer keeps crashing.

They're detecting an exosome, a natural biological process that the body employs to help remove toxins from damaged tissues. These are created endogenously by the cells in the body, and are not contagious. Testing positive for these genes only means that your body has released exosomes in response to trauma, which is how they validated the tests by x raying for symptoms. In reality these exosomes are a symptom of disease themselves, and not the cause of it. They are taking people's immune response to toxicity and claiming it is a common viral infection, when all the evidence points to the contrary. Covid-19 and exosomes have absolutely no differences. There is no reason to believe this "virus" is anything but an exosome, because there is no evidence to differentiate the two. They have no proof what they're detecting is the cause of disease, or even related to a virus. Check out this video by Dr Andrew Kaufman, explains everything in detail:


The medical industry (people like the despicable Dr Andrew Fauci) is completely ignoring all of this evidence, so they can keep up this charade for as long as they can make a buck. I am sure these doctors are aware of exosome theory by now, but are not giving it any consideration, because it contradicts their infallible hypothesis that a deadly asymptomatic virus is infecting millions of people

Satan, did you have a stroke?


He is not a fucking medical doctor. Why does people listen to him?

No one is listening to him. Gates and others think people listen but it's really just a circle jerk of elites.

What does this all mean then?

They dont hes getting blown out of the water on social media constantly. The main stream media is the one putting the image of him as an authority up.

He got PIE'D once...

He's not ded

God complex

Fucking Zoomennials and their billionaire personality cults.
Elon Musk, Zuckerberg, even Le Drumpf to a degree.
They were in the tabloids as minor celebrity gossip fodder, don't take them seriously when they're not talking about their core business. Even then be suspicious.

Yeah we need to listen to Dr trump and take useless medications with half a page of side effect yeeehaaaa MAGA

America, fuck yeah

He's getting older, and realizes that all his so called accomplishments were basically just stolen from other people, and that he really hasn't done anything to have positive impact on the world.


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Why not go to his desert home and ask him?

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tiny cock.?

Affluenza. He used to drive without a license because he sees himself as above the law. He stays outside elected politics while paying millions to influence politicians, above the law. He's a psycho with a God complex.

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ok boomer

>drive without a license
>boo hoo it's evil when the rich think like a Yas Forums tard
He also hates niggers.

He just wants to penetrate you with his big strong vaccine.

Oh god, not the betterment of humanity, that nazi!

He's gay and his wife rides Trayvon's cock.

>be Yas Forums
>elect an orange liberal pro lgbt pro abortion con man
>what's that guy's problem

its just silicone valley types smelling thier farts thinking they are swaying people

Maybe this one?

Attached: Bill_Hitler_Krennic.jpg (2400x1600, 1.98M)

>fuck credentialism
>you need a medical degree to listen to the doctors you hire
>so.y wars

No one was talking about Trump, Muhammad.