Weekly reminder that atheists are practically chimpanzees.
Weekly reminder that atheists are practically chimpanzees
gay thread
no faith = common sense
Atheism is the reason it's legal to suck a terrier off in C*nada.
>t. atheist
The universe is chaos
That doesn't mean there isn't a conscious force that is invoked within the living to bring order to it. That doesn't mean there isn't a total underlying force behind that chaos, either.
the physicists now think that beyond this universe there is another universe almost exactly like this, and then another one slightly different and then another one and then another one and then an infinite amount of universes. the fuck do you think habbened
I can believe in divine being but not an all powerful being
Lewis and Chesterton were based as fuck and would annihilate any atheist here in a debate. Lewis tried damn hard to be an atheist too.
CS Lewis was a true genius, God bless him
CS Lewis was legitimately retarded. All his nonfiction books are unreadable. As for this argument: just because something is made of ATOMS doesn't mean it's not REAL. Consciousness can be a product of atoms, and still be 'real' in the same way that photosynthesis can be a product of atoms and still be real. Just because you have special sensations going on in your mind does not mean you are a supernatural being, you absolute chimpanzee of a reasoner, CS Lewis.
Romans 11:33
Based as fuck but also rabid paedophiles. Good at writing. Not so good at being decent human beings.
>He believes something can come from nothing
>He insults those who believe in the existence of the eternal
Chimpanzees have huge nuts and will rip off your face and eat it if you fuck with them.
Gish galloping nonsense. I’m not even an atheist but people like C. S. Lewis just try to spin ridiculous stories and situations into proof of a higher power like it’s the most simple conclusion possible. The universe doesn’t make any fucking sense and to attribute a human sense of logic to it is pretty fucking stupid.
>certain way
And what is it with pseudo-intellectuals of this era using this phrase ever 5 second when trying to explain something?
>fantasizing about the balls of monkeys
checks out...
Uh. Sauce on lewis and chesterton being pedophiles?
Conciousness is certainly not tangible, material, or even falsifiable. It only exists because we say it does. Saying it is real means nothing, and claiming that it arises when you arrange molecules or electrical activity is absurd.
>everyone who knows jews are bad is a pedo
OK jewmer
Atheism doesn't make you smart, you're still a retard.
>the universe doesn't make any sense
Why do people say this? Or say that the universe is chaotic? The universe is clearly bound by immaterial laws which precede its actual existence. Chaos is certainly a possiblity, and entropy is also a given, but even entropy itself is a form of a law.
Atheism just turns people into depressed black pilled losers. I've never met one that wasn't an insufferable cunt.
The universe is order. Your consciousness is chaos.
stay mad brainlet
The universe is Chaos you bring the order
It's funny how atheists who believe there is no intelligence behind the design of the universe also have to admit that it is governed by certain laws.
Honest question for religious people, how do you advance from a deistic/intelligent design argument like the OP to a certain very specific human religion? Because 99% of what I find unbelievable about Christianity isn't the claim that there's a God behind the universe etc. It's the claims that this God presented himself and interacted with humans as described in ancient Jewish desert legends
It's funnier when you consider that any theory like the big bang requires an eternal set of laws in order to facilitate the creation of matter. For example, laws of physics and time itself must have been in place before any sort of big bang, but where do those come from?
But we know with a fairly high degree of certainty that Jesus in fact existed user.
Finding a faith is up to you. Read some sacred texts and see who speaks to you. God bless you on your search for truth.
The universe can't be chaos because it changes sequentially and deterministically, your imagination is limitless and unpredictable filtered only by your biological machinery.
That's because the human brain evolved to understand reality in a reliable enough way for us to survive, it didn't pop up by chance.
Go sodomize a monkey you degenerate. They are our relatives afterall.
>millions and
>billions of years
When did anyone prove a God exists?
>you can do this thing because of this one claim that only refers to a God existing
I mean he sent his son and his prophecies shows he was a real prophet. What more do you want? In the future we'll be able to talk to God like Adam did
nowhere yet, best argument in the thread is:
1. Humans can accurately describe and observe natural phenomenon that act in predictable ways. ("natural/eternal laws" chaos/order etc etc)
2. ???
3. The universe therefore must be designed by God.
>Based as fuck but also rabid paedophiles.
Are you confusing C.S. Lewis with Lewis Carroll?
Does it?